cfsmp3 / regolith-i3status-rust-deb-packager

A simple docker-based script to create a source debian package

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A simple Debian packager for i3status-rust




  • Half-baked. It depends on some files that were created externally (but they work).

  • Because there's some patches there that the Debian package system depends on it only works on a specific release. I think this can be solved.

  • Output files will be in packaging/ . Remember to sign them.

  • Target is Ubuntu 20.04.

  • Regolith is in the name to avoid collisions (in case an official package comes out), but since all work has been merged upstream it's the mainstream i3status-rust.


A simple docker-based script to create a source debian package


Language:Elixir 71.7%Language:Shell 14.5%Language:Makefile 6.3%Language:Roff 5.5%Language:Dockerfile 2.1%