celsocrivelaro / changelog

My changelog - Lessons from everyday

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Date Category Description
2018-08-19 ruby TTY Box - Draw various frames and boxes in your terminal window
2018-03-16 js Prompts - Prompt for JavaScript
2018-03-15 ruby FixedWidthFileParser - Positional File Parser
2018-03-09 pg Window Function - PG Window Function
2018-03-09 terminal Peek - Simple animated GIF screen recorder with an easy to use interface
2017-07-19 ruby Climate Control: Ruby gem for changing ENV in testing
2017-06-19 ruby Rainbow: Ruby gem for colorizing printed text on ANSI terminals
2017-06-06 terminal Asciinema: Record you terminal
2017-06-02 css Loading
2017-06-02 css Font Awesome Icons
2017-05-19 tmux Zoom a pane: C-z
2017-05-19 tmux Enable mouse: set -g mouse on
2017-05-17 js Select2: Select box component
2017-05-12 ruby Terminal Table: Ruby ASCII Table Generator
2017-04-14 ruby Hashie: Hash with coercion and steroids
2017-04-14 ruby Dry Validation: Parser and Coersion of params in Ruby
2017-03-27 docker Goss: Testing Docker configurations
2017-03-26 bash Shunit - Unit tests for shell
2017-03-23 vim ci) -> change inside parantesis
2017-03-23 ruby Pudit: Minimal authorization through OO design and pure Ruby classes
2017-03-21 bash Shell check
2017-03-21 bash Bash strict mode
2017-03-18 angular Protactor
2017-03-12 http Content Security Policy
2017-03-12 js EventListener - Onclick
2017-03-10 ruby Ruby Object Model
2017-03-06 ruby Unable to require openssl: rvm reinstall 2.3.3 --with-openssl-dir=brew --prefix openssl
2017-03-06 ruby Get Constant from Child Class - get_constant
2017-03-04 ruby Reform - Form objects decoupled from your models
2017-03-04 bash Reform - Form objects decoupled from your models
2017-03-04 ruby Shared Examples
2017-03-01 bash Bash functions
2017-02-27 bash #!/usr/bin/env perl
2017-02-22 vim Resize splits, C-w -> + - (height), < > (width), 10 C-w > (10 columns)
2017-02-22 bash My extravagant Zsh
2017-02-22 ruby Module Prepend
2017-02-21 misc Keep a changelog
2017-02-21 git git add --patch
2017-02-21 linux Tmux 1 and Tmux 2
2017-02-17 ruby GIL
2017-02-17 testing Unit Test Readbility
2017-02-17 ruby GIL
2017-02-17 oo Principles of OOD Uncle Bob
2017-02-17 misc Animated GIF
2017-02-17 ruby Her: ORM maps REST resources
2017-02-17 networking Let's Encrypt: Free SSL Certificate
2017-02-17 networking HTTP Only Standard
2017-02-17 networking HTTP Secure Headers
2017-02-17 elixir Elixir School
2017-02-17 web Authorization Tokens
2017-02-17 api RESP API Error messages
2017-02-17 api API Best Practices
2017-02-17 linux HTop explained
2017-02-17 css CSS Reference: Reference to CSS properties
2017-02-17 bash Tmate: terminal sharing
2017-02-16 misc Compress images TinyPng
2017-02-15 vim Insert mode: Ctrl + t to indent right Ctrl + d to indent left
2017-02-15 testing Email format tests: Litmus
2017-02-15 linux SystemD commands
2017-02-15 good-practice Write down this changelog


My changelog - Lessons from everyday

License:MIT License