cenit-io / cenit-jupyter-notebooks

Repository from Github https://github.comcenit-io/cenit-jupyter-notebooksRepository from Github https://github.comcenit-io/cenit-jupyter-notebooks


Use this application to deploy Cenit-IO Jupyter Notebook to heroku or CloudFoundry.

Installation instructions

Local installation

$ pip3 install notebook ipywidgets requests iso8601

$ gem install ffi-rzmq
$ gem install cztop
$ gem install iruby

$ git clone https://github.com/cenit-io/cenit-jupyter-notebooks.git
$ cd cenit-jupyter-notebooks
$ cp -ax .jupyter ~/

$ jupyter notebook --debug

heroku - manual deployment

Push this repository to your app or fork this repository on github and link your repository to your heroku app.

$ git clone https://github.com/cenit-io/cenit-jupyter-notebooks.git
$ cd cenit-jupyter-notebooks

$ heroku apps:create <your_app>
$ heroku buildpacks:set https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-apt
$ heroku buildpacks:set https://github.com/pl31/heroku-buildpack-conda.git 
$ heroku buildpacks:set https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-ruby.git

Environment variable

$ heroku config:set CENITIO_BASE_URL='https://cenit.io' -a <your_app>

Environment variables

  • CENITIO_BASE_URL: (Used in Jupyter App) Set Cenit-IO base url. //cenit.io
  • JUPYTER_NOTEBOOK_ARGS: (Used in Jupyter App) Additional command line args passed to jupyter notebook; e.g. get a more verbose logging using --debug
  • JUPYTER_NOTEBOOKS: (Used in Cenit-IO App) Enable or disable notebooks in Cenit-IO. e.g. True
  • JUPYTER_NOTEBOOKS_URL: (Used in Cenit-IO App) Set jupyter app url. e.g. //cenit-jupyter-notebooks.herokuapp.com



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