centre-for-humanities-computing / krak-phonebook-parser

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Krak phonebook parser

A tool for extracting names, addresses and phone numbers from PDFs and parsing them according to a set of rules.

Created to extract demographic information from Krak's residency registry.

The OCR scanned PDFs can be located at https://bibliotek.kk.dk/temaer/krak/1990-2007/08

CLI installation

npm install

CLI usage

  • Navigate to the root of the repository and run

node ./cli.js -s [input directory or file] -d [output directory]

  • The input must be a valid PDF file or folder. If provided a folder, the extracter will read all PDFs in that folder and extract text from them.
  • As an intermediate step, the script creates a temporary folder in the output directory (/temp/) with the raw text extracts. They are deleted after the parsing, unless flag --keep is given.
  • If the output folder does not exist, it will be created.
  • Note: All files must have their year in the filename in the format: YYYY. The script will take the first valid year in the filename as the basis for the output.

CLI options

  • -s, -source <path> [required]: A path to the file or folder containing the PDFs to be read and parsed. If the source path resolves to a file, extracts and parses only text from that file.
  • -d, destination <directory> [required]: A path to the folder where data should be saved.
  • -f, --file [optional]: Outputs parser statistics to file in the destination folder (stats/stats.txt). Otherwise prints to terminal.
  • -t, --threshold <integer> [optional]: Defines a minimum line length (= number of characters) to consider when parsing. Disregards anything below this threshold. Default is 5.
  • -p, --parse [optional]: Parse only (skips the extraction of text from PDF). Useful when experimenting with different rules and thresholds.
  • -k, --keep [optional]: Keeps the temporary folder and the raw text extracted from the PDFs. Must be used at least once before using the -p, --parse argument.
  • -b, --debug [optional]: Debug mode. Prints a lot of things in the terminal while running.

Terminal output

When the parser has run, an estimate of success will be printed to the terminal (or to a file if flag --file is set).


Currently runs synchronously. Needs refactoring to extract text from multiple files simultaneously.

Finding unique names

unique.js is a simple script that finds all unique names in either a given year or for all years.


  • <path> [required]: An absolute path to the directory that contains the output from the main CLI program. The data must be in the form produced by the CLI program (YYYY.ndjson).
  • <integer> [optional]: A year in the format YYYY. If specified, generates a list of unique names only for that year provided the data for that year exists.


node ./unique.js [required: path to directory] [optional: year]


node ./unique.js /Users/me/data 2004



Language:JavaScript 100.0%