cdmbase / meter-react-redux-webpack-starter-kit

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Meteor React Redux Webpack Starter Kit

Starter kit for universal full–fledged React apps. One stack for browser, mobile, server.

You don't have to start with everything. MRRWS kit is perfect even for plain static pages. You can gracefully add any platform later. MRRWS kit mission is simple: Help startups to deliver minimal valuable product asap with the state of the art real-time universal app stack with meteor.


Create App

git clone `url` NewApp
cd NewApp
npm install


  • Install NPM modules
cd app && npm install
  • Add config file - "settings.json" to development or production environment (./config/development or ./config/production).
      "public": {
        "sentryUrl": "https://***********************",
        "googleAnalyticsId": "UA-XXXXXXX-X",
        "logLevel": "debug"
      "private": {
        "oAuth": {
          "github": {
            "clientId": "********************",
            "secret": "****************************************"
          "google": {
            "clientId": "",
            "secret": ""


cd app
meteor run --settings ../config/development/settings.json

App url: http://localhost:3000
Graphiql url: http://localhost:3000/graphiql

Grahpql Usage

  • Create schema in format schema/**.graphql and it is loaded automatically based on glob pattern set in src/server.js
  • Supports splitting the schema into modules
  • Resolvers, Connectors etc. need to be configured in src/server.js file.

To Do

  • Fix Graphql issues
  • Add mobile



Language:JavaScript 85.6%Language:CSS 9.3%Language:Shell 5.0%Language:Batchfile 0.1%