centre-for-humanities-computing / crowdtangle-api-scraper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CrowdTangle Api Scraper

A tool for extracting post objects from the CrowdTangle api.


  • Install node.js version 14.11 or higher
  • Clone this repository
  • Navigate to the root of the repository and run
$ npm install


  • Navigate to the root of the repository and run to see the help for the CLI
$ node cli -h 

CLI options

  • -k, --api-credentials <apiCredentials> [required] - The CrowdTangle API key or a file containing KEY
  • -q, --query <query> [required] - The term to search for
  • -d, --destination <directory> [required] - The directory where the result should be stored
  • -p, --filename-prefix <string> [optional, default="posts"] - The name of the result file
  • -f, --from <date> [required] - The date to fetch data from in the format "yyyy-mm-dd"
  • -t, --to <date> [required] - The date to fetch data to (included) in the format "yyyy-mm-dd". To fetch a single day this should be the same as "from"
  • -l, --language <languageCode> [optional] - The iso language code to search for. Eg. "da"
  • -o, --platforms <platforms> [optional] - The platforms to search. Default: "facebook". Possible values are [facebook, instagram, reddit] multiple platforms should be separated by comma
  • -c, --csv [optional] - Generate a csv file along with the json file
  • -z, --development-mode [optional] - Should logging data be printed to the stdout

Full Example

$ node cli -k "API-KEY" -q "election" -d "/data/crowdtangle", -f "2019-01-01" -t "2020-01-01" -l "da" -o "facebook" -c



Language:JavaScript 100.0%