cdktf / cdktf-integration-serverless-python-gcp-example

This repository contains an end to end serverless web app hosted on GCP and deployed with CDK for Terraform in Python

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CDK for Terraform Serverless Application in Python (Google Cloud Provider)

This repository was created for demo purposes and will not be kept up-to-date with future releases of CDK for Terraform (CDKTF); as such, it has been archived and is no longer supported in any way by HashiCorp. You are welcome to try out the archived version of the code in this example project, but there are no guarantees that it will continue to work with newer versions of CDKTF. We do not recommend directly using this sample code in production projects without extensive testing, and HashiCorp disclaims any and all liability resulting from use of this code.

This repository contains an end to end serverless web app hosted on GCP and deployed with CDK for Terraform in Python. In more application specific terms, we are deploying serverless infrastructure for a web app that has a list of posts and a modal to create a new post by specifying author and content. For more information regarding setup and the features of CDKTF please refer to these docs.

Local Usage


In order to run this example you must have CDKTF and it's prerequisites installed. For further explanation please see this quick start demo.

Additionally a GCP account, the GCP CLI, and GCP project setup are needed.

Setting up GCP Project configured for CDKTF/Terraform

  1. run gcloud init to connect to your GCP account

  2. set the environment variable PROJECT_ID to the desired ID of the project to be deployed

  3. run gcloud projects create $PROJECT_ID --set-as-default to create a new project in GCP

  4. run gcloud auth application-default login to cache the project information locally in order for Terraform to discover and use.

Lastly in your GCP console enable billing for the project and enable the following APIs and Services

  • Compute Engine API
  • Cloud Functions API
  • Secret Manager API
  • Serverless VPC Access API
  • Cloud Storage

To Deploy

First run pipenv install in the root directory of the project to create a virtual environment with all the needed packages installed.

Then set the environment variable TF_VAR_DB_PASS to your desired password for the database to be created.

Then in that virtual environment cdktf deploy can be runned with the stacks that you wish to deploy e.g cdktf deploy posts-dev frontend-dev for deploying the dev environement or cdktf deploy posts-prod frontend-prod for deploying the production environment.


Frontend: React, Create React App, statically hosted via Google Cloud Storage Backend API: GCP Cloud Function + Cloud SQL



We will have two primary Stacks– PostsStack and FrontendStack

The Post and Frontend class encapsulate the finer details of infrastructure provisioned for each respective Stack. The first parameter denotes the scope of the infrastructure being provision– we use self to tie the infrastructure contained in Post/Frontend to the Stack in which it is contained, the same is true with GoogleBetaProvider.

class PostsStack(TerraformStack):

    http_trigger_url: str

    def __init__(self, scope: Construct, name: str, environment: str, user: str, project: str):
        super().__init__(scope, name)

            id = "google-beta",
            region = "us-east1",
            project = project
        posts = Posts(self,
            id = "posts",
            environment = environment,
            user = user,
            project = project

        self.http_trigger_url = posts.https_trigger_url
class FrontendStack(TerraformStack):
    def __init__(self, scope: Construct, name: str, environment: str, user: str, project: str, http_trigger_url: str):
        super().__init__(scope, name)

            id = "google-beta",
            region = "us-east1",
            project = project
        LocalProvider(self, "local")
            id = "frontend",
            project = project,
            environment = environment,
            user = user,
            https_trigger_url = http_trigger_url

In using different Stacks to separate aspects of our infrastructure we allow for separation in state management of the frontend and backend– making alteration and redeployment of a specific piece of infrastructure a simpler process. Additionally, this allows for the instantiation of the same resource multiple times throughout.

For example…

# In

postsDev = PostsStack(app, "posts-dev",
    project = "python-gcp-72926"
frontendDev = FrontendStack(app, "frontend-dev",
postsProd = PostsStack(app, "posts-prod",
    project = "python-gcp-72926"
frontendProd = FrontendStack(app, "frontend-prod",

Here we created separate instances of the infrastructure for the frontend and backend with different naming of the resources in each application environment (by ways of the environment param), with the ease of adding additional as needed.


The Posts class melds two elements together– the Cloud SQL DB and our Cloud Function that takes our new Cloud SQL DB for setting up the Cloud Function's environment.

class Posts(Resource):

    https_trigger_url: str

    def __init__(self, scope: Construct, id: str, environment: str, user: str, project: str):
        super().__init__(scope, id)

        vpc = GoogleComputeNetwork(self,
            name = "vpc-{}".format(environment, user),
            id_ = "vpc-{}".format(environment, user),
            project = project,
            auto_create_subnetworks = False
        private_ip = GoogleComputeGlobalAddress(self,
            name = "internal-ip-address-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
            id_ = "internal-ip-address-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
            project = project,
            purpose = "VPC_PEERING",
            address_type  = "INTERNAL",
            prefix_length = 16,
            network =
        private_vpc_connection = GoogleServiceNetworkingConnection(self,
            network =,
            id_ = "vpc-connection-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
            service = "",
            reserved_peering_ranges = []

        storage = Storage(self, "cloud-sql",
            environment = environment,
            user = user,
            project = project,
            private_vpc_connection = private_vpc_connection,
            vpc_id =

        cloud_function = CloudFunction(self, "cloud-function",
            user = user,
            vpc_id =,
            db_host = storage.db_host,
            db_name = storage.db_name,
            db_user = storage.db_user

        self.https_trigger_url = cloud_function.https_trigger_url

Additionally we provision a VPC for our Cloud SQL instance to reside.


In the Storage class we create our Cloud SQL instance and DB user credentials for accessing the Cloud SQL instance. All attributes are made accessible as we will later use them in the creation of our Cloud Function

class Storage(Resource):

    db_host: str
    db_name: str
    db_user: Dict[str, str]

    def __init__(self, scope: Construct, id: str, environment: str, user: str, project: str, private_vpc_connection: GoogleServiceNetworkingConnection, vpc_id: str):

        db_instance = GoogleSqlDatabaseInstance(self,
            id_ = "db-react-application-instance-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
            name = "db-react-application-instance-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
            project = project,
            region = "us-east4",
            depends_on = [private_vpc_connection],
            settings = GoogleSqlDatabaseInstanceSettings(
                tier = "db-f1-micro",
                availability_type =  "REGIONAL",
                user_labels = {
                    "environment": environment
                ip_configuration = GoogleSqlDatabaseInstanceSettingsIpConfiguration(
                    ipv4_enabled = False,
                    private_network = vpc_id
            database_version = "POSTGRES_13",
            deletion_protection = False

        db = GoogleSqlDatabase(self,
            id_ = "db-react-application-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
            name = "db-react-application-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
            project = project,
            instance =

        db_pass = DataGoogleSecretManagerSecretVersion(self,
            id_ = "db_pass",
            project = project,
            secret = os.getenv("DB_PASS"),


        db_user = GoogleSqlUser(self,
            id_ = "react-application-db-user-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
            name = "react-application-db-user-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
            project = project,
            password = db_pass.secret_data


        self.db_host = db_instance.private_ip_address+":5432"
        self.db_name =
        self.db_user = {
            "password": db_pass.secret_data


class CloudFunction(Resource):

    https_trigger_url: str

    def __init__(self, scope: Construct, id: str, env: str, project: str, vpc: GoogleComputeNetwork, db_instance: GoogleSqlDatabaseInstance, db: GoogleSqlDatabase, db_user: GoogleSqlUser):
        super().__init__(scope, id)

        cloud_functions_storage = GoogleStorageBucket(self,

        vpc_connector = GoogleVpcAccessConnector(self,

        shutil.make_archive("func_archive", "zip", os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"posts/cloudfunctions/api"))

        func_archive = GoogleStorageBucketObject(self,

        api = GoogleCloudfunctionsFunction(self,


        self.https_trigger_url = api.https_trigger_url

In our CloudFunction Class we first provision a Cloud Storage bucket to house the contents of the Cloud Function to be deployed.

cloud_functions_storage = GoogleStorageBucket(self,
    name = "cloud-functions-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    id_ = "cloud-functions-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    project = project,
    force_destroy = True,
    location = "us-east1",
    storage_class = "STANDARD"

We then zip the folder that contains our Cloud Function's implementation and create a Storage Bucket Object for the now zipped implementation

shutil.make_archive("func_archive", "zip", os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"posts/cloudfunctions/api"))
func_archive = GoogleStorageBucketObject(self,
    id_ = "functions-archive-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    name = "functions-archive-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    bucket =,
    source = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "./")

The VPC connector that will handle traffic between our Cloud Function and Cloud SQL DB

vpc_connector = GoogleVpcAccessConnector(self,
    id_  = "vpc-access-connector-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    name = "vpc-access-connector-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    project = project,
    region = "us-east4",
    ip_cidr_range = "",
    network =

We finally create the Cloud Function and associative IAM role

api = GoogleCloudfunctionsFunction(self,
    id_ = "cloud-function-api-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    name = "cloud-function-api-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    project = project,
    region = "us-east1",
    runtime = "nodejs14",
    available_memory_mb = 128,
    source_archive_bucket =,
    source_archive_object =,
    trigger_http = True,
    entry_point = "app",
    environment_variables = {
        "DB_HOST": db_host,
        "DB_USER": db_user["name"],
        "DB_PASS": db_user["password"],
        "DB_NAME": db_name
    vpc_connector =

    id_ = "cloud-function-iam-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    cloud_function =,
    project = project,
    region = "us-east1",
    role = "roles/cloudfunctions.invoker",
    member = "allUsers"

The trigger url for our Cloud Function is made accessible so we later hand it off to the Frontend of our react app

self.https_trigger_url = api.https_trigger_url


We will host the contents of our website statically in a Google Storage Bucket– default permissions for accessing objects in this bucket are then given

bucket = GoogleStorageBucket(self,
    id_ = "cdktfpython-static-site-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    name = "cdktfpython-static-site-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    project = project,
    location = "us-east1",
    storage_class = "STANDARD",
    force_destroy = True,

    website = GoogleStorageBucketWebsite(
        main_page_suffix = "index.html",
        not_found_page   = "index.html"

    id_ = "bucket-access-control-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    bucket =,
    role = "READER",
    entity = "allUsers"

Here we reserve a static external IP address– we will later attach it our URL Maps.

external_ip = GoogleComputeGlobalAddress(self,
    name = "external-react-app-ip-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    id_ = "external-react-app-ip-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    project = project,
    address_type = "EXTERNAL",
    ip_version = "IPV4",
    description  = "IP address for React app"

A GoogleComputeBackendBucket is used to access the static site files with HTTPS load balancing

static_site = GoogleComputeBackendBucket(self,
    name = "static-site-backend-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    id_ = "static-site-backend-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    project = project,
    description = "Contains files needed by the website",
    bucket_name =,
    enable_cdn = True

We define URL Maps for both HTTPS and HTTP targets so as to use HTTPS redirect in our applications load balancer. Additionally we create a SSL certificate and attach it to our HTTPS target.

ssl_cert = GoogleComputeManagedSslCertificate(self,
    name = "ssl-certificate-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    id_ = "ssl-certificate-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    project = project,
    managed =
            domains = ["", ""]
web_https = GoogleComputeUrlMap(self,
    name = "web-url-map-https-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    id_ = "web-url-map-https-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    project = project,
    default_service = static_site.self_link
https_proxy = GoogleComputeTargetHttpsProxy(self,
    name = "web-target-proxy-https-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    id_ = "web-target-proxy-https-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    project = project,
    url_map =,
    ssl_certificates = [ssl_cert.self_link]
    name = "web-forwarding-rule-https-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    id_ = "web-forwarding-rule-https-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    project = project,
    load_balancing_scheme = "EXTERNAL",
    ip_address = external_ip.address,
    ip_protocol = "TCP",
    port_range = "443",
    target = https_proxy.self_link
web_http = GoogleComputeUrlMap(self,
    name = "web-url-map-http-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    id_ = "web-url-map-http-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    project = project,
    description ="Web HTTP load balancer",
    default_url_redirect = GoogleComputeUrlMapDefaultUrlRedirect(
        https_redirect = True,
        strip_query = True
http_proxy = GoogleComputeTargetHttpProxy(self,
    name = "web-target-proxy-http-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    id_ = "web-target-proxy-http-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    project = project,
    description = "HTTP target proxy",
    url_map =,
    name = "web-forwarding-rule-http-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    id_ = "web-forwarding-rule-http-{}-{}".format(environment, user),
    project = project,
    load_balancing_scheme = "EXTERNAL",
    ip_address = external_ip.address,
    ip_protocol = "TCP",
    target =,
    port_range = "80"

Lastly, we create environment variables for our GoogleStorageBucket's name (for uploading the static site file) and our HTTPS trigger URL (for making requests to Cloud Function) to our Frontend implementation.

File(self, "env",
    filename = Path.join(os.getcwd(), "frontend", "code", ".env.production.local"),
    content = "BUCKET_NAME={bucket}\nREACT_APP_API_ENDPOINT={endPoint}".format(bucket =, endPoint = https_trigger_url)


Mozilla Public License v2.0


This repository contains an end to end serverless web app hosted on GCP and deployed with CDK for Terraform in Python

License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:Python 66.3%Language:TypeScript 13.2%Language:JavaScript 12.3%Language:HTML 4.3%Language:CSS 3.9%