cepero91 / MyMovieApp

App para consultar TMDb API utilizando MVVM y android jetpack

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Android App only for educational purpose



splash splash splash
splash splash splash
splash splash splash
splash splash splash

Patterns and Third party libraries applied

  1. Android Jetpack (Livedata, ViewModel, Pagination, Room, Navigation, Preference)
  2. MVVM
  3. Dagger2
  4. Retrofit2
  5. Coroutines
  6. Single Activity Pattern
  7. Material Design
  8. Picasso


  1. Trending movies
  2. Popular movies
  3. Popular movies for child
  4. Favorite movies
  5. Movie details
  6. Change label and visibility of navigation drawer menu

Aditional Note

This code has been discontinued, so it may not be up to date.On Other hand, feel free to make some pull to improvement it