cdonnellytx / unishell

PowerShell module for working with Unicode content

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A cross-platform PowerShell module for displaying and exploring Unicode.


Install from the PowerShell Gallery (Windows-only, PS v5+):

> Install-Module -Name UniShell

Direct download:

'UniShell.psd1','unishell.psm1','lib.ps1','tables.ps1' |% {
    Invoke-WebRequest$_ -OutFile ./$_

Import-Module ./UniShell.psd1



Gets Unicode codepoint information from an input string or list of integer codepoints. Alias unicode.

See what codepoints a string comprises

> 'dude, swẽêt' | unicode

dude, swẽêt

  Codepoint Name                                        utf-8       utf-16 Value
  --------- ----                                        -----       ------ -----
┌─   U+0064 LATIN SMALL LETTER D                           64        64 00   d
├─   U+0075 LATIN SMALL LETTER U                           75        75 00   u
├─   U+0064 LATIN SMALL LETTER D                           64        64 00   d
├─   U+0065 LATIN SMALL LETTER E                           65        65 00   e
├─   U+002C COMMA                                          2C        2C 00   ,
├─   U+0020 SPACE                                          20        20 00
├─   U+0073 LATIN SMALL LETTER S                           73        73 00   s
├─   U+0077 LATIN SMALL LETTER W                           77        77 00   w
├─   U+1EBD LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH TILDE          E1 BA BD        BD 1E   ẽ
├─   U+00EA LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX        C3 AA        EA 00   ê
└─   U+0074 LATIN SMALL LETTER T                           74        74 00   t
> 'குட்மானிங்' | unicode -encoding utf-8,utf-32BE


  Codepoint Name                       utf-8     utf-32BE Value
  --------- ----                       -----     -------- -----
┌┬   U+0B95 TAMIL LETTER KA         E0 AE 95  00 00 0B 95   க
│└   U+0BC1 TAMIL VOWEL SIGN U      E0 AF 81  00 00 0B C1   ு
├┬   U+0B9F TAMIL LETTER TTA        E0 AE 9F  00 00 0B 9F   ட
│└   U+0BCD TAMIL SIGN VIRAMA       E0 AF 8D  00 00 0B CD   ்
├┬   U+0BAE TAMIL LETTER MA         E0 AE AE  00 00 0B AE   ம
│└   U+0BBE TAMIL VOWEL SIGN AA     E0 AE BE  00 00 0B BE   ா
├┬   U+0BA9 TAMIL LETTER NNNA       E0 AE A9  00 00 0B A9   ன
│└   U+0BBF TAMIL VOWEL SIGN I      E0 AE BF  00 00 0B BF   ி
└┬   U+0B99 TAMIL LETTER NGA        E0 AE 99  00 00 0B 99   ங
 └   U+0BCD TAMIL SIGN VIRAMA       E0 AF 8D  00 00 0B CD   ்
> 'U̶͔͑n̴̜̐i̷̢̎Ṣ̴́h̴̺̽e̵͙̕ļ̴̆l̶͔̏' | unicode


  Codepoint Name                                        utf-8       utf-16 Value
  --------- ----                                        -----       ------ -----
┌┬   U+0055 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U                         55        55 00   U
│├   U+0336 COMBINING LONG STROKE OVERLAY               CC B6        36 03   ̶
│├   U+0351 COMBINING LEFT HALF RING ABOVE              CD 91        51 03   ͑
│└   U+0354 COMBINING LEFT ARROWHEAD BELOW              CD 94        54 03   ͔
├┬   U+006E LATIN SMALL LETTER N                           6E        6E 00   n
│├   U+0334 COMBINING TILDE OVERLAY                     CC B4        34 03   ̴
│├   U+0310 COMBINING CANDRABINDU                       CC 90        10 03   ̐
│└   U+031C COMBINING LEFT HALF RING BELOW              CC 9C        1C 03   ̜
├┬   U+0069 LATIN SMALL LETTER I                           69        69 00   i
│├   U+0337 COMBINING SHORT SOLIDUS OVERLAY             CC B7        37 03   ̷
│├   U+030E COMBINING DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE ABOVE        CC 8E        0E 03   ̎
│└   U+0322 COMBINING RETROFLEX HOOK BELOW              CC A2        22 03   ̢
├┬   U+0053 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S                         53        53 00   S
│├   U+0334 COMBINING TILDE OVERLAY                     CC B4        34 03   ̴
│├   U+0301 COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT                      CC 81        01 03   ́
│└   U+0323 COMBINING DOT BELOW                         CC A3        23 03   ̣
├┬   U+0068 LATIN SMALL LETTER H                           68        68 00   h
│├   U+0334 COMBINING TILDE OVERLAY                     CC B4        34 03   ̴
│├   U+033D COMBINING X ABOVE                           CC BD        3D 03   ̽
│└   U+033A COMBINING INVERTED BRIDGE BELOW             CC BA        3A 03   ̺
├┬   U+0065 LATIN SMALL LETTER E                           65        65 00   e
│├   U+0335 COMBINING SHORT STROKE OVERLAY              CC B5        35 03   ̵
│├   U+0315 COMBINING COMMA ABOVE RIGHT                 CC 95        15 03   ̕
│└   U+0359 COMBINING ASTERISK BELOW                    CD 99        59 03   ͙
├┬   U+006C LATIN SMALL LETTER L                           6C        6C 00   l
│├   U+0334 COMBINING TILDE OVERLAY                     CC B4        34 03   ̴
│├   U+0306 COMBINING BREVE                             CC 86        06 03   ̆
│└   U+0327 COMBINING CEDILLA                           CC A7        27 03   ̧
└┬   U+006C LATIN SMALL LETTER L                           6C        6C 00   l
 ├   U+0336 COMBINING LONG STROKE OVERLAY               CC B6        36 03   ̶
 ├   U+030F COMBINING DOUBLE GRAVE ACCENT               CC 8F        0F 03   ̏
 └   U+0354 COMBINING LEFT ARROWHEAD BELOW              CD 94        54 03   ͔

See info about individual codepoints, or a range of codepoints

> 0x1F347..0x1F353 | unicode

Codepoint Name               utf-8       utf-16 Value
--------- ----               -----       ------ -----
  U+1F347 GRAPES       F0 9F 8D 87  3C D8 47 DF  🍇
  U+1F348 MELON        F0 9F 8D 88  3C D8 48 DF  🍈
  U+1F349 WATERMELON   F0 9F 8D 89  3C D8 49 DF  🍉
  U+1F34A TANGERINE    F0 9F 8D 8A  3C D8 4A DF  🍊
  U+1F34B LEMON        F0 9F 8D 8B  3C D8 4B DF  🍋
  U+1F34C BANANA       F0 9F 8D 8C  3C D8 4C DF  🍌
  U+1F34D PINEAPPLE    F0 9F 8D 8D  3C D8 4D DF  🍍
  U+1F34E RED APPLE    F0 9F 8D 8E  3C D8 4E DF  🍎
  U+1F34F GREEN APPLE  F0 9F 8D 8F  3C D8 4F DF  🍏
  U+1F350 PEAR         F0 9F 8D 90  3C D8 50 DF  🍐
  U+1F351 PEACH        F0 9F 8D 91  3C D8 51 DF  🍑
  U+1F352 CHERRIES     F0 9F 8D 92  3C D8 52 DF  🍒
  U+1F353 STRAWBERRY   F0 9F 8D 93  3C D8 53 DF  🍓
> 0..100 | Get-Random -Count 10 | unicode

Codepoint Name                                  utf-8       utf-16 Value
--------- ----                                  -----       ------ -----
   U+004B LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K                   4B        4B 00   K
   U+0048 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H                   48        48 00   H
   U+0014 <control> DEVICE CONTROL FOUR      E2 90 94        14 24   ␔
   U+0015 <control> NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE     E2 90 95        15 24   ␕
   U+0027 APOSTROPHE                               27        27 00   '
   U+000C <control> FORM FEED (FF)           E2 90 8C        0C 24   ␌
   U+0007 <control> BELL                     E2 90 87        07 24   ␇
   U+0050 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P                   50        50 00   P
   U+002E FULL STOP                                2E        2E 00   .
   U+002C COMMA                                    2C        2C 00   ,

See detailed Unicode properties of individual codepoints, and customize what encodings are displayed

> 0x10B7F | unicode -e utf-* | Format-List

Value                     : 𐭿
Codepoint                 : U+10B7F
Block                     : Inscriptional Pahlavi
Plane                     : 1 - Supplementary Multilingual Plane
UnicodeVersion            : 5.2
Script                    : Inscriptional_Pahlavi
LineBreakClass            : AL - Alphabetic
Category                  : No - Number, Other
CanonicalCombiningClasses : 0 - Spacing, split, enclosing, reordrant, and Tibetan subjoined
BidiCategory              : R - Right-to-Left
DecompositionMapping      :
DecimalDigitValue         :
DigitValue                :
NumericValue              : 1000
Mirrored                  : False
UppercaseMapping          :
LowercaseMapping          :
TitlecaseMapping          :
utf-16                    : 02 D8 7F DF
utf-16BE                  : D8 02 DF 7F
utf-32                    : 7F 0B 01 00
utf-32BE                  : 00 01 0B 7F
utf-7                     : 2B 32 41 4C 66 66 77 2D
utf-8                     : F0 90 AD BF


Gets the bytes associated with a binary encoding of the specified Unicode string or codepoints. Alias unibyte.

Serves as a handy shortcut for [System.Text.Encoding]::<encoding>.GetBytes(<string>).

# get the UTF-16 bytes of the Mandarin word 筷子
> '筷子' | unibyte -e utf-16



Gets the string generated by decoding the input bytes according to the specified encoding, or by combining the specified codepoints. Alias unistring.

# decode a Mandarin word based on its UTF-16 bytes
> 119, 123, 80, 91 | unistring -e utf-16

# combine codepoints to form a string
> 0x6d,0x65,0x68,0x20,0x1f937 | unistring

meh 🤷
# discover conspiracies!
> '畂桳栠摩琠敨映捡獴' | unibyte -e utf-16 | unistring -e us-ascii

Bush hid the facts


For Windows users

The built-in terminals in Windows have poor support for Unicode strings. For best results, use an alternative terminal such as ConEmu, Visual Studio Code, or others.

Windows shells

For non-Windows users

PowerShell Core currently only supports a small number of encodings (utf-{7,8 & 16,32 both LE/BE}, us-ascii, and iso-8859-1), whereas Windows PowerShell supports 140 different encodings or codepages. This module only offers access to encodings that are available in your environment.


Original idea of a Unicode dumper util was my own (though hardly original), but codepoint presentation, particularly the combining character guidemarks and control character replacements, was heavily influenced by uniscribe and its dependencies. So big thanks and hat tip to that project!


PowerShell module for working with Unicode content

License:MIT License


Language:PowerShell 100.0%