cepero91 / RappiTMDBApi

Rappi App Technical Test for the application as an Intermediate Android Developer. Project built using Kotlin, MVVM, Dagger2, Coroutines, Retrofit, DataBinding, Navigation and Room Database for caching.

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Android Test Rappi

Test description

El primer paso del proceso de selección consiste en superar esta prueba, está diseñada para evaluar tu conocimiento y experiencia como desarrollador Android.

Por favor ten en cuenta lo siguiente:

- Consumir el API de películas y series de la siguiente pagina: https://developers.themoviedb.org/4/getting-started/authorization

- Debe tener tres categorías de películas y/o series: Popular, Top Rated, Upcoming.
- Cada película y/o series debe poder visualizar su detalle.
- Debe funcionar tanto online como offline (cache).
- Debe tener un buscador offline por categorías.

Valoraciones extras:

1. Visualización de los videos en el detalle de cada ítem.
2. Transiciones, Animaciones, UI/UX.
3. Buscador Online.
4. Pruebas Unitarias

Una vez acabada la prueba describa en un readme brevemente:

1. Las capas de la aplicación (por ejemplo capa de persistencia, vistas, red, negocio, etc) y qué clases pertenecen a cual.
2. La responsabilidad de cada clase creada.

Responda y escriba dentro del Readme con las siguientes preguntas:

1. En qué consiste el principio de responsabilidad única? Cuál es su propósito?
2. Qué características tiene, según su opinión, un “buen” código o código limpio


1. Archivo APK.
2. Link de github del código de la prueba
3. Dentro de repositorio de github el readme con las explicaciones y preguntas solicitadas.

Tres días o 72 horas después de la confirmación de recibido del email.  

Application Layers

  • movies

    • MoviesFragment = Movies List Fragment View
    • MoviesViewModel = Movies View Model, the persistence connection from the MoviesFragment to the data
    • MoviesRepository = All the data operations required by the MoviesFragment and MoviesViewModel
    • MoviesListAdapter = The RecyclerAdapter for the Grid of Movies displayed on MoviesFragment
  • details

    • DetailsFragment = Movie Details Fragment View
    • DetailsViewModel = Movie Details connection to the data required, (videos and genres)
    • DetailsViewModelFactory = Create the ViewModel with some additional constructor params required
    • DetailsRepository = All the data operations required by the Fragment and ViewModel
  • data

    • database
      • AppDatabase = RoomDatabase creation with a genreDao and a movieDao
      • Converters = Room Field Conversion (ListInt to String and vice versa)
      • GenreDao = Data operations with the respective table Genre (Insert, Delete...)
      • MovieDao = Data operations with the respective table Movie (Insert, Delete...)
    • models
      • Genre = Genre Model that will be used for json parsing response and as a table with room
      • Movie = Movie Model that will be used for json parsing response and as a table with room
      • Video = Video Model that will be used for json parsing response and as a table with room
    • network
  • ui

    • BindingAdapters = A new ImageView attr called posterPath, creating the image from the url string
    • MoviesGlideModule = @GlideModule class required by Glide

Single Responsibility Principle

The SRP is basically a principle that says that each class, function, or module, must take care only one and only one thing of the application

Good and clean code, from my opinion

A good and clean code, from my perspective, should:

  • Be organized -> Well spared in modules, packages and classes
  • Be informative -> Names must be informative, you should read it and understand what it does
  • Be clean -> Well indented and spaced
  • Be understandable -> Even if a 1 line of code can replace 5, that should not be done if nobody will understand
  • Have a good Design Pattern -> Actually MVVM is the top architecture for various reasons
  • Contain updated libraries -> Use only libraries maintained by the creators
  • Make use of the language features
  • Be well tested -> Test what should be tested (not everything should be)


Rappi App Technical Test for the application as an Intermediate Android Developer. Project built using Kotlin, MVVM, Dagger2, Coroutines, Retrofit, DataBinding, Navigation and Room Database for caching.



Language:Kotlin 100.0%