cebe89 / Reddit_Account_Migrator-Downloader

Tool for to migrate and download specific user data with image downloader

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Reddit Account-Migrator and Downloader

Written in: python 3.10
Required packages: praw


Used to download all of your users data (subscribed subreddits, saves, comments etc) and save them as txt/csv files to ease making a new account or when planning to delete account.
Also option to download submissions/comments from other users. RIP reddit, long live lemmy


-user account details and flags/settings are loaded from a json file
-fetch subscribed subreddits of user and export to txt-file
-fetch subscribed multireddits and belonging subreddits of user and export to txt-file
-subscribe/unsubscribe and create multireddits from a given txt-file
-fetch saved favorites of user and export to csv-file
-fetch all comments made by user and export to csv-file
-convert fetched comments and saves into a dictionary secluding relevant parts and changing format
-extract specified urls from fetched saves and export to csv-file (now with option to extract only urls to a txt file)
-download specified urls if they lead to an image/video-file locally to disk currently supported fileformats: jpg, png, gif, mp4
-html crawler that searches for images/videos if no direct links found
-additionally download all comments belonging to a saved link (only level 2 currently), for artist source comments -download all submissions and comments from a user or submissions from a subreddit

-add crawler for imgur galleries (this will need more work it seems...)
-add crawler for reddit galleries and v.reddit videos (this will need more work it seems...)
-add more levels to own and submission comment downloads
-(?) option to load favorites from a csv file
-(?) option to reverse convert the dicts into the praw formats
-(?) option to unsave favorites from a list


Download the "" and the "user_template.json" file and put them together in a specific folder.
Change the user_template.json file or better copy it and rename it to your username, e.g. user_myredditaccount.json. Open the json file and enter the reddit API certifications of your account (see here:
Your environment needs the praw package as a base, so install it into your environment (e.g. from here:


Open it in the python terminal with your json-file as argument, e.g. " user_myredditaccount.json" (you can also give a full path). Alternatively just start it if you used the "user_template.json" file or rename it in the main.
If you don't want a function, change the appropriate "fetch" field to false in the json file.
The "limit" field changes how many you want to fetch, Null means it will fetch all (you probably don't need to change this one).
It asks you before you download one of the url lists if you are sure and shows you how many links it will attempt to download, you can turn it off in the json
If you want to only download a certain interval from the url-list, you can also change the json file for the sites to take a slice with (from, to).
All csv and txt files are saved by default into a folder with the same name as the username.
Downloaded images are saved into the folder in a 'downloads' subfolder by default, but you can also give the function a different folder in the json.
The urls are given in an array in the json file, with the format of "://url", so for i.reddit links you make one for "//i.reddit". "//" is in the template by default which means all urls (standard options don't download but save as csv/txt)
For new account migration now also takes some unique flags as start-options:
"-s" "file": Give it a txt file with a subreddit's name on each line, and it will subscribe to all included subreddits.
"-u" "file": Same as before, but now it unsubscribes you from the listed subreddits.
"-m" "file": Give it a txt file where each line is formatted like "multireddit: subreddit1 subreddit2 subr..." and it will create the multireddits with the given subreddits in it. I had some issue where subreddit names where not compatible, for now I only have a message warning you and removing it from the list beforehand. Also I don't check (yet) if a subreddit actually exists and is not private or banned, praw will give you an error then.


Author: cebe89
Credits: Thanks obviously to the praw devs, it made things a lot easier.
Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for any and all damage that may be done by executing the included files, by doing so you are aware of the implications and accept this.


Tool for to migrate and download specific user data with image downloader


Language:Python 100.0%