ceciliamvrie / Foodgram

πŸ” Foodgram - Copy of Instagram

Home Page:http://foodgram.tk/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


##API-DOC: http://foodgram.tk:8500/

Technology Stack

alt tag

alt tag


[Node v6.X](https://nodejs.org/en/)   
$ git clone https://github.com/Ortee/Foodgram.git Foodgram
$ cd Foodgram
$ cd server
$ npm install
$ cd ..
$ cd nodestore
$ npm install
$ cd ..
$ cd frontend
$ npm install
$ cd ..
Windows users

Do all the commands above and after that install pg manually.

$ cd server
$ npm install pg



$ docker-compose up
$ ./setup.sh     <-- fix node-sass problem
Wait few seconds
$ ./seed.sh
If you have any problems email: kontakt@mateuszoracz.pl
Windows users

Scripts for windows not included. You need to do it manually.

$ docker-compose up

1. Fix sass problem <- on the bottom of readme
2. Seed
  Enter server container
  $ npm run db:seed


$ docker-compose up


$ docker-compose down / CTRL+C / CMD+C

SERVER : localhost:3000
FRONTEND : localhost:4000

When you edit only frontend better use port 4000 because it automatically refreshes browser (files .js & .scss)

Only port 3000 is working with database and Express

Migrate & Seed PostgreSql

Run docker containers

$ docker-compose up

U need server container ID

$ docker ps

Attach to server container

$ docker exec -it [ID] /bin/bash

Run migration

root@[SERVER_CONTAINER_ID]$ npm run db:migrate

Run seeders

root@[SERVER_CONTAINER_ID]$ npm run db:seed

Testing server & frontend

Always run tests in server container!

Run server tests

root@[SERVER_CONTAINER_ID$ npm run run:server:tests

Run frontend tests

root@[SERVER_CONTAINER_ID$ npm run build:frontend:tests
root@[SERVER_CONTAINER_ID$ npm run run:frontend:tests

Enter PostgreSql

$ docker ps
$ docker exec -it [POSTGRES_CONTAINER_ID] /bin/bash
root@[CONTAINER_ID]$ su - postgres
root@[CONTAINER_ID]$ psql db

Show tables

root@[CONTAINER_ID]$ \d

Add custom model/seeder/migration

Enter server container

$ docker ps
$ docker exec -it [ID] /bin/bash
root@[CONTAINER_ID]$ cd server

Run Sequelize task

root@[CONTAINER_ID]$ ../node_modules/.bin/sequelize [TASK]

EXAMPLE: Create model and migration name: Post with attributes name & content

root@[CONTAINER_ID]$  ../node_modules/.bin/sequelize model:create --name Post --attributes name:string,content:text  --underscored

Hint: Express don't like camelCase. Use always --underscored param.

Available tasks
  db:migrate             Run pending migrations.
  db:migrate:old_schema  Update legacy migration table
  db:migrate:undo        Revert the last migration run.
  db:migrate:undo:all    Revert all migrations ran.
  db:seed                Run specified seeder.
  db:seed:all            Run every seeder.
  db:seed:undo           Deletes data from the database.
  db:seed:undo:all       Deletes data from the database.
  help                   Display this help text. Aliases: h
  init                   Initializes the project. [init:config, init:migrations, init:seeders, init:models]
  init:config            Initializes the configuration.
  init:migrations        Initializes the migrations.
  init:models            Initializes the models.
  init:seeders           Initializes the seeders.
  migration:create       Generates a new migration file. Aliases: migration:generate
  model:create           Generates a model and its migration. Aliases: model:generate
  seed:create            Generates a new seed file. Aliases: seed:generate
  version                Prints the version number. Aliases: v
Available manuals
  help:db:migrate             The documentation for "sequelize db:migrate".
  help:db:migrate:old_schema  The documentation for "sequelize db:migrate:old_schema".
  help:db:migrate:undo        The documentation for "sequelize db:migrate:undo".
  help:db:migrate:undo:all    The documentation for "sequelize db:migrate:undo:all".
  help:db:seed                The documentation for "sequelize db:seed".
  help:db:seed:all            The documentation for "sequelize db:seed:all".
  help:db:seed:undo           The documentation for "sequelize db:seed:undo".
  help:db:seed:undo:all       The documentation for "sequelize db:seed:undo:all".
  help:init                   The documentation for "sequelize init".
  help:init:config            The documentation for "sequelize init:config".
  help:init:migrations        The documentation for "sequelize init:migrations".
  help:init:models            The documentation for "sequelize init:models".
  help:init:seeders           The documentation for "sequelize init:seeders".
  help:migration:create       The documentation for "sequelize migration:create".
  help:model:create           The documentation for "sequelize model:create".
  help:seed:create            The documentation for "sequelize seed:create".
  help:version                The documentation for "sequelize version".


Documentation created with apiDoc - added to the project by default, available at port 8500.

In case of editing

$ cd server
$ npm run apidoc
Windows users

You need to change server/package.json apidoc script to:

"apidoc": "apidoc -e \"(node_modules|public|tmp)\" -i ../nodestore/ -i ./routes/ -o ../apidoc -t ../apidoc/template"

Then you can run commands above.



Enter frontend container

$ npm rebuild node-sass

Restart docker containers


πŸ” Foodgram - Copy of Instagram



Language:JavaScript 73.4%Language:HTML 16.1%Language:CSS 10.1%Language:VCL 0.4%Language:Shell 0.1%