cgascoig / terraform-intersight-pools-ip

Terraform - Intersight > Pools > IP Module

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Terraform Intersight Pools - IP

Manages Intersight IP Pools

Location in GUI: Pools » Create Pool » IP


module "ip_pool" {
  source  = "terraform-cisco-modules/pools-ip/intersight"
  version = ">= 1.0.2"

  assignment_order = "sequential"
  description      = "default IP Pool"
  ipv4_blocks = [
      from = ""
      size = 240
  ipv4_config = [
      gateway       = ""
      netmask       = ""
      primary_dns   = ""
      secondary_dns = ""
  ipv6_blocks = [
      from = "2001:db8::10"
      size = 1000
  ipv6_config = [
      gateway       = "2001:db8::1"
      prefix        = 64
      primary_dns   = "2620:119:53::53"
      secondary_dns = "2620:119:35::35"
  name         = "default"
  organization = "default"

terraform {
  required_providers {
    intersight = {
      source  = "CiscoDevNet/intersight"
      version = ">=1.0.32"
  required_version = ">=1.3.0"

provider "intersight" {
  apikey    = var.apikey
  endpoint  = var.endpoint
  secretkey = var.secretkey

variable "apikey" {
  description = "Intersight API Key."
  sensitive   = true
  type        = string

variable "endpoint" {
  default     = ""
  description = "Intersight URL."
  type        = string

variable "secretkey" {
  description = "Intersight Secret Key."
  sensitive   = true
  type        = string

Environment Variables

Terraform Cloud/Enterprise - Workspace Variables

  • Add variable apikey with value of [your-api-key]
  • Add variable secretkey with value of [your-secret-file-content]


export TF_VAR_apikey="<your-api-key>"
export TF_VAR_secretkey=`cat <secret-key-file-location>`




Name Version
terraform >=1.3.0
intersight >=1.0.32


Name Version
intersight 1.0.32


Name Description Type Default Required
apikey Intersight API Key. string n/a yes
endpoint Intersight URL. string "" no
secretkey Intersight Secret Key. string n/a yes
assignment_order Assignment order decides the order in which the next identifier is allocated.
* sequential - Identifiers are assigned in a sequential order.
* default - Assignment order is decided by the system.
string "default" no
description Description for the IP Pool. string "" no
ipv4_blocks List of IPv4 Address Parameters to Assign to the IP Pool.
* from - Starting IPv4 Address. Example "".
* size - Size of the IPv4 Address Pool. Example "240".
* to - Ending IPv4 Address. Example ""
* IMPORTANT NOTE: You can only Specify size or to on initial creation. This is a limitation of the API.
from = string
size = optional(number, null)
to = optional(string, null)
[] no
ipv4_config List of IPv4 Addresses to Assign to the IP Pool.
* gateway - Gateway of the Subnet. Example "".
* netmask - Netmask of the Subnet in X.X.X.X format. Example "".
* primary_dns = Primary DNS Server to Assign to the Pool. Example "".
* secondary_dns = Secondary DNS Server to Assign to the Pool. Example "".
gateway = string
netmask = string
primary_dns = optional(string, "")
secondary_dns = optional(string, "")
[] no
ipv6_blocks List of IPv6 Addresses to Assign to the IP Pool.
* from - Starting IPv6 Address. Example "2001:db8::10".
* size - Size of the IPv6 Address Pool. Example "1000".
* to - Ending IPv6 Address. Example "2001:db8::3f2".
* IMPORTANT NOTE: You can only Specify size or to on initial creation. This is a limitation of the API.
from = string
size = optional(number, null)
to = optional(string, null)
[] no
ipv6_config List of IPv6 Configuration Parameters to Assign to the IP Pool.
* gateway - Gateway of the Subnet. Example "2001:db8::1".
* prefix - Prefix of the Subnet in Integer format. Example "64".
* primary_dns = Primary DNS Server to Assign to the Pool. Example "2620:119:35::35".
* secondary_dns = Secondary DNS Server to Assign to the Pool. Example "2620:119:53::53".
gateway = string
prefix = number
primary_dns = optional(string, "2620:119:53::53")
secondary_dns = optional(string, "::")
[] no
name Name for the IP Pool. string "default" no
organization Intersight Organization Name to Apply Policy to. string "default" no
tags List of Tag Attributes to Assign to the Policy. list(map(string)) [] no


Name Description
moid IP Pool Managed Object ID (moid).


Name Type
intersight_ippool_pool.ip resource
intersight_organization_organization.org_moid data source


Terraform - Intersight > Pools > IP Module

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:HCL 67.4%Language:Go 32.6%