celestiaorg / upgrade-monitor

Upgrade monitor is a binary that monitors that status of upgrades on a Celestia network

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Upgrade Monitor

Upgrade monitor is a binary that monitors that status of upgrades on a Celestia network. Upgrade monitor can optionally publish a signed transaction to trigger an upgrade if it detects that enough validators have signalled for that upgrade.


  1. Install Go 1.21.5
  2. Determine which Celestia network you would like to monitor upgrades on. Get a GRPC endpoint for a consensus node on that network.


upgrade-monitor is only applicable for consensus nodes that are running app version >= 2. At the time of writing, Celestia mainnet and testnets are on app version 1 so upgrade-monitor can only be used on a local devnet.


# Build the binary from source
go build .

# Verify the binary is working
./upgrade-monitor --help


  1. In one terminal tab, start a celestia-app local devnet.

    cd celestia-app
    # Upgrade monitor can only be run on app version >= 2 so checkout main and install celestia-appd.
    git checkout main
    make install
    # This will start a GRPC server at
  2. [optional] In a new terminal tab, prepare the try upgrade transaction

    # Export environment variables. Modify these based on your needs.
    export CHAIN_ID="private"
    export KEY_NAME="validator"
    export KEYRING_BACKEND="test"
    export FROM=$(celestia-appd keys show $KEY_NAME --address --keyring-backend $KEYRING_BACKEND)
    # Prepare the unsigned transaction.
    celestia-appd tx upgrade try-upgrade --from $FROM --keyring-backend $KEYRING_BACKEND --fees 420utia --generate-only > unsigned_tx.json
    # Sign the unsigned transaction.
    celestia-appd tx sign unsigned_tx.json --from $FROM --keyring-backend $KEYRING_BACKEND --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --output-document signed_tx.json
  3. Run the upgrade-monitor.

    # Run the binary without auto publishing
    # [optional] Run the binary with auto publishing
    ./upgrade-monitor --auto-publish signed_tx.json


Upgrade monitor is a binary that monitors that status of upgrades on a Celestia network


Language:Go 100.0%