ceskyDJ / ipk-http-server

1st project to subject IPK on FIT BUT

Repository from Github https://github.comceskyDJ/ipk-http-serverRepository from Github https://github.comceskyDJ/ipk-http-server

HTTP info server

HTTP info server is the 1st project to subject IPK (Computer Communications and Networks). It provides a script that acts as an HTTP server informing about the system where it is running.


Installation of this project could be done by using the Make program. The default rule from the packed Makefile does this job. You can compile the whole script with:


The compilation phase will produce one binary file called hinfosvc, a few obj files, and a dep.list. You can run Make again for removing temporarily created files: make clean.

Running the script

This project has only one executable binary file - hinfosvc. It starts the HTTP server providing information about the machine where the script is running. To run the script, use this command structure:

./hinfosvc PORT &

For example: ./hinfosvc 1221 runs the server on port 1221. The server will be available at all IP (v4 and v6) addresses of the machine. For testing, you can use http://localhost:1221 with the address of the wanted information (see next section).


There are three types of information the server provides. You can find them in the following subsections.


The first information you can get from the server is the fully qualified hostname of the computer.

GET http://server-name:PORT/hostname

Example request (from internet browser):


Example output (text/plain):

On personal computer (not in a domain):


On school/enterprise machine (in a domain):


CPU name

The second information you can get is the name of the used CPU.

GET http://server-name:PORT/cpu-name

Example request (from internet browser):


Example output (text/plain):

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz

CPU load

The last information provided by the HTTP server is the CPU load. It is the average usage of the CPU (across its cores).

GET http://server-name:PORT/load

Example request (from internet browser):


Example output (text/plain):



1st project to subject IPK on FIT BUT


Language:C 93.7%Language:Makefile 4.4%Language:CMake 1.9%