ceci / refactormycode

Refactor my code

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Fork this repo and refactor my code! (Ideally create a branch from my commit, with the code to be refactored.)


Please do it in small commits, ideally explaining on each step what and why are You doing.
You can also put comments to your (or others) commits on GitHub.

#1 String Calculator in Java

	Problem description: http://osherove.com/tdd-kata-1/
	Code to be refactored: https://github.com/dziemid/refactormycode/tree/master/java/string_calculator
	Example of refactorings: https://github.com/dziemid/refactormycode/commits/java_string_calculator_refactoring
	Example of specific small commit: https://github.com/dziemid/refactormycode/commit/355aad817cee712f5773c1df740e97dd39bbc4cf


	By Martin:
	You can see steps by going to: https://github.com/mklose/refactormycode/commit/c5807472c30485c218a41b7645b43baeeb29704f
	and then clicking "parent" link.

	Commit browser: http://agilesurfing.pl/refactormycode/browser.html?from=c5807472c30485c218a41b7645b43baeeb29704f&to=9e9ef1c11a52580a4624743bfe902d3848d64374

	By Greg:

#2 Game of Life in Java
	Problem description: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway's_Game_of_Life
	Code to be refactored: https://github.com/dziemid/refactormycode/tree/master/java/game_of_life

More code to improve comming soon!


Refactor my code