cfraizer / om.el

A functional library for org-mode

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A functional API for org-mode inspired by @magnars's dash.el and s.el libraries.


This package is not yet in MELPA. To install, clone this repository somewhere into your load path:

git clone

Then require in your emacs config:

(require 'om)


Org-mode comes with a powerful, built-in parse-tree generator specified in org-element.el. The generated parse-tree is simply a heavily-nested list which can be easily manipulated using (mostly pure) functional code. This contrasts the majority of functions normally used to interface with org-mode files, which are imperative in nature (org-insert-headine, outline-next-heading, etc) as they depend on the mutable state of Emacs buffers. In general, functional code is (arguably) more robust, readable, and testable, especially in use-cases such as this where a stateless abstract data structure is being transformed and queried.

The org-element.el provides a minimal API for handling this parse-tree in a functional manner, but lacks many of the higher-level functions necessary for intuitive, large-scale use. The om.el package is designed to provide this API. Furthermore, it is highly compatible with the dash.el package, which is a generalized functional library for emacs-lisp.

Org-Element Overview

Parsing a buffer with the function org-element-parse-buffer will yield a parse tree composed of nodes. Nodes have types and properties associated with them. See the org-element API documentation for a list of all node types and their properties (also see the terminology conventions and property omissions used in this package).

Each node is represented by a list where the first member is the type and the second member is a plist describing the node's properties:

(type (:prop1 value1 :prop2 value2 ...))

Node types may be either leaves or branches, where branches may have zero or more child nodes and leaves may not have child nodes at all. Leaves will always have lists of the form shown above. Branches, on the other hand, have their children appended to the end:

(type (:prop1 value1 :prop2 value2) child1 child2 ...)

In addition to leaves and branches, node types can belong to one of two classes:

  • Objects: roughly correspond to raw, possibly-formatted text
  • Elements: more complex structures which may be built from objects

Within the branch node types, there are restrictions of which class is allowed to be a child depending on the type. There are three of these restrictions:

  • Branch element with child elements (aka 'greater elements'): these are element types that are generally nestable inside one another (eg headlines, plain-lists, items)
  • Branch elements with child objects (aka 'object containers'): these are element types that hold textual information (eg paragraph)
  • Branch objects with child objects (aka 'recursive objects'): these are object types used primarily for text formating (bold, italic, underline, etc)

Note: it is never allowed for an element type to be a child of a branch object type.



This package takes several deviations from the original terminology found in org-element.el. Generally, the names used here conform to terminology more often used with tree data structures:

  • 'node' is used here to describe a vertex in the parse tree, where 'element' and 'object' are two classes used to describe said vertex (org-element.el seems to use 'element' to generally mean 'node' and uses 'object' to further specify)
  • 'child' and 'children' are used here instead of 'content' and 'contents'
  • 'branch' is used here instead of 'container'. Furthermore, 'leaf' is used to describe the converse of 'branch' (there does not seem to be an equivalent term in org-element.el)
  • org-element.el uses 'attribute(s)' and 'property(ies)' interchangably to describe nodes; here only 'property(ies)' is used


The properties :begin, :end, :contents-begin, :contents-end, and post-affiliated are not exposed by this API. They are not necessary for manipulating the functional representation of the parse tree. In addition to these, some properties unique to certain types are not exposed for the same reason. Each type's build function describes the properties that are available.


Each function that operates on an element/object will take the element/object as its right-most argument. This allows convenient function chaining using dash.el's right-threading operators (->> and -some->>). The examples below almost exclusively demonstrate this pattern. Additionally, the right-argument convention also allows convenient partial application using -partial from dash.el.

Higher-order functions

Higher-order functions (functions that take other functions as arguments) have two forms. The first takes a (usually unary) function and applies it:

(om-map-property :value (lambda (s) (concat "foo" s)) node)
(om-map-property :value (-partial concat "foo") node)

This can equivalently be written using an anaphoric form where the original function name is appended with *. The symbol it carries the value of the unary argument (unless otherwise specified):

(om-map-property* :value (concat "foo" it) node)

Side effect functions

All functions that read and write from buffers are named like om-OPERATION-THING-at where OPERATION is some operation to be performed on THING in the current buffer. All these functions take point as one of their arguments to denote where in the buffer to perform OPERATION.

All of these functions have current-point convenience analogues that are named as om-OPERATION-this-THING where OPERATION and THING carry the same meaning, but OPERATION is done at the current point and point is not an argument to the function.

For the sake of brevity, only the former form of these functions are given in the examples below.

Function Summary

String Conversion

Convert nodes to strings.

Buffer Parsing

Parse buffers to trees.


Build new nodes.

Leaf Object Nodes

Branch Object Nodes

Leaf Element Nodes

Branch Element Nodes with Child Object Nodes

Branch Element Nodes with Child Element Nodes

Miscellaneous Builders

Shorthand Builders

Build nodes with more convenient/shorter syntax.

Type Predicates

Test node types.

Property Manipulation

Set, get, and map properties of nodes.







Statistics Cookie

Timestamp (Auxiliary)

Functions to work with timestamp data

Timestamp (Standard)

Timestamp (diary)

Branch/Child Manipulation

Set, get, and map the children of branch nodes.


Object Nodes

Secondary Strings


Plain List


Node Matching

Use pattern-matching to selectively perform operations on nodes in trees.

Buffer Side Effects

Map node manipulations into buffers.




Function Examples

String Conversion

Convert nodes to strings.

om-to-string (node)

Return node as an interpreted string without text properties.

(om-to-string '(bold (:begin 1 :end 5 :parent nil :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated nil)
 ;; => "*text*"

(om-to-string '(bold (:begin 1 :end 5 :parent nil :post-blank 3 :post-affiliated nil)
 ;; => "*text*   "

(om-to-string nil)
 ;; => ""

om-to-trimmed-string (node)

Like om-to-string but strip whitespace when returning node.

(om-to-trimmed-string '(bold (:begin 1 :end 5 :parent nil :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated nil)
 ;; => "*text*"

(om-to-trimmed-string '(bold (:begin 1 :end 5 :parent nil :post-blank 3 :post-affiliated nil)
 ;; => "*text*"

(om-to-trimmed-string nil)
 ;; => ""

Buffer Parsing

Parse buffers to trees.

om-parse-object-at (point)

Return object node under point or nil if not on an object.

;; Given the following contents:
; *text*

(->> (om-parse-object-at 1)
 ;; => 'bold

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]

(->> (om-parse-object-at 1)
 ;; => 'timestamp

;; Given the following contents:
; - notme

;; Return nil when parsing an element
 ;; => nil

om-parse-element-at (point)

Return element node under point or nil if not on an element.

This function will return every element available in om-elements with the exception of section, item, and table-row. To specifically parse these, use the functions om-parse-section-at, om-parse-item-at, and om-parse-table-row-at.

;; Given the following contents:
; #+CALL: ktulu()

(->> (om-parse-element-at 1)
 ;; => 'babel-call

;; Given the following contents:
; - plain-list

;; Give the plain-list, not the item for this function
(->> (om-parse-element-at 1)
 ;; => 'plain-list

;; Given the following contents:
; | R | A |
; | G | E |

;; Return a table, not the table-row for this function
(->> (om-parse-element-at 1)
 ;; => 'table

om-parse-table-row-at (point)

Return table-row node under point or nil if not on a table-row.

;; Given the following contents:
; | bow | stroke |

;; Return the row itself
(->> (om-parse-table-row-at 1)
 ;; => 'table-row

;; Also return the row when not at beginning of line
(->> (om-parse-table-row-at 5)
 ;; => 'table-row

;; Given the following contents:
; - bow and arrow choke

;; Return nil if not a table-row
(->> (om-parse-table-row-at 1)
 ;; => nil

om-parse-headline-at (point)

Return headline node under point or nil if not on a headline. point does not need to be on the headline itself. Only the headline and its section will be returned. To include subheadlines, use om-parse-subtree-at.

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline

;; Return the headline itself
(->> (om-parse-headline-at 1)
 ;; => "* headline"

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline
; section crap

;; Return headline and section
(->> (om-parse-headline-at 1)
 ;; => "* headline
 ;      section crap"

;; Return headline when point is in the section
(->> (om-parse-headline-at 12)
 ;; => "* headline
 ;      section crap"

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline
; section crap
; ** not parsed

;; Don't parse any subheadlines
(->> (om-parse-headline-at 1)
 ;; => "* headline
 ;      section crap"

;; Given the following contents:
; nothing nowhere

;; Return nil if not under a headline
(->> (om-parse-headline-at 1)
 ;; => ""

om-parse-subtree-at (point)

Return headline node under point or nil if not on a headline. point does not need to be on the headline itself. Unlike om-parse-headline-at, the returned node will include child headlines.

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline

;; Return the headline itself
(->> (om-parse-subtree-at 1)
 ;; => "* headline"

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline
; section crap

;; Return headline and section
(->> (om-parse-subtree-at 1)
 ;; => "* headline
 ;      section crap"

;; Return headline when point is in the section
(->> (om-parse-subtree-at 12)
 ;; => "* headline
 ;      section crap"

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline
; section crap
; ** parsed

;; Return all the subheadlines
(->> (om-parse-subtree-at 1)
 ;; => "* headline
 ;      section crap
 ;      ** parsed"

;; Given the following contents:
; nothing nowhere

;; Return nil if not under a headline
(->> (om-parse-subtree-at 1)
 ;; => ""

om-parse-item-at (point)

Return item node under point or nil if not on an item. This will return the item node even if point is not at the beginning of the line.

;; Given the following contents:
; - item

;; Return the item itself
(->> (om-parse-item-at 1)
 ;; => "- item"

;; Also return the item when not at beginning of line
(->> (om-parse-item-at 5)
 ;; => "- item"

;; Given the following contents:
; - item
;   - item 2

;; Return item and its subitems
(->> (om-parse-item-at 1)
 ;; => "- item
 ;        - item 2"

;; Given the following contents:
; * not item

;; Return nil if not an item
(->> (om-parse-item-at 1)
 ;; => ""

om-parse-section-at (point)

Return section node under point or nil if not on a section. If point is on or within a headline, return the section under that headline. If point is before the first headline (if any), return the section at the top of the org buffer.

;; Given the following contents:
; over headline
; * headline
; under headline

;; Return the section above the headline
(->> (om-parse-section-at 1)
 ;; => "over headline"

;; Return the section under headline
(->> (om-parse-section-at 25)
 ;; => "under headline"

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline
; ** subheadline

;; Return nil if no section under headline
(->> (om-parse-section-at 1)
 ;; => ""

;; Given the following contents:

;; Return nil if no section at all
(->> (om-parse-section-at 1)
 ;; => ""


Build new nodes.

Leaf Object Nodes

om-build-code (value &key post-blank)

Build a code object node.

The following properties are settable:

  • value: (required) a string
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-code "text")
 ;; => "~text~"

om-build-entity (name &key use-brackets-p post-blank)

Build an entity object node.

The following properties are settable:

  • name: (required) a string that makes org-entity-get return non-nil
  • use-brackets-p: nil or t
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-entity "gamma")
 ;; => "\\gamma"

om-build-export-snippet (back-end value &key post-blank)

Build an export-snippet object node.

The following properties are settable:

  • back-end: (required) a oneline string
  • value: (required) a string
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-export-snippet "back" "value")
 ;; => "@@back:value@@"

om-build-inline-babel-call (call &key inside-header arguments end-header post-blank)

Build an inline-babel-call object node.

The following properties are settable:

  • call: (required) a oneline string
  • inside-header: a plist
  • arguments: a list of oneline strings
  • end-header: a plist
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-inline-babel-call "name")
 ;; => "call_name()"

(->> (om-build-inline-babel-call "name" :arguments '("n=4"))
 ;; => "call_name(n=4)"

(->> (om-build-inline-babel-call "name" :inside-header '(:key val))
 ;; => "call_name[:key val]()"

(->> (om-build-inline-babel-call "name" :end-header '(:key val))
 ;; => "call_name()[:key val]"

om-build-inline-src-block (language &key parameters (value "") post-blank)

Build an inline-src-block object node.

The following properties are settable:

  • language: (required) a oneline string
  • parameters: a plist
  • value: (default "") a string
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-inline-src-block "lang")
 ;; => "src_lang{}"

(->> (om-build-inline-src-block "lang" :value "value")
 ;; => "src_lang{value}"

(->> (om-build-inline-src-block "lang" :value "value" :parameters '(:key val))
 ;; => "src_lang[:key val]{value}"

om-build-line-break (&key post-blank)

Build a line-break object node.

The following properties are settable:

  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-line-break)
 ;; => "\\\\
 ;      "

om-build-latex-fragment (value &key post-blank)

Build a latex-fragment object node.

The following properties are settable:

  • value: (required) a string
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-latex-fragment "$2+2=5$")
 ;; => "$2+2=5$"

om-build-macro (key &key args post-blank)

Build a macro object node.

The following properties are settable:

  • key: (required) a oneline string
  • args: a list of oneline strings
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-macro "economics")
 ;; => "{{{economics}}}"

(->> (om-build-macro "economics" :args '("s=d"))
 ;; => "{{{economics(s=d)}}}"

om-build-statistics-cookie (value &key post-blank)

Build a statistics-cookie object node.

The following properties are settable:

  • value: (required) a list of non-neg integers like (perc) or (num den) which make [num/den] and [perc%] respectively
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-statistics-cookie '(nil))
 ;; => "[%]"

(->> (om-build-statistics-cookie '(nil nil))
 ;; => "[/]"

(->> (om-build-statistics-cookie '(50))
 ;; => "[50%]"

(->> (om-build-statistics-cookie '(1 3))
 ;; => "[1/3]"

om-build-target (value &key post-blank)

Build a target object node.

The following properties are settable:

  • value: (required) a oneline string
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-target "text")
 ;; => "<<text>>"

om-build-timestamp (type year-start month-start day-start year-end month-end day-end &key hour-start minute-start hour-end minute-end repeater-type repeater-unit repeater-value warning-type warning-unit warning-value post-blank)

Build a timestamp object node.

The following properties are settable:

  • type: (required) a symbol from inactive, active, inactive-ranged, or active-ranged
  • year-start: (required) a positive integer
  • month-start: (required) a positive integer
  • day-start: (required) a positive integer
  • year-end: (required) a positive integer
  • month-end: (required) a positive integer
  • day-end: (required) a positive integer
  • hour-start: a non-negative integer or nil
  • minute-start: a non-negative integer or nil
  • hour-end: a non-negative integer or nil
  • minute-end: a non-negative integer or nil
  • repeater-type: nil or a symbol from catch-up, restart, or cumulate
  • repeater-unit: nil or a symbol from year month week day, or hour
  • repeater-value: a positive integer or nil
  • warning-type: nil or a symbol from all or first
  • warning-unit: nil or a symbol from year month week day, or hour
  • warning-value: a positive integer or nil
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-timestamp 'inactive
			 2019 1 15 2019 1 15)
 ;; => "[2019-01-15 Tue]"

(->> (om-build-timestamp 'active-range
			 2019 1 15 2019 1 16)
 ;; => "<2019-01-15 Tue>--<2019-01-16 Wed>"

(->> (om-build-timestamp 'inactive
			 2019 1 15 2019 1 15 :warning-type 'all
			 :warning-unit 'day
			 :warning-value 1)
 ;; => "[2019-01-15 Tue -1d]"

om-build-verbatim (value &key post-blank)

Build a verbatim object node.

The following properties are settable:

  • value: (required) a string
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-verbatim "text")
 ;; => "=text="

Branch Object Nodes

om-build-bold (&key post-blank &rest object-nodes)

Build a bold object node with object-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-bold "text")
 ;; => "*text*"

om-build-footnote-reference (&key label post-blank &rest object-nodes)

Build a footnote-reference object node with object-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • label: a oneline string or nil
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-footnote-reference)
 ;; => "[fn:]"

(->> (om-build-footnote-reference :label "label")
 ;; => "[fn:label]"

(->> (om-build-footnote-reference :label "label" "content")
 ;; => "[fn:label:content]"

om-build-italic (&key post-blank &rest object-nodes)

Build an italic object node with object-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-italic "text")
 ;; => "/text/"

om-build-link (path &key format (type "fuzzy") post-blank &rest object-nodes)

Build a link object node with object-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • path: (required) a oneline string
  • format: the symbol plain, bracket or angle
  • type: (default "fuzzy") a oneline string from org-link-types or "coderef", "custom-id", "file", "id", "radio", or "fuzzy"
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-link "target")
 ;; => "[[target]]"

(->> (om-build-link "target" :type "file")
 ;; => "[[file:target]]"

(->> (om-build-link "target" "desc")
 ;; => "[[target][desc]]"

om-build-radio-target (&key post-blank &rest object-nodes)

Build a radio-target object node with object-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-radio-target "text")
 ;; => "<<<text>>>"

om-build-strike-through (&key post-blank &rest object-nodes)

Build a strike-through object node with object-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-strike-through "text")
 ;; => "+text+"

om-build-superscript (&key use-brackets-p post-blank &rest object-nodes)

Build a superscript object node with object-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • use-brackets-p: nil or t
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-superscript "text")
 ;; => "^text"

om-build-subscript (&key use-brackets-p post-blank &rest object-nodes)

Build a subscript object node with object-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • use-brackets-p: nil or t
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-subscript "text")
 ;; => "_text"

om-build-table-cell (&key post-blank &rest object-nodes)

Build a table-cell object node with object-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-table-cell "text")
 ;; => " text |"

om-build-underline (&key post-blank &rest object-nodes)

Build an underline object node with object-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-underline "text")
 ;; => "_text_"

Leaf Element Nodes

om-build-babel-call (call &key inside-header arguments end-header post-blank)

Build a babel-call element node.

The following properties are settable:

  • call: (required) a oneline string
  • inside-header: a plist
  • arguments: a list of oneline strings
  • end-header: a plist
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-babel-call "name")
 ;; => "#+CALL: name()"

(->> (om-build-babel-call "name" :arguments '("arg=x"))
 ;; => "#+CALL: name(arg=x)"

(->> (om-build-babel-call "name" :inside-header '(:key val))
 ;; => "#+CALL: name[:key val]()"

(->> (om-build-babel-call "name" :end-header '(:key val))
 ;; => "#+CALL: name() :key val"

om-build-clock (value &key post-blank)

Build a clock element node.

The following properties are settable:

  • value: (required) an unranged, inactive timestamp node with no warning or repeater
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-clock (om-build-timestamp! '(2019 1 1 0 0)))
 ;; => "CLOCK: [2019-01-01 Tue 00:00]"

(->> (om-build-clock (om-build-timestamp! '(2019 1 1 0 0)
					  :end '(2019 1 1 1 0)))
 ;; => "CLOCK: [2019-01-01 Tue 00:00-01:00] =>  1:00"

om-build-comment (value &key post-blank)

Build a comment element node.

The following properties are settable:

  • value: (required) a string
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-comment "text")
 ;; => "# text"

(->> (om-build-comment "text\nless")
 ;; => "# text
 ;      # less"

om-build-comment-block (&key (value "") post-blank)

Build a comment-block element node.

The following properties are settable:

  • value: (default "") a string
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-comment-block)
 ;      #+END_COMMENT"

(->> (om-build-comment-block :value "text")
 ;      text
 ;      #+END_COMMENT"

om-build-diary-sexp (&key value post-blank)

Build a diary-sexp element node.

The following properties are settable:

  • value: a list form or nil
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-diary-sexp)
 ;; => "%%()"

(->> (om-build-diary-sexp :value '(text))
 ;; => "%%(text)"

om-build-example-block (&key preserve-indent switches (value "") post-blank)

Build an example-block element node.

The following properties are settable:

  • preserve-indent: nil or t
  • switches: a list of oneline strings
  • value: (default "") a string
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-example-block)
 ;      #+END_EXAMPLE"

(->> (om-build-example-block :value "text")
 ;      text
 ;      #+END_EXAMPLE"

(->> (om-build-example-block :value "text" :switches '("switches"))
 ;; => "#+BEGIN_EXAMPLE switches
 ;      text
 ;      #+END_EXAMPLE"

om-build-export-block (type value &key post-blank)

Build an export-block element node.

The following properties are settable:

  • type: (required) a oneline string
  • value: (required) a string
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-export-block "type" "value\n")
 ;; => "#+BEGIN_EXPORT type
 ;      value
 ;      #+END_EXPORT"

om-build-fixed-width (value &key post-blank)

Build a fixed-width element node.

The following properties are settable:

  • value: (required) a oneline string
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-fixed-width "text")
 ;; => ": text"

om-build-horizontal-rule (&key post-blank)

Build a horizontal-rule element node.

The following properties are settable:

  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-horizontal-rule)
 ;; => "-----"

om-build-keyword (key value &key post-blank)

Build a keyword element node.

The following properties are settable:

  • key: (required) a oneline string
  • value: (required) a oneline string
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-keyword "FILETAGS" "tmsu")
 ;; => "#+FILETAGS: tmsu"

om-build-latex-environment (value &key post-blank)

Build a latex-environment element node.

The following properties are settable:

  • value: (required) a list of strings like (env body) or (env)
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-latex-environment '("env" "text"))
 ;; => "\\begin{env}
 ;      text
 ;      \\end{env}"

om-build-node-property (key value &key post-blank)

Build a node-property element node.

The following properties are settable:

  • key: (required) a oneline string
  • value: (required) a oneline string
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-node-property "key" "val")
 ;; => ":key:      val"

om-build-planning (&key closed deadline scheduled post-blank)

Build a planning element node.

The following properties are settable:

  • closed: a zero-range, inactive timestamp node
  • deadline: a zero-range, inactive timestamp node
  • scheduled: a zero-range, inactive timestamp node
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-planning :closed (om-build-timestamp! '(2019 1 1)))
 ;; => "CLOSED: [2019-01-01 Tue]"

(->> (om-build-planning :scheduled (om-build-timestamp! '(2019 1 1)))
 ;; => "SCHEDULED: [2019-01-01 Tue]"

(->> (om-build-planning :deadline (om-build-timestamp! '(2019 1 1)))
 ;; => "DEADLINE: [2019-01-01 Tue]"

om-build-src-block (&key (value "") language parameters preserve-indent switches post-blank)

Build a src-block element node.

The following properties are settable:

  • value: (default "") a string
  • language: a string or nil
  • parameters: a plist
  • preserve-indent: nil or t
  • switches: a list of oneline strings
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-src-block)
 ;; => "#+BEGIN_SRC
 ;      #+END_SRC"

(->> (om-build-src-block :value "body")
 ;; => "#+BEGIN_SRC
 ;        body
 ;      #+END_SRC"

(->> (om-build-src-block :value "body" :language "emacs-lisp")
 ;; => "#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
 ;        body
 ;      #+END_SRC"

(->> (om-build-src-block :value "body" :switches '("-n 20" "-r"))
 ;; => "#+BEGIN_SRC -n 20 -r
 ;        body
 ;      #+END_SRC"

(->> (om-build-src-block :value "body" :parameters '(:key val))
 ;; => "#+BEGIN_SRC :key val
 ;        body
 ;      #+END_SRC"

Branch Element Nodes with Child Object Nodes

om-build-paragraph (&key post-blank &rest object-nodes)

Build a paragraph element node with object-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-paragraph "text")
 ;; => "text"

om-build-table-row (&key post-blank &rest object-nodes)

Build a table-row element node with object-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-table-cell "a")
 ;; => "| a |"

om-build-verse-block (&key post-blank &rest object-nodes)

Build a verse-block element node with object-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-verse-block "text\n")
 ;; => "#+BEGIN_VERSE
 ;      text
 ;      #+END_VERSE"

Branch Element Nodes with Child Element Nodes

om-build-center-block (&key post-blank &rest element-nodes)

Build a center-block element node with element-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-center-block)
 ;; => "#+BEGIN_CENTER
 ;      #+END_CENTER"

(->> (om-build-paragraph "text")
 ;; => "#+BEGIN_CENTER
 ;      text
 ;      #+END_CENTER"

om-build-drawer (drawer-name &key post-blank &rest element-nodes)

Build a drawer element node with element-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • drawer-name: (required) a oneline string
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-drawer "NAME")
 ;; => ":NAME:
 ;      :END:"

(->> (om-build-paragraph "text")
     (om-build-drawer "NAME")
 ;; => ":NAME:
 ;      text
 ;      :END:"

om-build-dynamic-block (block-name &key arguments post-blank &rest element-nodes)

Build a dynamic-block element node with element-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • block-name: (required) a oneline string
  • arguments: a plist
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-dynamic-block "empty")
 ;; => "#+BEGIN: empty
 ;      #+END:"

(->> (om-build-comment "I'm in here")
     (om-build-dynamic-block "notempty")
 ;; => "#+BEGIN: notempty
 ;      # I'm in here
 ;      #+END:"

om-build-footnote-definition (label &key post-blank &rest element-nodes)

Build a footnote-definition element node with element-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • label: (required) a oneline string
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-paragraph "footnote contents")
     (om-build-footnote-definition "label")
 ;; => "[fn:label] footnote contents"

om-build-headline (&key archivedp commentedp footnote-section-p (level 1) (pre-blank 0) priority tags title todo-keyword post-blank &rest element-nodes)

Build a headline element node with element-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • archivedp: nil or t
  • commentedp: nil or t
  • footnote-section-p: nil or t
  • level: a positive integer
  • pre-blank: a non-negative integer
  • priority: an integer between (inclusive) org-highest-priority and org-lowest-priority
  • tags: a string list
  • title: a secondary string
  • todo-keyword: a oneline string or nil
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-headline)
 ;; => "*"

(->> (om-build-headline :level 2 :title '("dummy")
			 :tags '("tmsu"))
 ;; => "** dummy            :tmsu:"

(->> (om-build-headline :todo-keyword "TODO" :archivedp t :commentedp t :priority 65)
 ;; => "* TODO COMMENT [#A]  :ARCHIVE:"

om-build-item (&key (bullet '-) checkbox counter tag post-blank &rest element-nodes)

Build an item element node with element-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • bullet: (default -) a positive integer (ordered) or the symbol - (unordered)
  • checkbox: nil or the symbols on, off, or trans
  • counter: a positive integer or nil
  • tag: a secondary string
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-paragraph "item contents")
 ;; => "- item contents"

(->> (om-build-paragraph "item contents")
     (om-build-item :bullet 1)
 ;; => "1. item contents"

(->> (om-build-paragraph "item contents")
     (om-build-item :checkbox 'on)
 ;; => "- [X] item contents"

(->> (om-build-paragraph "item contents")
     (om-build-item :tag '("tmsu"))
 ;; => "- tmsu :: item contents"

(->> (om-build-paragraph "item contents")
     (om-build-item :counter 10)
 ;; => "- [@10] item contents"

om-build-plain-list (&key post-blank &rest element-nodes)

Build a plain-list element node with element-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-paragraph "item contents")
 ;; => "- item contents"

om-build-property-drawer (&key post-blank &rest element-nodes)

Build a property-drawer element node with element-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-property-drawer)
 ;; => ":PROPERTIES:
 ;      :END:"

(->> (om-build-node-property "key" "val")
 ;; => ":PROPERTIES:
 ;      :key:      val
 ;      :END:"

om-build-quote-block (&key post-blank &rest element-nodes)

Build a quote-block element node with element-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-quote-block)
 ;; => "#+BEGIN_QUOTE
 ;      #+END_QUOTE"

(->> (om-build-paragraph "quoted stuff")
 ;; => "#+BEGIN_QUOTE
 ;      quoted stuff
 ;      #+END_QUOTE"

om-build-section (&key post-blank &rest element-nodes)

Build a section element node with element-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-paragraph "text")
 ;; => "text"

om-build-special-block (type &key post-blank &rest element-nodes)

Build a special-block element node with element-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • type: (required) a oneline string
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-special-block "monad")
 ;; => "#+BEGIN_monad
 ;      #+END_monad"

(->> (om-build-comment "Launch missiles")
     (om-build-special-block "monad")
 ;; => "#+BEGIN_monad
 ;      # Launch missiles
 ;      #+END_monad"

om-build-table (&key tblfm post-blank &rest element-nodes)

Build a table element node with element-nodes as children.

The following properties are settable:

  • tblfm: a list of oneline strings
  • post-blank: a non-negative integer
(->> (om-build-table-cell "cell")
 ;; => "| cell |"

Miscellaneous Builders

om-build-secondary-string! (string)

Return a secondary string (list of object nodes) from string. string is any string that contains a textual representation of object nodes. If the string does not represent a list of object nodes, throw an error.

(->> (om-build-secondary-string! "I'm plain")
     (-map (function om-get-type)))
 ;; => '(plain-text)

(->> (om-build-secondary-string! "I'm *not* plain")
     (-map (function om-get-type)))
 ;; => '(plain-text bold plain-text)

(->> (om-build-secondary-string! "* I'm not an object")
     (-map (function om-get-type)))

om-build-table-row-hline (&key post-blank)

Return a new rule-typed table-row node. Optionally set post-blank (a positive integer).

(->> (om-build-table (om-build-table-row (om-build-table-cell "text"))
 ;; => "| text |
 ;      |------|"

om-build-timestamp-diary (form &key post-blank)

Return a new diary-sexp timestamp node from form. Optionally set post-blank (a positive integer).

(->> (om-build-timestamp-diary '(diary-float t 4 2))
 ;; => "<%%(diary-float t 4 2)>"

Shorthand Builders

Build nodes with more convenient/shorter syntax.

om-build-timestamp! (start &key end active repeater warning post-blank)

Return a new timestamp node.

start specifies the start time and is a list of integers in one of the following forms:

  • (year month day): short form
  • (year month day nil nil): short form
  • (year month day hour minute): long form

end (if supplied) will add the ending time, and follows the same formatting rules as start.

active is a boolean where t signifies the type is active, else inactive (the range suffix will be added if an end time is supplied).

repeater and warning are lists formatted as (type value unit) where the three members correspond to the :repeater/warning-type, -value, and -unit properties in om-build-timestamp.

Building a diary sexp timestamp is not possible with this function.

(->> (om-build-timestamp! '(2019 1 1))
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue]"

(->> (om-build-timestamp! '(2019 1 1 12 0)
			  :active t :warning '(all 1 day)
			  :repeater '(cumulate 1 month))
 ;; => "<2019-01-01 Tue 12:00 +1m -1d>"

(->> (om-build-timestamp! '(2019 1 1)
			  :end '(2019 1 2))
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-02 Wed]"

om-build-clock! (start &key end post-blank)

Return a new clock node.

start and end follow the same rules as their respective arguments in om-build-timestamp!.

(->> (om-build-clock! '(2019 1 1))
 ;; => "CLOCK: [2019-01-01 Tue]"

(->> (om-build-clock! '(2019 1 1 12 0))
 ;; => "CLOCK: [2019-01-01 Tue 12:00]"

(->> (om-build-clock! '(2019 1 1 12 0)
		      :end '(2019 1 1 13 0))
 ;; => "CLOCK: [2019-01-01 Tue 12:00-13:00] =>  1:00"

om-build-planning! (&key closed deadline scheduled post-blank)

Return a new planning node.

closed, deadline, and scheduled are lists with the following structure (brackets denote optional members):

(year minute day [hour] [min] [&warning type value unit] [&repeater type value unit])

In terms of arguments supplied to om-build-timestamp!, the first five members correspond to the list supplied as time, and the type, value, and unit fields correspond to the lists supplied to warning and repeater arguments. The order of warning and repeater does not matter.

(->> (om-build-planning! :closed '(2019 1 1))
 ;; => "CLOSED: [2019-01-01 Tue]"

(->> (om-build-planning! :closed '(2019 1 1)
			  :scheduled '(2018 1 1))
 ;; => "SCHEDULED: [2018-01-01 Mon] CLOSED: [2019-01-01 Tue]"

(->> (om-build-planning! :closed '(2019 1 1 &warning all 1 day &repeater cumulate 1 month))
 ;; => "CLOSED: [2019-01-01 Tue +1m -1d]"

om-build-property-drawer! (&key post-blank &rest keyvals)

Return a new property-drawer node.

Each member in keyvals is a list of symbols like (key val), where each list will generate a node-property node in the property-drawer node like ":key: val".

(->> (om-build-property-drawer! '(key val))
 ;; => ":PROPERTIES:
 ;      :key:      val
 ;      :END:"

om-build-headline! (&key (level 1) title-text todo-keyword tags pre-blank priority commentedp archivedp post-blank planning statistics-cookie section-children &rest subheadlines)

Return a new headline node.

title-text is a oneline string for the title of the headline.

planning is a list like (planning-type args ...) where planning-type is one of :closed, :deadline, or :scheduled, and args are the args supplied to any of the planning types in om-build-planning!. Up to all three planning types can be used in the same list like (:closed args :deadline args :scheduled args).

statistics-cookie is a list following the same format as om-build-statistics-cookie.

section-children is a list of elements that will go in the headline section.

subheadlines contains zero or more headlines that will go under the created headline. The level of all members in subheadlines will automatically be adjusted to level + 1.

All arguments not mentioned here follow the same rules as om-build-headline

(->> (om-build-headline! :title-text "really impressive title")
 ;; => "* really impressive title"

(->> (om-build-headline! :title-text "really impressive title" :statistics-cookie '(0 9000))
 ;; => "* really impressive title [0/9000]"

(->> (om-build-headline! :title-text "really impressive title" :section-children (list (om-build-property-drawer! '(key val))
										       (om-build-paragraph! "section text"))
			  (om-build-headline! :title-text "subhead"))
 ;; => "* really impressive title
 ;      :PROPERTIES:
 ;      :key:      val
 ;      :END:
 ;      section text
 ;      ** subhead"

om-build-item! (&key post-blank bullet checkbox tag paragraph counter &rest children)

Return a new item node.

tag is a string representing the tag (make with om-build-secondary-string!) .

paragraph is a string that will be the initial text in the item (made with om-build-paragraph!).

children contains the nodes that will go under this item after paragraph.

All other arguments follow the same rules as om-build-item.

(->> (om-build-item! :bullet 1 :tag "complicated *tag*" :paragraph "petulant /frenzy/" (om-build-plain-list (om-build-item! :bullet '-
															     :paragraph "below")))
 ;; => "1. complicated *tag* :: petulant /frenzy/
 ;         - below"

om-build-paragraph! (string &key post-blank)

Return a new paragraph node from string.

string is the text to be parsed into a paragraph and must contain valid textual representations of object nodes.

(->> (om-build-paragraph! "stuff /with/ *formatting*" :post-blank 2)
 ;; => "stuff /with/ *formatting*
 ;      "

(->> (om-build-paragraph! "* stuff /with/ *formatting*")

om-build-table-cell! (string)

Return a new table-cell node.

string is the text to be contained in the table-cell node. It must contain valid textual representations of objects that are allowed in table-cell nodes.

(->> (om-build-table-cell! "rage")
 ;; => "rage |"

(->> (om-build-table-cell! "*rage*")
 ;; => "*rage* |"

om-build-table-row! (row-list)

Return a new table-row node.

row-list is a list of strings to be built into table-cell nodes via om-build-table-cell! (see that function for restrictions). Alternatively, row-list may the symbol hline instead of a string to create a rule-typed table-row.

(->> (om-build-table-row! '("R" "A" "G" "E"))
 ;; => "| R | A | G | E |"

(->> (om-build-table-row! 'hline)
 ;; => "|-"

om-build-table! (&key tblfm post-blank &rest row-lists)

Return a new table node.

row-lists is a list of lists where each member list will be converted to a table-row node via om-build-table-row! (see that function for restrictions).

All other arguments follow the same rules as om-build-table.

(->> (om-build-table! '("R" "A")
		      '("G" "E"))
 ;; => "| R | A |
 ;      | G | E |"

(->> (om-build-table! '("L" "O")
		      '("V" "E"))
 ;; => "| L | O |
 ;      |---+---|
 ;      | V | E |"

Type Predicates

Test node types.

om-get-type (node)

Return the type of node.

;; Given the following contents:
; *I'm emboldened*

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => 'bold

;; Given the following contents:
; * I'm the headliner

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
 ;; => 'headline

;; Given the following contents:
; [2112-12-21 Wed]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => 'timestamp

om-is-type (type node)

Return t if the type of node is type (a symbol).

;; Given the following contents:
; *ziltoid*

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-is-type 'bold))
 ;; => t

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-is-type 'italic))
 ;; => nil

om-is-any-type (types node)

Return t if the type of node is in types (a list of symbols).

;; Given the following contents:
; *ziltoid*

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-is-any-type '(bold)))
 ;; => t

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-is-any-type '(bold italic)))
 ;; => t

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-is-any-type '(italic)))
 ;; => nil

om-is-element (node)

Return t if node is an element class.

;; Given the following contents:
; *ziltoid*

;; Parsing this text as an element node gives a paragraph node
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
 ;; => t

;; Parsing the same text as an object node gives a bold node
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => nil

om-is-branch-node (node)

Return t if node is a branch node.

;; Given the following contents:
; *ziltoid*

;; Parsing this as an element node gives a paragraph node (a branch node)
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
 ;; => t

;; Parsing this as an object node gives a bold node (also a branch node)
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => t

;; Given the following contents:
; ~ziltoid~

;; Parsing this as an object node gives a code node (not a branch node)
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => nil

;; Given the following contents:
; # ziltoid

;; Parsing this as an element node gives a comment node (also not a branch node)
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
 ;; => nil

;; Given the following contents:
; * I'm so great

;; Parsing this as an element node gives a headline node (a branch node)
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
 ;; => t

om-node-may-have-child-objects (node)

Return t if node is a branch node that may have child objects.

;; Given the following contents:
; *ziltoid*

;; Parsing this as an element node gives a paragraph node (can have child object
;; nodes)
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
 ;; => t

;; Parsing this as an object node gives a bold node (also can have child object
;; nodes)
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => t

;; Given the following contents:
; ~ziltoid~

;; Parsing this as an object node gives a code node (not a branch node)
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => nil

;; Given the following contents:
; # ziltoid

;; Parsing this as an element node gives a comment node (not a branch node)
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
 ;; => nil

;; Given the following contents:
; * I'm so great

;; Parsing this as an element node gives a headline node (can only have child
;; element nodes)
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
 ;; => nil

om-node-may-have-child-elements (node)

Return t if node is a branch node that may have child elements.

Note this implies that node is also of class element since only elements may have other elements as children.

;; Given the following contents:
; * I'm so great

;; Parsing this as an element node gives a headline node (can have child element
;; nodes)
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
 ;; => t

;; Given the following contents:
; *ziltoid*

;; Parsing this as an element node gives a paragraph node (can only have child
;; object nodes)
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
 ;; => nil

;; Given the following contents:
; # ziltoid

;; Parsing this as an element node gives a comment node (not a branch node)
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
 ;; => nil

Property Manipulation

Set, get, and map properties of nodes.


om-contains-point-p (point node)

Return t if point is within the boundaries of node.

;; Given the following contents:
; *findme*

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-contains-point-p 2))
 ;; => t

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-contains-point-p 10))
 ;; => nil

om-set-property (prop value node)

Return node with prop set to value.

See builder functions for a list of properties and their rules for each type.

;; Given the following contents:
; #+CALL: ktulu()

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-set-property :call "cthulhu")
     (om-set-property :inside-header '(:cache no))
     (om-set-property :arguments '("x=4"))
     (om-set-property :end-header '(:exports results))
 ;; => "#+CALL: cthulhu[:cache no](x=4) :exports results"

;; Given the following contents:
; call_kthulu()

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-set-property :call "cthulhu")
     (om-set-property :inside-header '(:cache no))
     (om-set-property :arguments '("x=4"))
     (om-set-property :end-header '(:exports results))
 ;; => "call_cthulhu[:cache no](x=4)[:exports results]"

;; Given the following contents:
; src_emacs{(print 'yeah-boi)}

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-set-property :language "python")
     (om-set-property :parameters '(:cache no))
     (om-set-property :value "print \"yeah boi\"")
 ;; => "src_python[:cache no]{print \"yeah boi\"}"

;; Given the following contents:
; - thing

(->> (om-parse-this-item)
     (om-set-property :bullet 1)
     (om-set-property :checkbox 'on)
     (om-set-property :counter 2)
     (om-set-property :tag '("tmsu"))
 ;; => "1. [@2] [X] tmsu :: thing"

;; Given the following contents:
; * not valuable

;; Throw error when setting a property that doesn't exist
(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
     (om-set-property :value "wtf")

;; Throw error when setting to an improper type
(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
     (om-set-property :title 666)

om-set-properties (plist node)

Return node with all properties set to the values according to plist.

plist is a list of property-value pairs that corresponds to the property list in node.

See builder functions for a list of properties and their rules for each type.

;; Given the following contents:
; - thing

(->> (om-parse-this-item)
     (om-set-properties (list :bullet 1 :checkbox 'on
			       :counter 2 :tag '("tmsu")))
 ;; => "1. [@2] [X] tmsu :: thing"

om-get-property (prop node)

Return the value of prop of node.

See builder functions for a list of properties and their rules for each type.

;; Given the following contents:
; #+CALL: ktulu(x=4) :exports results

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-get-property :call))
 ;; => "ktulu"

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-get-property :inside-header))
 ;; => nil

;; Given the following contents:
; * not arguable

;; Throw error when requesting a property that doesn't exist
(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
     (om-get-property :value))

om-map-property (prop fun node)

Return node with fun applied to the value of prop.

fun is a unary function which takes the current value of prop and returns a new value to which prop will be set.

See builder functions for a list of properties and their rules for each type.

;; Given the following contents:
; ~learn to~

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-map-property :value (function s-upcase))
 ;; => "~LEARN TO~"

;; Throw error if property doesn't exist
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-map-property :title (function s-upcase))

;; Throw error if function doesn't return proper type
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-map-property* :value (if it 1 0))

om-map-properties (plist node)

Return node with functions applied to the values of properties.

plist is a property list where the keys are properties of node and its values are unary functions to be mapped to these properties.

See builder functions for a list of properties and their rules for each type.

;; Given the following contents:
; #+KEY: VAL

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-map-properties (list :key (-partial (function s-prepend)
			       :value (-partial (function s-prepend)
 ;; => "#+OM_KEY: OM_VAL"

om-toggle-property (prop node)

Return node with the value of prop flipped.

This function only applies to properties that are booleans.

The following types and properties are supported:


  • :use-brackets-p


  • :preserve-indent


  • :archivedp
  • :commentedp
  • :footnote-section-p


  • :preserve-indent


  • :use-brackets-p


  • :use-brackets-p
;; Given the following contents:
; \pi

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-toggle-property :use-brackets-p)
 ;; => "\\pi{}"

;; Given the following contents:
; - [ ] nope

;; Throw an error when trying to toggle a non-boolean property
(->> (om-parse-this-item)
     (om-toggle-property :checkbox)

om-shift-property (prop n node)

Return node with prop shifted by n (an integer).

This only applies the properties that are represented as integers.

The following types and properties are supported:

all elements

  • :post-blank


  • :level
  • :pre-blank
  • :priority


  • :counter
;; Given the following contents:
; * no priorities

;; Do nothing if there is nothing to shift.
(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
     (om-shift-property :priority 1)
 ;; => "* no priorities"

;; Given the following contents:
; * [#A] priorities

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
     (om-shift-property :priority -1)
 ;; => "* [#B] priorities"

;; Wrap priority around when crossing the min or max
(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
     (om-shift-property :priority 1)
 ;; => "* [#C] priorities"

;; Given the following contents:
; * TODO or not todo

;; Throw error when shifting an unshiftable property
(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
     (om-shift-property :todo-keyword 1)

om-insert-into-property (prop index string node)

Return node with string inserted at index into prop.

This only applies to properties that are represented as lists of strings.

The following types and properties are supported:


  • :arguments


  • :switches


  • :tags


  • :arguments


  • :args


  • :switches


  • :tblfm
;; Given the following contents:
; #+CALL: ktulu(y=1)

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-insert-into-property :arguments 0 "x=4")
 ;; => "#+CALL: ktulu(x=4,y=1)"

;; Do nothing if the string is already in the list
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-insert-into-property :arguments 0 "y=1")
 ;; => "#+CALL: ktulu(y=1)"

;; Throw error when inserting into a property that is not a list of strings
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-insert-into-property :end-header 0 "html")

om-remove-from-property (prop string node)

Return node with string removed from prop if present.

This only applies to properties that are represented as lists of strings.

See om-insert-into-property for a list of supported elements and properties that may be used with this function.

;; Given the following contents:
; #+CALL: ktulu(y=1)

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-remove-from-property :arguments "y=1")
 ;; => "#+CALL: ktulu()"

;; Do nothing if the string does not exist
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-remove-from-property :arguments "d=666")
 ;; => "#+CALL: ktulu(y=1)"

;; Throw error when removing from property that is not a string list
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-remove-from-property :end-header ":results")

om-plist-put-property (prop key value node)

Return node with value corresponding to key inserted into prop.

key is a keyword and value is a symbol. This only applies to properties that are represented as plists.

The following types and properties are supported:


  • :inside-header
  • :end-header


  • :arguments


  • :inside-header
  • :end-header


  • :parameters


  • :parameters
;; Given the following contents:
; #+CALL: ktulu[:cache no]()

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-plist-put-property :end-header :results 'html)
 ;; => "#+CALL: ktulu[:cache no]() :results html"

;; Change the value of key if it already is present
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-plist-put-property :inside-header :cache 'yes)
 ;; => "#+CALL: ktulu[:cache yes]()"

;; Do nothing if the key and value already exist
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-plist-put-property :inside-header :cache 'no)
 ;; => "#+CALL: ktulu[:cache no]()"

;; Throw error if setting property that isn't a plist
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-plist-put-property :arguments :cache 'no)

om-plist-remove-property (prop key node)

Return node with key and its corresponding value removed from prop.

key is a keyword. This only applies to properties that are represented as plists.

See om-plist-put-property for a list of supported elements and properties that may be used with this function.

;; Given the following contents:
; #+CALL: ktulu() :results html

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-plist-remove-property :end-header :results)
 ;; => "#+CALL: ktulu()"

;; Do nothing if the key is not present
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-plist-remove-property :inside-header :cache)
 ;; => "#+CALL: ktulu() :results html"

;; Throw error if trying to remove key from non-plist property
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-plist-remove-property :arguments :cache)


om-clock-is-running (clock)

Return t if clock element is running (eg is open).

;; Given the following contents:
; CLOCK: [2019-01-01 Tue 00:00]

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
 ;; => t

;; Given the following contents:
; CLOCK: [2019-01-01 Tue 00:00]--[2019-01-02 Wed 00:00] => 24:00

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
 ;; => nil


om-entity-get-replacement (key entity)

Return replacement string or symbol for entity node.

key is one of:

  • :latex (the entity's latex representation)
  • :latex-math-p (t if the latex representation requires math mode, nil otherwise)
  • :html (the entity's html representation)
  • :ascii (the entity's ascii representation)
  • :latin1 (the entity's Latin1 representation)
  • :utf-8 (the entity's utf8 representation)

Any other keys will trigger an error.

;; Given the following contents:
; \pi{}

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-entity-get-replacement :latex))
 ;; => "\\pi"

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-entity-get-replacement :latex-math-p))
 ;; => t

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-entity-get-replacement :html))
 ;; => "&pi;"

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-entity-get-replacement :ascii))
 ;; => "pi"

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-entity-get-replacement :latin1))
 ;; => "pi"

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-entity-get-replacement :utf-8))
 ;; => "Ď€"


om-headline-set-title! (title-text stats-cookie-value headline)

Return headline node with title set with title-text and stats-cookie-value.

title-text is a string to be parsed into object nodes for the title via om-build-secondary-string! (see that function for restrictions) and stats-cookie-value is a list described in om-build-statistics-cookie.

;; Given the following contents:
; * really impressive title

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
     (om-headline-set-title! "really *impressive* title" '(2 3))
 ;; => "* really *impressive* title [2/3]"

om-headline-is-done (headline)

Return t if headline node has a done todo-keyword.

;; Given the following contents:
; * TODO darn

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
 ;; => nil

;; Given the following contents:
; * DONE yay

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
 ;; => t

om-headline-has-tag (tag headline)

Return t if headline node is tagged with tag.

;; Given the following contents:
; * dummy

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
     (om-headline-has-tag "tmsu"))
 ;; => nil

;; Given the following contents:
; * dummy                  :tmsu:

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
     (om-headline-has-tag "tmsu"))
 ;; => t

om-headline-get-statistics-cookie (headline)

Return the statistics cookie node from headline if it exists.

;; Given the following contents:
; * statistically significant [10/10]

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
 ;; => "[10/10]"

;; Given the following contents:
; * not statistically significant

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
 ;; => nil


om-item-toggle-checkbox (item)

Return item node with its checkbox state flipped. This only affects item nodes with checkboxes in the on or off states; return item node unchanged if the checkbox property is trans or nil.

;; Given the following contents:
; - [ ] one

(->> (om-parse-this-item)
 ;; => "- [X] one"

;; Given the following contents:
; - [-] one

;; Ignore trans state checkboxes
(->> (om-parse-this-item)
 ;; => "- [-] one"

;; Given the following contents:
; - one

;; Do nothing if there is no checkbox
(->> (om-parse-this-item)
 ;; => "- one"


om-planning-set-timestamp! (prop planning-list planning)

Return planning node with prop set to planning-list.

prop is one of :closed, :deadline, or :scheduled. planning-list is the same as that described in om-build-planning!.

;; Given the following contents:
; * dummy
; CLOSED: [2019-01-01 Tue]

;; Change an existing timestamp in planning
(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
     (om-planning-set-timestamp! :closed '(2019 1 2 &warning all 1 day &repeater cumulate 2 month))
 ;; => "CLOSED: [2019-01-02 Wed +2m -1d]"

;; Add a new timestamp and remove another
(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
     (om-planning-set-timestamp! :deadline '(2112 1 1))
     (om-planning-set-timestamp! :closed nil)
 ;; => "DEADLINE: [2112-01-01 Fri]"

Statistics Cookie

om-statistics-cookie-is-complete (statistics-cookie)

Return t is statistics-cookie node is complete.

;; Given the following contents:
; * statistically significant [10/10]

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
 ;; => t

;; Given the following contents:
; * statistically significant [1/10]

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
 ;; => nil

;; Given the following contents:
; * statistically significant [100%]

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
 ;; => t

;; Given the following contents:
; * statistically significant [33%]

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
 ;; => nil

Timestamp (Auxiliary)

Functions to work with timestamp data

om-time-to-unixtime (time)

Return the unix time (integer seconds) of time list time. The returned value is dependent on the time zone of the operating system.

no examples :(

om-unixtime-to-time-long (unixtime)

Return the long time list of unixtime. The list will be formatted like (year month day hour min).

no examples :(

om-unixtime-to-time-short (unixtime)

Return the short time list of unixtime. The list will be formatted like (year month day nil nil).

no examples :(

Timestamp (Standard)

om-timestamp-get-start-time (timestamp)

Return the time list for start time of timestamp node. The return value will be a list as specified by the time argument in om-build-timestamp!.

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => '(2019 1 1 nil nil)

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-02 Wed]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => '(2019 1 1 nil nil)

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue 00:00-12:00]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => '(2019 1 1 0 0)

om-timestamp-get-end-time (timestamp)

Return the end time list for end time of timestamp or nil if not a range. The return value will be a list as specified by the time argument in om-build-timestamp!.

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => nil

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-02 Wed]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => '(2019 1 2 nil nil)

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue 00:00-12:00]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => '(2019 1 1 12 0)

om-timestamp-get-range (timestamp)

Return the range of timestamp node in seconds as an integer. If non-ranged, this function will return 0. If ranged but the start time is in the future relative to end the time, return a negative integer.

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => 0

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-02 Wed]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => 86400

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue 00:00-12:00]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => 43200

om-timestamp-is-active (timestamp)

Return t if timestamp node is active.

;; Given the following contents:
; <2019-01-01 Tue>

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => t

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => nil

om-timestamp-is-ranged (timestamp)

Return t if timestamp node is ranged.

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-02 Wed]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => t

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue 00:00-12:00]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => t

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => nil

om-timestamp-range-contains-p (unixtime timestamp)

Return t if unixtime is between start and end time of timestamp node. The boundaries are inclusive. If timestamp has a range of zero, then only return t if unixtime is the same as timestamp. timestamp will be interpreted according to the localtime of the operating system.

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue 00:00]

(let ((ut (om-time-to-unixtime '(2019 1 1 0 0))))
  (->> (om-parse-this-object)
       (om-timestamp-range-contains-p ut)))
 ;; => t

(let ((ut (om-time-to-unixtime '(2019 1 1 0 30))))
  (->> (om-parse-this-object)
       (om-timestamp-range-contains-p ut)))
 ;; => nil

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue 00:00-01:00]

(let ((ut (om-time-to-unixtime '(2019 1 1 0 30))))
  (->> (om-parse-this-object)
       (om-timestamp-range-contains-p ut)))
 ;; => t

om-timestamp-set-collapsed (flag timestamp)

Return timestamp with collapsed set to flag.

If timestamp is ranged but not outside of one day, it may be collapsed (flag is t) to short format like [yyyy-mm-dd xxx hh:mm-hh:mm] or expanded (flag is nil) to long format like [yyyy-mm-dd xxx hh:mm]--[yyyy-mm-dd xxx hh:mm]. If these conditions are not met, return timestamp untouched regardless of flag.

Note: the default for all timestamp functions in om.el is to favor collapsed format.

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue 12:00-13:00]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-set-collapsed nil)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue 12:00]--[2019-01-01 Tue 13:00]"

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue 12:00-13:00]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-set-collapsed nil)
     (om-timestamp-set-collapsed t)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue 12:00-13:00]"

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue 12:00]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-set-collapsed nil)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue 12:00]"

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-02 Wed]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-set-collapsed nil)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-02 Wed]"

om-timestamp-set-start-time (time timestamp)

Return timestamp node with start time set to time. time is a list analogous to the same argument specified in om-build-timestamp!.

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-02 Wed]

;; If not a range this will turn into a range by moving only the start time.
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-set-start-time '(2019 1 1))
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-02 Wed]"

;; Set a different time with different precision.
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-set-start-time '(2019 1 1 10 0))
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue 10:00]--[2019-01-02 Wed]"

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-02 Wed 12:00]

;; If not a range and set within a day, use short format
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-set-start-time '(2019 1 1 0 0))
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue 00:00-12:00]"

om-timestamp-set-end-time (time timestamp)

Return timestamp node with end time set to time. time is a list analogous to the same argument specified in om-build-timestamp!.

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]

;; Add the end time
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-set-end-time '(2019 1 2))
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-02 Wed]"

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-02 Wed]

;; Remove the end time
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-set-end-time nil)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue]"

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue 12:00]

;; Use short range format
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-set-end-time '(2019 1 1 13 0))
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue 12:00-13:00]"

om-timestamp-set-single-time (time timestamp)

Return timestamp node with start and end times set to time. time is a list analogous to the same argument specified in om-build-timestamp!.

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]

;; Don't make a range
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-set-single-time '(2019 1 2))
 ;; => "[2019-01-02 Wed]"

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-02 Wed]

;; Output is not a range despite input being ranged
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-set-single-time '(2019 1 3))
 ;; => "[2019-01-03 Thu]"

om-timestamp-set-double-time (time1 time2 timestamp)

Return timestamp node with start/end times set to time1/time2 respectively. time1 and time2 are lists analogous to the time argument specified in om-build-timestamp!.

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]

;; Make a range
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-set-double-time '(2019 1 2)
				   '(2019 1 3))
 ;; => "[2019-01-02 Wed]--[2019-01-03 Thu]"

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-03 Wed]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-set-double-time '(2019 1 4)
				   '(2019 1 5))
 ;; => "[2019-01-04 Fri]--[2019-01-05 Sat]"

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-03 Wed]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-set-double-time '(2019 1 1 0 0)
				   '(2019 1 1 1 0))
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue 00:00-01:00]"

om-timestamp-set-range (range timestamp)

Return timestamp node with range set to range. If timestamp is ranged, keep start time the same and adjust the end time. If not, make a new end time. The units for range are in minutes if timestamp is in long format and days if timestamp is in short format.

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]

;; Use days as the unit for short format
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-set-range 1)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-02 Wed]"

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue 00:00]

;; Use minutes as the unit for long format
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-set-range 3)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue 00:00-00:03]"

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-03 Wed]

;; Set range to 0 to remove end time
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-set-range 0)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue]"

om-timestamp-set-active (flag timestamp)

Return timestamp node with active type if flag is t.

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-set-active t)
 ;; => "<2019-01-01 Tue>"

;; Given the following contents:
; <2019-01-01 Tue>

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-set-active nil)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue]"

om-timestamp-shift (n unit timestamp)

Return timestamp node with time shifted by n unit`s.

This function will move the start and end times together; therefore ranged inputs will always output ranged timestamps and same for non-ranged. To move the start and end time independently, use om-timestamp-shift-start or om-timestamp-shift-end.

n is a positive or negative integer and unit is one of minute, hour, day, month, or year. Overflows will wrap around transparently; for instance, supplying minute for unit and 90 for n will increase the hour property by 1 and the minute property by 30.

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue 12:00]

;; Change each unit, and wrap around to the next unit as needed.
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-shift 30 'minute)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue 12:30]"

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-shift 13 'month)
 ;; => "[2020-02-01 Sat 12:00]"

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]

;; Error when shifting hour/minute in short format
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-shift 30 'minute)

om-timestamp-shift-start (n unit timestamp)

Return timestamp node with start time shifted by n unit`s.

n and unit behave the same as those in om-timestamp-shift.

If timestamp is not range, the output will be a ranged timestamp with the shifted start time and the end time as that of timestamp. If this behavior is not desired, use om-timestamp-shift.

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue 12:00]

;; If not a range, change start time and leave implicit end time.
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-shift-start -1 'year)
 ;; => "[2018-01-01 Mon 12:00]--[2019-01-01 Tue 12:00]"

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-shift-start -1 'hour)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue 11:00-12:00]"

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-03 Thu]

;; Change only start time if a range
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-shift-start 1 'day)
 ;; => "[2019-01-02 Wed]--[2019-01-03 Thu]"

om-timestamp-shift-end (n unit timestamp)

Return timestamp node with end time shifted by n unit`s.

n and unit behave the same as those in om-timestamp-shift.

If timestamp is not range, the output will be a ranged timestamp with the shifted end time and the start time as that of timestamp. If this behavior is not desired, use om-timestamp-shift.

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]

;; Shift implicit end time if not a range.
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-shift-end 1 'day)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-02 Wed]"

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-02 Wed]

;; Move only the second time if a range.
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-shift-end 1 'day)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-03 Thu]"

om-timestamp-toggle-active (timestamp)

Return timestamp node with its active/inactive type flipped.

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => "<2019-01-01 Tue>"

;; Given the following contents:
; <2019-01-01 Tue>--<2019-01-02 Wed>

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-02 Wed]"

om-timestamp-truncate (timestamp)

Return timestamp node with start/end times forced to short format.

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-02 Wed]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-02 Wed]"

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue 12:00]--[2019-01-02 Wed 13:00]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-02 Wed]"

om-timestamp-truncate-start (timestamp)

Return timestamp node with start time forced to short format.

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue 12:00]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue]"

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue 12:00]--[2019-01-02 Wed 12:00]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-02 Wed 12:00]"

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue]"

om-timestamp-truncate-end (timestamp)

Return timestamp node with end time forced to short format.

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-02 Wed]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue]--[2019-01-02 Wed]"

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue 12:00]--[2019-01-02 Wed 13:00]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue 12:00]--[2019-01-02 Wed]"

;; Given the following contents:
; [2019-01-01 Tue 12:00]

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
 ;; => "[2019-01-01 Tue 12:00]"

Timestamp (diary)

om-timestamp-diary-set-value (form timestamp-diary)

Return timestamp-diary node with value set to form. timestamp must have a type eq to diary. form is a quoted list.

;; Given the following contents:
; <%%(diary-float t 4 2)>

(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-timestamp-diary-set-value '(diary-float 1 3 2))
 ;; => "<%%(diary-float 1 3 2)>"

Branch/Child Manipulation

Set, get, and map the children of branch nodes.


om-children-contain-point (point branch-node)

Return t if point is within the boundaries of branch-node`s children.

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline
; findme

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
     (om-children-contain-point 2))
 ;; => nil

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
     (om-children-contain-point 15))
 ;; => t

om-get-children (branch-node)

Return the children of branch-node as a list.

;; Given the following contents:
; /this/ is a *paragraph*

;; Return child nodes for branch nodes
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (-map (function om-get-type)))
 ;; => '(italic plain-text bold)

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline

;; Return nil if no children
(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
     (-map (function om-get-type)))
 ;; => nil

;; Given the following contents:
; #+CALL: ktulu()

;; Throw error when attempting to get contents of a non-branch node
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (-map (function om-get-type)))

om-set-children (children branch-node)

Return branch-node with its children set to children. children is a list of nodes; the types permitted in this list depend on the type of node.

;; Given the following contents:
; /this/ is a *paragraph*

;; Set children for branch object
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-set-children (list "this is lame"))
 ;; => "this is lame"

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline

;; Set children for branch element nodes
(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
     (om-set-children (list (om-build-headline! :title-text "only me" :level 2)))
 ;; => "* headline
 ;      ** only me"

;; Given the following contents:
; #+CALL: ktulu()

;; Throw error when attempting to set children of a non-branch nodes
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-set-children "nil by mouth")

om-map-children (fun branch-node)

Return branch-node with fun applied to its children. fun is a unary function that takes the current list of children and returns a modified list of children.

;; Given the following contents:
; /this/ is a *paragraph*

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-map-children (lambda (objs)
			(append objs (list " ...yeah"))))
 ;; => "/this/ is a *paragraph* ...yeah"

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline
; ** subheadline

(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
     (om-map-children* (--map (om-shift-property :level 1 it)
 ;; => "* headline
 ;      *** subheadline"

;; Given the following contents:
; #+CALL: ktulu()

;; Throw error when attempting to map children of a non-branch node
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-map-children (function ignore))

om-is-childless (branch-node)

Return t if branch-node is empty.

;; Given the following contents:
; * dummy
; filled with useless knowledge

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
 ;; => nil

;; Given the following contents:
; * dummy

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
 ;; => t

;; Given the following contents:
; #+CALL: ktulu()

;; Throw error when attempting to determine if non-branch node is empty
(->> (om-parse-this-element)

Object Nodes

om-unwrap (object-node)

Return the children of object-node as a secondary string. If object-node is a plain-text node, wrap it in a list and return. Else add the post-blank property of object-node to the last member of its children and return children as a secondary string.

;; Given the following contents:
; _1 *2* 3 */4/* 5 /6/_

;; Remove the outer underline formatting
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (apply (function om-build-paragraph))
 ;; => "1 *2* 3 */4/* 5 /6/"

om-unwrap-types-deep (types object-node)

Return the children of object-node as a secondary string. If object-node is a plain-text node, wrap it in a list and return. Else recursively descend into the children of object-node and splice the children of nodes with type in types in place of said node and return the result as a secondary string.

;; Given the following contents:
; _1 *2* 3 */4/* 5 /6/_

;; Remove bold formatting at any level
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (om-unwrap-types-deep '(bold))
     (apply (function om-build-paragraph))
 ;; => "_1 2 3 /4/ 5 /6/_"

om-unwrap-deep (object-node)

Return the children of object-node as plain-text wrapped in a list.

;; Given the following contents:
; _1 *2* 3 */4/* 5 /6/_

;; Remove all formatting
(->> (om-parse-this-object)
     (apply (function om-build-paragraph))
 ;; => "1 2 3 4 5 6"

Secondary Strings

om-flatten (secondary-string)

Return secondary-string with its first level unwrapped. The unwrap operation will be done with om-unwrap.

;; Given the following contents:
; This (1 *2* 3 */4/* 5 /6/) is randomly formatted

;; Remove first level of formatting
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-map-children (function om-flatten))
 ;; => "This (1 2 3 /4/ 5 6) is randomly formatted"

om-flatten-types-deep (types secondary-string)

Return secondary-string with object nodes in types unwrapped. The unwrap operation will be done with om-unwrap-types-deep.

;; Given the following contents:
; This (1 *2* 3 */4/* 5 /6/) is randomly formatted

;; Remove italic formatting at any level
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-map-children* (om-flatten-types-deep '(italic)
 ;; => "This (1 *2* 3 *4* 5 6) is randomly formatted"

om-flatten-deep (secondary-string)

Return secondary-string with all object nodes unwrapped to plain-text. The unwrap operation will be done with om-unwrap-deep.

;; Given the following contents:
; This (1 *2* 3 */4/* 5 /6/) is randomly formatted

;; Remove italic formatting at any level
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-map-children (function om-flatten-deep))
 ;; => "This (1 2 3 4 5 6) is randomly formatted"


om-headline-get-node-properties (headline)

Return a list of node-properties nodes in headline or nil if none.

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline
; :Effort:   1:00
; :END:

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
     (-map (function om-to-trimmed-string)))
 ;; => '(":Effort:   1:00")

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
     (-map (function om-to-trimmed-string)))
 ;; => nil

om-headline-get-properties-drawer (headline)

Return the properties drawer node in headline.

If multiple are present (there shouldn't be) the first will be returned.

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline
; :Effort:   1:00
; :END:

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
 ;; => ":PROPERTIES:
 ;      :Effort:   1:00
 ;      :END:"

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
 ;; => ""

om-headline-get-planning (headline)

Return the planning node in headline or nil if none.

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline
; CLOSED: [2019-01-01 Tue]

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
 ;; => "CLOSED: [2019-01-01 Tue]"

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
 ;; => ""

om-headline-get-subheadlines (headline)

Return list of subheadline nodes for headline node or nil if none.

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline 1
; sectional stuff
; ** headline 2
; ** headline 3

(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
     (-map (function om-to-trimmed-string)))
 ;; => '("** headline 2" "** headline 3")

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline 1
; sectional stuff

(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
     (-map (function om-to-trimmed-string)))
 ;; => nil

om-headline-get-section (headline)

Return section node for headline headline node or nil if none.

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline 1
; sectional stuff
; ** headline 2
; ** headline 3

(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
 ;; => "sectional stuff"

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline 1
; ** headline 2
; ** headline 3

(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
 ;; => ""

om-headline-get-path (headline)

Return tree path of headline node.

The return value is a list of headline titles (including that from headline) leading to the root node.

;; Given the following contents:
; * one
; ** two
; *** three

(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
 ;; => '("one" "two")

;; Given the following contents:
; * one
; ** two
; *** three

(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
 ;; => '("one" "two" "three")

om-headline-update-item-statistics (headline)

Return headline node with updated statistics cookie via items.

The percent/fraction will be computed as the number of checked items over the number of items with checkboxes (non-checkbox items will not be considered).

;; Given the following contents:
; * statistically significant [/]
; - irrelevant data
; - [ ] good data
; - [X] bad data

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
 ;; => "* statistically significant [1/2]
 ;      - irrelevant data
 ;      - [ ] good data
 ;      - [X] bad data"

;; Given the following contents:
; * statistically significant
; - irrelevant data
; - [ ] good data
; - [X] bad data

;; Do nothing if nothing to update
(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
 ;; => "* statistically significant
 ;      - irrelevant data
 ;      - [ ] good data
 ;      - [X] bad data"

om-headline-update-todo-statistics (headline)

Return headline node with updated statistics cookie via subheadlines.

The percent/fraction will be computed as the number of done subheadlines over the number of todo subheadlines (eg non-todo subheadlines will not be counted).

;; Given the following contents:
; * statistically significant [/]
; ** irrelevant data
; ** TODO good data
; ** DONE bad data

(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
 ;; => "* statistically significant [1/2]
 ;      ** irrelevant data
 ;      ** TODO good data
 ;      ** DONE bad data"

;; Given the following contents:
; * statistically significant
; ** irrelevant data
; ** TODO good data
; ** DONE bad data

;; Do nothing if nothing to update
(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
 ;; => "* statistically significant
 ;      ** irrelevant data
 ;      ** TODO good data
 ;      ** DONE bad data"

om-headline-indent-subheadline (index headline)

Return headline node with child headline at index indented. Unlike om-headline-indent-subtree this will not indent the indented headline node's children.

;; Given the following contents:
; * one
; ** two
; ** three
; *** four

(->> (om-parse-element-at 1)
     (om-headline-indent-subheadline 0)

(->> (om-parse-element-at 1)
     (om-headline-indent-subheadline 1)
 ;; => "* one
 ;      ** two
 ;      *** three
 ;      *** four"

om-headline-indent-subtree (index headline)

Return headline node with child headline at index indented. Unlike om-headline-indent-subheadline this will also indent the indented headline node's children.

;; Given the following contents:
; * one
; ** two
; ** three
; *** four

(->> (om-parse-element-at 1)
     (om-headline-indent-subtree 1)
 ;; => "* one
 ;      ** two
 ;      *** three
 ;      **** four"

om-headline-unindent-subheadline (index child-index headline)

Return headline node with a child headline under index unindented. The specific child headline to unindent is selected by child-index.

;; Given the following contents:
; * one
; ** two
; ** three
; *** four
; *** four
; *** four

(->> (om-parse-element-at 1)
     (om-headline-unindent-subheadline 1 1)
 ;; => "* one
 ;      ** two
 ;      ** three
 ;      *** four
 ;      ** four
 ;      *** four"

om-headline-unindent-all-subheadlines (index headline)

Return headline node with all child headlines under index unindented.

;; Given the following contents:
; * one
; ** two
; ** three
; *** four
; *** four
; *** four

(->> (om-parse-element-at 1)
     (om-headline-unindent-all-subheadlines 1)
 ;; => "* one
 ;      ** two
 ;      ** three
 ;      ** four
 ;      ** four
 ;      ** four"

Plain List

om-plain-list-set-type (type plain-list)

Return plain-list node with type property set to type. type is one of the symbols unordered or ordered.

;; Given the following contents:
; - [ ] one
; - [X] two

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-plain-list-set-type 'ordered)
 ;; => "1. [ ] one
 ;      2. [X] two"

;; Given the following contents:
; 1. [ ] one
; 2. [X] two

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-plain-list-set-type 'unordered)
 ;; => "- [ ] one
 ;      - [X] two"

om-plain-list-indent-item (index plain-list)

Return plain-list node with child item at index indented. Unlike om-item-indent-item-tree this will not indent the indented item node's children.

;; Given the following contents:
; - one
; - two
;   - three
; - four

;; It makes no sense to indent the first item
(->> (om-parse-element-at 1)
     (om-plain-list-indent-item 0)

(->> (om-parse-element-at 1)
     (om-plain-list-indent-item 1)
 ;; => "- one
 ;        - two
 ;        - three
 ;      - four"

(->> (om-parse-element-at 1)
     (om-plain-list-indent-item 2)
 ;; => "- one
 ;      - two
 ;        - three
 ;        - four"

om-plain-list-indent-item-tree (index plain-list)

Return plain-list node with child item at index indented. Unlike om-item-indent-item this will also indent the indented item node's children.

;; Given the following contents:
; - one
; - two
;   - three
; - four

(->> (om-parse-element-at 1)
     (om-plain-list-indent-item-tree 1)
 ;; => "- one
 ;        - two
 ;          - three
 ;      - four"

om-plain-list-unindent-item (index child-index plain-list)

Return plain-list node with a child item under index unindented. The specific child item to unindent is selected by child-index.

;; Given the following contents:
; - one
; - two
;   - three
;   - three
;   - three
; - four

(->> (om-parse-element-at 1)
     (om-plain-list-unindent-item 1 0)
 ;; => "- one
 ;      - two
 ;      - three
 ;        - three
 ;        - three
 ;      - four"

(->> (om-parse-element-at 1)
     (om-plain-list-unindent-item 1 1)
 ;; => "- one
 ;      - two
 ;        - three
 ;      - three
 ;        - three
 ;      - four"

(->> (om-parse-element-at 1)
     (om-plain-list-unindent-item 2 1)
 ;; => "- one
 ;      - two
 ;        - three
 ;        - three
 ;        - three
 ;      - four"

om-plain-list-unindent-all-items (index plain-list)

Return plain-list node with all child items under index unindented.

;; Given the following contents:
; - one
; - two
;   - three
;   - three
;   - three
; - four

(->> (om-parse-element-at 1)
     (om-plain-list-unindent-all-items 1)
 ;; => "- one
 ;      - two
 ;      - three
 ;      - three
 ;      - three
 ;      - four"

(->> (om-parse-element-at 1)
     (om-plain-list-unindent-all-items 2)
 ;; => "- one
 ;      - two
 ;        - three
 ;        - three
 ;        - three
 ;      - four"


om-table-get-cell (row-index column-index table)

Return table-cell node at row-index and column-index in table node. Rule-type rows do not count toward row indices.

;; Given the following contents:
; | 1 | 2 | 3 |
; |---+---+---|
; | a | b | c |

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-get-cell 0 0)
 ;; => "1"

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-get-cell 1 1)
 ;; => "b"

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-get-cell -1 -1)
 ;; => "c"

om-table-delete-column (column-index table)

Return table node with column at column-index deleted.

;; Given the following contents:
; | a | b |
; |---+---|
; | c | d |

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-delete-column 0)
 ;; => "| b |
 ;      |---|
 ;      | d |"

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-delete-column 1)
 ;; => "| a |
 ;      |---|
 ;      | c |"

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-delete-column -1)
 ;; => "| a |
 ;      |---|
 ;      | c |"

om-table-delete-row (row-index table)

Return table node with row at row-index deleted.

;; Given the following contents:
; | a | b |
; |---+---|
; | c | d |

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-delete-row 0)
 ;; => "|---+---|
 ;      | c | d |"

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-delete-row 1)
 ;; => "| a | b |
 ;      | c | d |"

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-delete-row -1)
 ;; => "| a | b |
 ;      |---+---|"

om-table-insert-column! (column-index column-text table)

Return table node with column-text inserted at column-index.

column-index is the index of the column and column-text is a list of strings to be made into table-cells to be inserted following the same syntax as om-build-table-cell!.

;; Given the following contents:
; | a | b |
; |---+---|
; | c | d |

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-insert-column! 1 '("x" "y"))
 ;; => "| a | x | b |
 ;      |---+---+---|
 ;      | c | y | d |"

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-insert-column! -1 '("x" "y"))
 ;; => "| a | b | x |
 ;      |---+---+---|
 ;      | c | d | y |"

om-table-insert-row! (row-index row-text table)

Return table node with row-text inserted at row-index.

row-index is the index of the column and row-text is a list of strings to be made into table-cells to be inserted following the same syntax as om-build-table-row!.

;; Given the following contents:
; | a | b |
; |---+---|
; | c | d |

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-insert-row! 1 '("x" "y"))
 ;; => "| a | b |
 ;      | x | y |
 ;      |---+---|
 ;      | c | d |"

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-insert-row! 2 '("x" "y"))
 ;; => "| a | b |
 ;      |---+---|
 ;      | x | y |
 ;      | c | d |"

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-insert-row! -1 '("x" "y"))
 ;; => "| a | b |
 ;      |---+---|
 ;      | c | d |
 ;      | x | y |"

om-table-replace-cell! (row-index column-index cell-text table)

Return table node with a table-cell node replaced by cell-text.

If cell-text is a string, it will replace the children of the table-cell at row-index and column-index in table. cell-text will be processed the same as the argument given to om-build-table-cell!.

If cell-text is nil, it will set the cell to an empty string.

;; Given the following contents:
; | 1 | 2 |
; |---+---|
; | a | b |

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-replace-cell! 0 0 "2")
 ;; => "| 2 | 2 |
 ;      |---+---|
 ;      | a | b |"

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-replace-cell! 0 0 nil)
 ;; => "|   | 2 |
 ;      |---+---|
 ;      | a | b |"

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-replace-cell! -1 -1 "B")
 ;; => "| 1 | 2 |
 ;      |---+---|
 ;      | a | B |"

om-table-replace-column! (column-index column-text table)

Return table node with the column at column-index replaced by column-text.

If column-text is a list of strings, it will replace the table-cells at column-index. Each member of column-text will be processed the same as the argument given to om-build-table-cell!.

If column-text is nil, it will clear all cells at column-index.

;; Given the following contents:
; | a | b |
; |---+---|
; | c | d |

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-replace-column! 0 '("A" "B"))
 ;; => "| A | b |
 ;      |---+---|
 ;      | B | d |"

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-replace-column! 0 nil)
 ;; => "|   | b |
 ;      |---+---|
 ;      |   | d |"

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-replace-column! -1 '("A" "B"))
 ;; => "| a | A |
 ;      |---+---|
 ;      | c | B |"

om-table-replace-row! (row-index row-text table)

Return table node with the row at row-index replaced by row-text.

If row-text is a list of strings, it will replace the cells at row-index. Each member of row-text will be processed the same as the argument given to om-build-table-row!.

If row-text is nil, it will clear all cells at row-index.

;; Given the following contents:
; | a | b |
; |---+---|
; | c | d |

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-replace-row! 0 '("A" "B"))
 ;; => "| A | B |
 ;      |---+---|
 ;      | c | d |"

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-replace-row! 0 nil)
 ;; => "|   |   |
 ;      |---+---|
 ;      | c | d |"

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-table-replace-row! -1 '("A" "B"))
 ;; => "| a | b |
 ;      |---+---|
 ;      | A | B |"

Node Matching

Use pattern-matching to selectively perform operations on nodes in trees.

om-match (pattern node)

Return a list of child nodes matching pattern in node.

pattern is a list like ([slicer [arg1] [arg2]] [pnode] sub1 [sub2 ...]).

slicer is an optional prefix to the pattern describing how many and which matches to return. If not given, all matches are returned. Possible values are:

  • :first - return the first match
  • :last - return the last match
  • :nth arg1 - return the nth match where arg1 is an integer denoting the index to return (starting at 0). arg1 may be a negative number to start counting at the end of the match list, in which case -1 is the last index. Using 0 and -1 for arg1 is equivalent to using :first and :last respectively
  • :sub arg1 arg2 - return a sublist between indices arg1 and arg2. arg1 may not be greater than arg2, and both must either be non-negative integers or negative integers. In the case of negative integers, the indices refer to the same counterparts as described in :nth. If arg1 and arg2 are equal, this slicer has the same behavior as :nth.

pnode is an optional literal node to be matched. If given, the matching process will start within pnode wherever it happens to be in node. This is useful for 'reusing' previous matches without repeating the same pattern.

subx denotes subpatterns that that match nodes in the parse tree. Subpatterns may either be wildcards or conditions.

Conditions match exactly one level of the node tree being searched based on the node's type (the symbol returned by om-get-type), properties (the value returned by om-get-property for a valid property keyword), and index (the position of the node in the list returned by om-get-children). For index, both left indices (where zero refers to the left end of the list) and right indices (where -1 refers to the right end of the list) are understood. Conditions may either be atomic or compound, where compound conditions are themselves composed of atomic or compound conditions.

The types of atomic conditions are:

  • type - match when the node's type is eq to type (a symbol)
  • index - match when the node's index is = to index (an integer)
  • (op index) - match when (op node-index index) returns t. op is one of <, >, <=, or >= and node-index is the index of the node being evaluated
  • (prop val) - match nodes whose property prop (a keyword) is equal to val; val is obtained by evaluating om-get-property with prop and the current node; if prop is invalid, an error will be thrown
  • (:pred pred) - match when pred evaluates to t; pred is a symbol for a unary function that takes the current node as its argument

Compound conditions start with an operator followed by their component conditions. In the syntax below, cx refers to a condition. The types of compound conditions are:

  • (:and c1 c2 [c3 ...]) - match when all conditions are true
  • (:or c1 c2 [c3 ...]) - match when at least one condition is true
  • (:not c) - match when condition is not true

In addition to conditions, subx may be a wildcard keyword to match nodes independent of their type, properties, and index. The types of wildcards are:

  • :any - always match exactly one node
  • :many sub - match sub to nodes that are zero or more levels down in the tree; sub is a subpattern of either a condition or the :any wildcard; only one subpattern is allowed after :many
  • :many! sub - like :many but do not match within other matches
;; Given the following contents:
; * headline 1
; ** TODO headline 2
; stuff
; - item 1
; - item 2
; - item 3
; ** DONE headline 3
; - item 4
; - item 5
; - item 6
; ** TODO COMMENT headline 4
; - item 7
; - item 8
; - item 9

;; Match items (excluding the first) in headlines that are marked "TODO" and not
;; commented. The :many keyword matches the section and plain-list nodes holding
;; the items.
(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
     (om-match '((:and (:todo-keyword "TODO")
			     (:commentedp nil))
		       :many (:and item (> 0))))
     (-map (function om-to-trimmed-string)))
 ;; => '("- item 2" "- item 3")

;; Given the following contents:
; *one* *two* *three* *four* *five* *six*

;; Return all bold nodes
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-match '(bold))
     (-map (function om-to-trimmed-string)))
 ;; => '("*one*" "*two*" "*three*" "*four*" "*five*" "*six*")

;; Return first bold node
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-match '(:first bold))
     (-map (function om-to-trimmed-string)))
 ;; => '("*one*")

;; Return last bold node
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-match '(:last bold))
     (-map (function om-to-trimmed-string)))
 ;; => '("*six*")

;; Return a select bold node
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-match '(:nth 2 bold))
     (-map (function om-to-trimmed-string)))
 ;; => '("*three*")

;; Return a sublist of matched bold nodes
(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-match '(:sub 1 3 bold))
     (-map (function om-to-trimmed-string)))
 ;; => '("*two*" "*three*" "*four*")

om-match-delete (pattern node)

Return node without children matching pattern.

pattern follows the same rules as om-match.

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline one
; ** headline two
; ** headline three
; ** headline four

;; Selectively delete headlines
(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
     (om-match-delete '(headline))
 ;; => "* headline one"

(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
     (om-match-delete '(:first headline))
 ;; => "* headline one
 ;      ** headline three
 ;      ** headline four"

(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
     (om-match-delete '(:last headline))
 ;; => "* headline one
 ;      ** headline two
 ;      ** headline three"

om-match-extract (pattern node)

Remove nodes matching pattern from node. Return cons cell where the car is a list of all removed nodes and the cdr is the modified node.

pattern follows the same rules as om-match.

;; Given the following contents:
; pull me /under/

(--> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-match-extract '(:many italic)
     (cons (-map (function om-to-trimmed-string)
		 (car it))
	   (om-to-trimmed-string (cdr it))))
 ;; => '(("/under/") . "pull me")

om-match-map (pattern fun node)

Return node with fun applied to children matching pattern. fun is a unary function that takes a node and returns a new node which will replace the original.

pattern follows the same rules as om-match.

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline one
; ** TODO headline two
; ** headline three
; ** headline four

;; Selectively mark headlines as DONE
(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
     (om-match-map '(headline)
		   (lambda (it)
		     (om-set-property :todo-keyword "DONE" it)))
 ;; => "* headline one
 ;      ** DONE headline two
 ;      ** DONE headline three
 ;      ** DONE headline four"

(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
     (om-match-map* '(:first headline)
		    (om-set-property :todo-keyword "DONE" it))
 ;; => "* headline one
 ;      ** DONE headline two
 ;      ** headline three
 ;      ** headline four"

(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
     (om-match-map '(:last headline)
		   (-partial (function om-set-property)
			     :todo-keyword "DONE"))
 ;; => "* headline one
 ;      ** TODO headline two
 ;      ** headline three
 ;      ** DONE headline four"

;; Given the following contents:
; * headline
; :Effort:   0:30
; :END:

;; Match the literal property-drawer node and map the node-property inside if
;; the property-drawer exists
(let ((hl (om-parse-this-headline)))
  (-if-let (pd (om-headline-get-properties-drawer hl))
      (->> hl (om-match-map* (\` ((\, pd)
			     (om-set-property :value "1:30" it))
    (print "...or do something else if no drawer")))
 ;; => "* headline
 ;      :PROPERTIES:
 ;      :Effort:   1:30
 ;      :END:"

om-match-mapcat (pattern fun node)

Return node with fun applied to children matching pattern. fun is a unary function that takes a node and returns a list of new nodes which will be spliced in place of the original node.

pattern follows the same rules as om-match.

;; Given the following contents:
; * one
; ** two

(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
     (om-match-mapcat* '(:first headline)
		       (list (om-build-headline! :title-text "1.5" :level 2)
 ;; => "* one
 ;      ** 1.5
 ;      ** two"

om-match-replace (pattern node* node)

Return node with node* in place of children matching pattern.

pattern follows the same rules as om-match.

;; Given the following contents:
; *1* 2 *3* 4 *5* 6 *7* 8 *9* 10

(->> (om-parse-this-element)
     (om-match-replace '(:many bold)
       (om-build-bold :post-blank 1 "0"))
 ;; => "*0* 2 *0* 4 *0* 6 *0* 8 *0* 10"

om-match-insert-before (pattern node* node)

Return node with node* inserted before children matching pattern.

pattern follows the same rules as om-match.

;; Given the following contents:
; * one
; ** two
; ** three

(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
     (om-match-insert-before '(headline)
       (om-build-headline! :title-text "new" :level 2))
 ;; => "* one
 ;      ** new
 ;      ** two
 ;      ** new
 ;      ** three"

om-match-insert-after (pattern node* node)

Return node with node* inserted after children matching pattern.

pattern follows the same rules as om-match.

;; Given the following contents:
; * one
; ** two
; ** three

(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
     (om-match-insert-after '(headline)
       (om-build-headline! :title-text "new" :level 2))
 ;; => "* one
 ;      ** two
 ;      ** new
 ;      ** three
 ;      ** new"

om-match-insert-within (pattern index node* node)

Return node with node* inserted at index in children matching pattern.

pattern follows the same rules as om-match with the exception that pattern may be nil. In this case node* will be inserted at index in the immediate, top level children of node.

;; Given the following contents:
; * one
; ** two
; ** three

(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
     (om-match-insert-within '(headline)
	 0 (om-build-headline! :title-text "new" :level 3))
 ;; => "* one
 ;      ** two
 ;      *** new
 ;      ** three
 ;      *** new"

;; The nil pattern denotes top-level element
(->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
     (om-match-insert-within nil 1 (om-build-headline! :title-text "new" :level 2))
 ;; => "* one
 ;      ** two
 ;      ** new
 ;      ** three"

om-match-splice (pattern nodes* node)

Return node with nodes* spliced in place of children matching pattern. nodes* is a list of nodes.

pattern follows the same rules as om-match.

;; Given the following contents:
; * one
; ** two
; ** three

(let ((L (list (om-build-headline! :title-text "new0" :level 2)
	       (om-build-headline! :title-text "new1" :level 2))))
  (->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
       (om-match-splice '(0)
 ;; => "* one
 ;      ** new0
 ;      ** new1
 ;      ** three"

om-match-splice-before (pattern nodes* node)

Return node with nodes* spliced before children matching pattern. nodes* is a list of nodes.

pattern follows the same rules as om-match.

;; Given the following contents:
; * one
; ** two
; ** three

(let ((L (list (om-build-headline! :title-text "new0" :level 2)
	       (om-build-headline! :title-text "new1" :level 2))))
  (->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
       (om-match-splice-before '(0)
 ;; => "* one
 ;      ** new0
 ;      ** new1
 ;      ** two
 ;      ** three"

om-match-splice-after (pattern nodes* node)

Return node with nodes* spliced after children matching pattern. nodes* is a list of nodes.

pattern follows the same rules as om-match.

;; Given the following contents:
; * one
; ** two
; ** three

(let ((L (list (om-build-headline! :title-text "new0" :level 2)
	       (om-build-headline! :title-text "new1" :level 2))))
  (->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
       (om-match-splice-after '(0)
 ;; => "* one
 ;      ** two
 ;      ** new0
 ;      ** new1
 ;      ** three"

om-match-splice-within (pattern index nodes* node)

Return node with nodes* spliced at index in children matching pattern. nodes* is a list of nodes.

pattern follows the same rules as om-match with the exception that pattern may be nil. In this case nodes* will be inserted at index in the immediate, top level children of node.

;; Given the following contents:
; * one
; ** two
; ** three
; *** four

(let ((L (list (om-build-headline! :title-text "new0" :level 3)
	       (om-build-headline! :title-text "new1" :level 3))))
  (->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
       (om-match-splice-within '(headline)
	   0 L)
 ;; => "* one
 ;      ** two
 ;      *** new0
 ;      *** new1
 ;      ** three
 ;      *** new0
 ;      *** new1
 ;      *** four"

(let ((L (list (om-build-headline! :title-text "new0" :level 2)
	       (om-build-headline! :title-text "new1" :level 2))))
  (->> (om-parse-this-subtree)
       (om-match-splice-within nil 1 L)
 ;; => "* one
 ;      ** two
 ;      ** new0
 ;      ** new1
 ;      ** three
 ;      *** four"

om-match-do (pattern fun node)

Like om-match-map but for side effects only. fun is a unary function that has side effects and is applied to the matches from node using pattern. This function itself returns nil.

pattern follows the same rules as om-match.

no examples :(

Buffer Side Effects

Map node manipulations into buffers.


om-insert (point node)

Convert node to a string and insert at point in the current buffer. Return node.

;; Given the following contents:
; * one

(->> (om-build-headline! :title-text "two")
     (om-insert (point-max)))
 ;; Output these buffer contents
 ;; $> "* one
 ;      * two"

;; Given the following contents:
; a *game* or a /boy/

(->> (om-build-paragraph! "we don't care if you're")
     (om-insert (point-min)))
 ;; Output these buffer contents
 ;; $> "we don't care if you're
 ;      a *game* or a /boy/"

om-insert-tail (point node)

Like om-insert but insert node at point and move to end of insertion.

no examples :(


om-update (fun node)

Replace node in the current buffer with a new one. fun is a unary function that takes node and returns a modified node. This modified node is then written in place of the old node in the current buffer.

;; Given the following contents:
; * TODO win grammy

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
     (om-update (lambda (hl)
		  (om-set-property :todo-keyword "DONE" hl))))
 ;; Output these buffer contents
 ;; $> "* DONE win grammy"

;; Given the following contents:
; * win grammy [0/0]
; - [ ] write punk song
; - [ ] get new vocalist
; - [ ] sell 2 singles

(->> (om-parse-this-headline)
     (om-update* (->> (om-match-map '(:many item)
				    (function om-item-toggle-checkbox)
 ;; Output these buffer contents
 ;; $> "* win grammy [3/3]
 ;      - [X] write punk song
 ;      - [X] get new vocalist
 ;      - [X] sell 2 singles"

om-update-object-at (point fun)

Update object under point using fun. fun takes an object and returns a modified object

;; Given the following contents:
; [[][desc]]

(om-update-object-at* (point)
  (om-set-property :path "//" it))
 ;; Output these buffer contents
 ;; $> "[[][desc]]"

om-update-element-at (point fun)

Update element under point using fun. fun takes an element and returns a modified element

;; Given the following contents:
; #+CALL: ktulu()

(om-update-element-at* (point)
  (om-set-properties (list :call "cthulhu" :inside-header '(:cache no)
			    :arguments '("x=4")
			    :end-header '(:results html))
 ;; Output these buffer contents
 ;; $> "#+CALL: cthulhu[:cache no](x=4) :results html"

om-update-table-row-at (point fun)

Update table-row under point using fun. fun takes an table-row and returns a modified table-row

;; Given the following contents:
; | a | b |

(om-update-table-row-at* (point)
  (om-map-children* (cons (om-build-table-cell! "0")
 ;; Output these buffer contents
 ;; $> "| 0 | a | b |"

om-update-item-at (point fun)

Update item under point using fun. fun takes an item and returns a modified item

;; Given the following contents:
; - [ ] thing

(om-update-item-at* (point)
  (om-item-toggle-checkbox it))
 ;; Output these buffer contents
 ;; $> "- [X] thing"

om-update-headline-at (point fun)

Update headline under point using fun. fun takes an headline and returns a modified headline

;; Given the following contents:
; * TODO might get done
; * DONE no need to update

(om-update-headline-at* (point)
  (om-set-property :todo-keyword "DONE" it))
 ;; Output these buffer contents
 ;; $> "* DONE might get done
 ;      * DONE no need to update"

om-update-subtree-at (point fun)

Update subtree under point using fun. fun takes an subtree and returns a modified subtree

;; Given the following contents:
; * one
; ** two
; ** three
; * not updated

(om-update-subtree-at* (point)
  (om-headline-indent-subheadline 1 it))
 ;; Output these buffer contents
 ;; $> "* one
 ;      ** two
 ;      *** three
 ;      * not updated"

om-update-section-at (point fun)

Update section under point using fun. fun takes an section and returns a modified section

;; Given the following contents:
; #+KEY1: VAL1
; #+KEY2: VAL2
; * irrelevant headline

;; Update the top buffer section before the headlines start
(om-update-section-at* (point)
  (om-map-children* (--map (om-map-property :value (function s-downcase)
 ;; Output these buffer contents
 ;; $> "#+KEY1: val1
 ;      #+KEY2: val2
 ;      * irrelevant headline"


om-fold (node)

Fold the children of node if they exist.

no examples :(

om-unfold (node)

Unfold the children of node if they exist.

no examples :(



A functional library for org-mode

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Emacs Lisp 99.9%Language:Makefile 0.1%