cdellacqua / custom-uikit-svelte

Unofficial Svelte Component Library for the UIkit framework

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Unofficial Svelte Component Library for the UIkit framework


Install from npm

npm i custom-uikit-svelte

You can find the published package here


Demo with examples

The demo included in this repo shows some components in action with examples

You can have a look at it here: custom-uikit-svelte demo

The demo files can be found in src/




This alert can be used to display success, warning and error messages      


name description
- The content of the alert


Custom Events

name type description
hide Array Fires after the alert is hidden
beforehide Array Fires before hiding the alert. If preventDefault is called on this event, the alert will not be hidden



name type default description
closable boolean true Whether the alert is dismissible
variant 'primary'|'success'|'danger'|'warning'|undefined undefined Specifies the look of the component
animation boolean|string true Fade out or use the uikit Animation component
animationDuration number 150 Animation duration in milliseconds
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined A string containing any additional classes to apply to the component
ref (readonly) HTMLDivElement undefined The HTML reference of the component



Useful to display content such as blog entries or articles      


name description
- The content of the article



name type default description
className string|undefined undefined A string containing any additional classes to apply to the component
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
titleAsHtml string|undefined "" A string that can contain HTML content which represents the title of the article. If omitted, the space dedicated to the title won't be displayed
articleMetaAsHtml string|undefined "" A string that can contain HTML content with meta information about the article. If omitted, the space dedicated to the meta content won't be displayed
ref (readonly) HTMLElement undefined The HTML reference of the component





name type default description
columns Array.<{label: string, key: string, className: (string|undefined), textAlign: ('center'|'right'|'left'|undefined), orderable: (boolean|undefined), searchable: (boolean|undefined), render: (DataTableRenderer|undefined)}> []
size undefined|'small' undefined
className undefined|string undefined
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
appearance 'divider'|'striped' "divider"
searchButtonVariant 'default'|'primary'|'secondary'|'danger'|'text'|'link' "default"
stickyHeader boolean false
placeholder string ""
noResultText string|undefined undefined
ref HTMLTableElement undefined
instantSearch boolean true
query string ""
orderBy Array.<{key: string, direction: ('desc'|'asc')}> []
horizontalScroll boolean true
dataProvider AsyncDataTableDataProvider -
dataProviderErrorHandler CallableFunction (err) => console.error(err)
recordsPerPage number 25
numbersPerSide number 4
pageIndex number 0
total number 0 @readonly
filtered number 0 @readonly
loading boolean false @readonly
debounceMs number 200
rows Array.<Record.<string, any>>|null null Contains the current visible rows



This component can be used as a notification badge or as a general purpose chip      


name description
- The content of the badge


Forwarded Events

name source
click HTMLSpanElement



name type default description
className string|undefined undefined A string containing any additional classes to apply to the component
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
ref (readonly) HTMLSpanElement undefined The HTML reference of the component



A breadcrumb can be added to the page to help the user find where they are in the website and easily go back and forth between pages      


name type default description
path Array.<{href: string, label: string}> [] An array containing the various steps composing the path of the current page. Each step should have an href property, which is the URL to which the user will be redirected, and a label property, which is displayed. The last element of the array represents the current page and its href property will be ignored
className string|undefined undefined A string containing any additional classes to apply to the component
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
ref (readonly) HTMLUListElement undefined The HTML reference of the component



This component represents a general purpose button, which can be customized according to its usage      


name description
- The content of the button


Forwarded Events

name source
click HTMLButtonElement



name type default description
id string|undefined undefined
className string|undefined undefined A string containing any additional classes to apply to the component
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
type 'button'|'submit' "button" The type property of the native HTML button
disabled boolean false The disabled property of the native HTML button
loading boolean false Whether the button has been used to retrieve some content that is still being loaded. If true, an icon with a spinner will appear next to the text and the button will also be temporarily disabled
variant 'default'|'primary'|'secondary'|'danger'|'text'|'link' type === "submit" ? "primary" : "default" This property is used to style the button with one of the base uikit classes for button appearance
icon string|undefined type === "submit" ? "newline" : undefined If present, the uikit icon with the given name will be added next to the text of the button
iconPosition 'right'|'left' 'right' If the icon is set, this property let you decide its position, left or right
size undefined|'small'|'large' undefined Specifies the size of the button. If undefined, the button will be of regular size
tooltip string|undefined undefined Specifies the uk-tooltip attribute. If undefined, no tooltip will be added to the button
ref (readonly) HTMLButtonElement undefined The HTML reference of the component



The card component allows you to create nice box layouts      


name description
header The content to be put inside the header ('uk-card-header') of the card. Leave empty if no header is wanted
media-top The content to be put inside the 'uk-card-media-top' class. This is useful if you want to add an image to your card which is supposed to take up the top half of the card. Leave empty if you don't want the card to have this layout
horizontal-media For more complex layouts (e.g. an horizontal card with an image to the right/left) you can use this slot, which is placed before the card body. Leave empty if this is not needed
- The content of the card
media-bottom The content to be put inside the 'uk-card-media-bottom' class. This is useful if you want to add an image to your card which is supposed to take up the bottom half of the card. Leave empty if you don't want the card to have this layout
footer Fill this slot if you want your card to have a footer. The content will be put inside the 'uk-card-footer' section



name type default description
variant 'default'|'primary'|'secondary'|'hover' "default" Used to style the card. If set to hover, the card will appear flat unless it's being hovered
className string|undefined undefined A string containing any additional classes to apply to the component
hover boolean false Add a hover animation to the card
size 'small'|'large'|undefined undefined Defines the padding of the card. In undefined, default values will be applied
title string|undefined undefined The title of the card. This will be represented inside the body of the card. If you have defined a custom header slot, you should manually specify the title inside it and not use this property
badge string|undefined undefined The text content of the card badge, which is displayed in the top right angle of the card. If undefined no badge will be added
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
ref (readonly) HTMLDivElement undefined The HTML reference of the component





name type default description
avatarSource string|undefined undefined The path to the avatar that will be added to the comment. For optimal results, use a square image. Only specify this property if you are not using a custom header, otherwise it will be ignored
avatarSize number 80 Change the size of the avatar.
avatarAlt string "" The alt property of the avatar image
commentTitleAsHtml string "" The title of the comment that will be added to the header. It can contain HTML tags. Do not use this property if you are specifying a custom header
primary boolean false True to add a different style to this comment (e.g. if it's made by the author)
ref (readonly) HTMLElement undefined The HTML reference of the component
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined A string containing any additional classes to apply to the component





name type default description
columns Array.<{label: string, key: string, className: (string|undefined), textAlign: ('center'|'right'|'left'|undefined), orderable: (boolean|Comparator|undefined), searchable: (boolean|DataTableSearchCallback|undefined), render: (DataTableRenderer|undefined)}> []
rows Array.<Record.<string, any>> []
visibleRows Array.<Record.<string, any>> []
size undefined|'small' undefined
className undefined|string undefined
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
appearance 'divider'|'striped' "divider"
searchButtonVariant 'default'|'primary'|'secondary'|'danger'|'text'|'link' "default"
stickyHeader boolean false
placeholder string ""
noResultText string|undefined undefined
ref HTMLTableElement undefined
instantSearch boolean true
query string ""
orderBy Array.<{key: string, direction: ('desc'|'asc')}> []
horizontalScroll boolean true
recordsPerPage number 25
numbersPerSide number 4
pageIndex number 0
total number 0 @readonly
filtered number 0 @readonly



Create an already styled description list, perfect for describing key-value properties      


name description
- If you need to add components in the titles or descriptions, use the default slot to specify the content of the description terms and description details



name type default description
showDivider boolean false If true a divider will be shown between two items
className string|undefined undefined A string containing any additional classes to apply to the component
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
ref (readonly) HTMLDListElement undefined The HTML reference of the component
termsAreHtml boolean false Whether the terms of your list should be treated as HTML
detailsAreHtml boolean false Whether the details of your list should be treated as HTML
list Array.<{term: string, details: string}> [] An array containing the term-details pairs of the description list. Can be text only or html





name type default description
withIcon boolean false
small boolean false
vertical boolean false
ref HTMLHRElement undefined
style string|undefined undefined
className string|undefined undefined





name type default description
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined
mode 'click'|'hover' "hover"
label string ""
isLabelHtml boolean false
variant 'default'|'primary'|'secondary'|'danger'|'text'|'link'|null "default" This property is used to style the button with one of the base uikit classes for button appearance. Setting this to null will hide the button
ref HTMLDivElement undefined





name type default description
submitAsync FormSubmitCallback -
disabled boolean false
state 'initial'|'invalid'|'valid'|'loading'|'error'|'success' "initial"
valid boolean true Indicates the validity of this form. Its value is updated using formRef.checkValdity(), that gets called each time an element inside this form triggers a bubbling 'change' event
ref HTMLFormElement undefined
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined
variant 'stacked'|'horizontal' "stacked"





name type default description
id string|undefined undefined
style string|undefined undefined
className string|undefined undefined
title string|undefined undefined
expand boolean false
fullScreen boolean false
closeable boolean true
closeButton 'default'|'outside' "default"
verticallyCentered boolean true
ref HTMLDivElement undefined
show boolean false
shown boolean false @readonly
stack boolean true
formSubmitAsync FormSubmitCallback -
formDisabled boolean false
formState 'initial'|'invalid'|'valid'|'loading'|'error'|'success' "initial"
formValid boolean true
formRef HTMLFormElement undefined
formStyle string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
formClassName string|undefined ''
formVariant 'stacked'|'horizontal' "stacked"





name type default description
className string|undefined undefined
ratio number 1
style string|undefined undefined
ref HTMLDivElement undefined





name type default description
className string|undefined undefined
ratio number 1
style string|undefined undefined
ref HTMLDivElement undefined
opacity number 0.8
loading boolean true
background 'default'|'muted'|'primary'|'secondary' "default"
backgroundClassName string|undefined undefined
backgroundStyle string|undefined undefined
slotPosition 'bottom'|'right'|'top'|'left' "bottom"





name type default description
className string|undefined undefined
ratio number 1
style string|undefined undefined
ref HTMLDivElement undefined
opacity number 0.8
loading boolean true
background 'default'|'muted'|'primary'|'secondary' 'default'
backgroundClassName string|undefined undefined
backgroundStyle string|undefined undefined
slotPosition 'bottom'|'right'|'top'|'left' "bottom"





name type default description
loading boolean true
className string|undefined undefined
ratio number 1
style string|undefined undefined
ref HTMLDivElement undefined
center boolean true
slotPosition 'bottom'|'right'|'top'|'left' "bottom"





name type default description
id string|undefined undefined
style string|undefined undefined
className string|undefined undefined
title string|undefined undefined
expand boolean false
fullScreen boolean false
closeable boolean true
closeButton 'default'|'outside' "default"
verticallyCentered boolean true
ref HTMLDivElement undefined
show boolean false
shown boolean false @readonly
stack boolean true





name type default description
ref (readonly) HTMLDivElement undefined The HTML reference of the component
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined A string containing any additional classes to apply to the component





name type default description
id string generateId()
show boolean false
shown boolean false @readonly
ref HTMLDivElement undefined
side 'left'|'right' "left"





name type default description
items Array.<{text: (string|undefined), html: (string|undefined), props: (Record.<string, any>|undefined), component: (SvelteComponent|undefined)}> []
component SvelteComponent|undefined undefined
ref HTMLUListElement undefined @readonly
animationDuration number 200
moveToBoundaries boolean false Whether to show or hide the move-to-top and move-to-bottom buttons
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined A string containing any additional classes to apply to the component





name type default description
className string|undefined ""
style string|undefined undefined
center boolean true
pageIndex number 0
numberOfPages number 0
numbersPerSide number 4





name type default description
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined A string containing any additional classes to apply to the component
navStyle string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the contained Nav component
navClassName string|undefined undefined A string containing any additional classes to apply to the contained Nav component
ref (readonly) HTMLDivElement undefined The HTML reference of the component
height (readonly) number 0 The current height of this component
spacer boolean true Whether to add a spacer underneath this component or not





name type default description
connect string ""
toggle string "> * > :first-child"
animation string|false false
duration number 200
swiping boolean true
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined
titles Array. []
htmlTitle boolean false
ref HTMLUListElement undefined
index number 0





name type default description
connect string ""
toggle string "> *"
animation string|false false
duration number 200
swiping boolean true
media number|string 200
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined
titles Array. []
htmlTitle boolean false
ref HTMLDivElement undefined
index number 0





name type default description
heading Array.<(string|{label: string, className: (string|undefined), textAlign: ('center'|'right'|'left'|undefined)})> []
size 'small'|undefined undefined
className string|undefined undefined
style string|undefined undefined
appearance 'divider'|'striped'|undefined undefined
stickyHeader boolean false
ref HTMLTableElement undefined
caption string|undefined undefined





name type default description
animation boolean true
collapsible boolean true
duration number 200
multi boolean false
index number|false|Array. multi ? [] : false
transition string "ease"
ref HTMLUListElement undefined
className string|undefined undefined
style string|undefined undefined








name type default description
id string generateId()
multi boolean false Whether or not the autocomplete supports multiple values selected at the same time
value any|null|Array. !multi ? null : [] If not in multi-mode (default): the current selected value or null if no value is selected Else: the list of currently selected values
label string "" Label of this component
className string|undefined undefined A string containing any additional classes to apply to the component
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
textIfNoResult string "" Text to show when the applied filter doesn't return any result
textIfInvalid string "" Text to show when the field is required but no value has been chosen
disabled boolean false Control whether the component is disabled or not
tooltip string|undefined undefined UIkit tooltip
placeholder string|undefined undefined Input placeholder
optional boolean false
ref HTMLDivElement undefined Reference to the div that wraps this component
autocapitalize string|undefined undefined Autocapitalize setting of the input tag
autocomplete string|undefined "off" Autocomplete setting of the input tag
autocorrect string|undefined undefined Autocorrect setting of the input tag
spellcheck string|undefined undefined
animationDuration number 100 In/Out fly animation duration (in milliseconds)
state 'initial'|'valid'|'invalid' "initial"
query string "" The current search string
selectedOptions Array.<{label: string, value: any}> [] Currently selected options
dataProvider AsyncAutocompleteDataProvider -
dataProviderErrorHandler CallableFunction (err) => console.error(err)
loading boolean false @readonly
debounceMs number 200
maxSuggestions number 5
requiredMarker string|undefined undefined
optionalMarker string|undefined undefined





name type default description
id string generateId()
options Array.<{label: string, value: any}> [] Autocomplete options, the value must be unique
multi boolean false Whether or not the autocomplete supports multiple values selected at the same time
value any|null|Array. !multi ? null : [] If not in multi-mode (default): the current selected value or null if no value is selected Else: the list of currently selected values
label string "" Label of this component
className string|undefined undefined A string containing any additional classes to apply to the component
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
textIfNoResult string "" Text to show when the applied filter doesn't return any result
textIfInvalid string "" Text to show when the field is required but no value has been chosen
disabled boolean false Control whether the component is disabled or not
tooltip string|undefined undefined UIkit tooltip
placeholder string|undefined undefined Input placeholder
optional boolean false
ref HTMLDivElement undefined Reference to the div that wraps this component
autocapitalize string|undefined undefined Autocapitalize setting of the input tag
autocomplete string|undefined "off" Autocomplete setting of the input tag
autocorrect string|undefined undefined Autocorrect setting of the input tag
spellcheck string|undefined undefined
animationDuration number 100 In/Out fly animation duration (in milliseconds)
state 'initial'|'valid'|'invalid' "initial"
query string "" The current search string
selectedOptions Array.<{label: string, value: any}> [] Currently selected options
requiredMarker string|undefined undefined
optionalMarker string|undefined undefined





name type default description
id string generateId()
label string ""
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined
name string|undefined undefined
textIfInvalid string|undefined undefined
textIfValid string|undefined undefined
helperText string|undefined undefined
optional boolean false
value boolean -
ref HTMLInputElement undefined
disabled boolean false
tooltip string|undefined undefined
requiredMarker string|undefined undefined
optionalMarker string|undefined undefined
state 'initial'|'valid'|'invalid' "initial"





name type default description
id string generateId()
label string ""
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined
name string|undefined undefined
textIfInvalid string|undefined undefined
textIfValid string|undefined undefined
helperText string|undefined undefined
placeholder string ""
optional boolean false
value string -
ref HTMLInputElement undefined
disabled boolean false
tooltip string|undefined undefined
min string|undefined undefined
max string|undefined undefined
autocapitalize string|undefined undefined
autocomplete string|undefined undefined
autocorrect string|undefined undefined
spellcheck string|undefined undefined
requiredMarker string|undefined undefined
optionalMarker string|undefined undefined
state 'initial'|'valid'|'invalid' "initial"





name type default description
id string generateId()
label string ""
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined
name string|undefined undefined
textIfInvalid string|undefined undefined
textIfValid string|undefined undefined
helperText string|undefined undefined
placeholder string ""
optional boolean false
value string -
ref HTMLInputElement undefined
disabled boolean false
tooltip string|undefined undefined
autocapitalize string|undefined 'off'
autocomplete string|undefined undefined
autocorrect string|undefined 'off'
spellcheck string|undefined 'off'
requiredMarker string|undefined undefined
optionalMarker string|undefined undefined
state 'initial'|'valid'|'invalid' "initial"





name type default description
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
state 'initial'|'valid'|'invalid' "initial"
requiredMarker string|undefined undefined
optionalMarker string|undefined undefined





name type default description
id string generateId()
decimalPlaces number 2
inhibitDecimalSeparatorKey boolean false
label string ""
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined
textIfInvalid string|undefined undefined
textIfValid string|undefined undefined
helperText string|undefined undefined
optional boolean false
value string -
min string|number undefined
max string|number undefined
ref HTMLInputElement undefined
disabled boolean false
tooltip string|undefined undefined
icon string|undefined undefined
iconPosition 'left'|'right' "left"
state 'initial'|'valid'|'invalid' "initial"





name type default description
id string generateId()
label string ""
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined
name string|undefined undefined
textIfInvalid string|undefined undefined
textIfValid string|undefined undefined
helperText string|undefined undefined
placeholder string ""
optional boolean false
value string -
ref HTMLInputElement undefined
disabled boolean false
tooltip string|undefined undefined
autocapitalize string|undefined undefined
autocomplete string|undefined undefined
autocorrect string|undefined undefined
spellcheck string|undefined undefined
requiredMarker string|undefined undefined
optionalMarker string|undefined undefined
state 'initial'|'valid'|'invalid' "initial"





name type default description
id string generateId()
label string ""
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined
name string|undefined undefined
textIfInvalid string|undefined undefined
textIfValid string|undefined undefined
helperText string|undefined undefined
placeholder string ""
optional boolean false
value string -
ref HTMLInputElement undefined
min number|string undefined
max number|string undefined
step number|string undefined
disabled boolean false
tooltip string|undefined undefined
icon string|undefined undefined
iconPosition 'left'|'right' "left"
autocapitalize string|undefined undefined
autocomplete string|undefined undefined
autocorrect string|undefined undefined
spellcheck string|undefined undefined
requiredMarker string|undefined undefined
optionalMarker string|undefined undefined
state 'initial'|'valid'|'invalid' "initial"





name type default description
id string generateId()
label string ""
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined
name string|undefined undefined
textIfInvalid string|undefined undefined
textIfValid string|undefined undefined
helperText string|undefined undefined
placeholder string ""
optional boolean false
value string -
ref HTMLInputElement undefined
disabled boolean false
tooltip string|undefined undefined
autocapitalize string|undefined "off"
autocomplete string|undefined undefined
autocorrect string|undefined "off"
spellcheck string|undefined "off"
minlength number|undefined undefined
maxlength string|undefined undefined
requiredMarker string|undefined undefined
optionalMarker string|undefined undefined
state 'initial'|'valid'|'invalid' "initial"





name type default description
id string generateId()
label string ""
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined
name string|undefined undefined
textIfInvalid string|undefined undefined
textIfValid string|undefined undefined
helperText string|undefined undefined
placeholder string ""
optional boolean false
value string -
ref HTMLInputElement undefined
disabled boolean false
tooltip string|undefined undefined
autocapitalize string|undefined "off"
autocomplete string|undefined undefined
autocorrect string|undefined "off"
spellcheck string|undefined "off"
minlength number|undefined undefined
maxlength string|undefined undefined
requiredMarker string|undefined undefined
optionalMarker string|undefined undefined
state 'initial'|'valid'|'invalid' "initial"





name type default description
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
autocapitalize string|undefined undefined
autocomplete string|undefined undefined
autocorrect string|undefined undefined
spellcheck string|undefined undefined





name type default description
id string generateId()
label string|undefined undefined
name string|undefined undefined
value any|undefined undefined
options Array.<{value: any, label: string, disabled: (boolean|undefined)}> []
disabled boolean false
optional boolean false
tooltip string|undefined undefined
ref HTMLDivElement undefined
size undefined|'small'|'large' undefined
className string|undefined undefined
variant 'primary'|'secondary'|'danger' "primary" This property is used to style the button corresponding to the selected value with one of the base uikit classes for button appearance
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
requiredMarker string|undefined undefined
optionalMarker string|undefined undefined





name type default description
id string generateId()
label string ""
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined
name string|undefined undefined
textIfInvalid string|undefined undefined
textIfValid string|undefined undefined
helperText string|undefined undefined
placeholder string ""
optional boolean false
value string -
ref HTMLInputElement undefined
disabled boolean false
tooltip string|undefined undefined
icon string|undefined undefined
iconPosition 'left'|'right' "left"
inputmode string|undefined undefined
pattern string|undefined undefined
autocapitalize string|undefined undefined
autocomplete string|undefined undefined
autocorrect string|undefined undefined
spellcheck string|undefined undefined
minlength number|undefined undefined
maxlength string|undefined undefined
requiredMarker string|undefined undefined
optionalMarker string|undefined undefined
state 'initial'|'valid'|'invalid' "initial"





name type default description
id string generateId()
label string ""
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined
textIfInvalid string|undefined undefined
textIfValid string|undefined undefined
helperText string|undefined undefined
placeholder string ""
optional boolean false
value any - Current value of the select. Setting it to undefined sets the selected index to 0, choosing the first option, whether it's disabled, the placeholder, or a valid option
options Array.<{label: string, value: any, disabled: (boolean|undefined)}> []
ref HTMLSelectElement undefined
disabled boolean false
tooltip string|undefined undefined
requiredMarker string|undefined undefined
optionalMarker string|undefined undefined
state 'initial'|'valid'|'invalid' "initial"





name type default description
id string generateId()
label string ""
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined
name string|undefined undefined
textIfInvalid string|undefined undefined
textIfValid string|undefined undefined
helperText string|undefined undefined
placeholder string ""
optional boolean false
value string -
ref HTMLInputElement undefined
disabled boolean false
tooltip string|undefined undefined
autocapitalize string|undefined undefined
autocomplete string|undefined undefined
autocorrect string|undefined undefined
spellcheck string|undefined undefined
minlength number|undefined undefined
maxlength string|undefined undefined
requiredMarker string|undefined undefined
optionalMarker string|undefined undefined
state 'initial'|'valid'|'invalid' "initial"





name type default description
id string generateId()
label string ""
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined
name string|undefined undefined
textIfInvalid string|undefined undefined
textIfValid string|undefined undefined
helperText string|undefined undefined
placeholder string ""
optional boolean false
value string -
ref HTMLInputElement undefined
disabled boolean false
tooltip string|undefined undefined
icon string|undefined undefined
iconPosition 'left'|'right' "left"
inputmode string|undefined undefined
pattern string|undefined undefined
autocapitalize string|undefined undefined
autocomplete string|undefined undefined
autocorrect string|undefined undefined
spellcheck string|undefined undefined
minlength number|undefined undefined
maxlength string|undefined undefined
requiredMarker string|undefined undefined
optionalMarker string|undefined undefined
state 'initial'|'valid'|'invalid' "initial"





name type default description
id string generateId()
label string ""
name string|undefined undefined
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined
textIfInvalid string|undefined undefined
textIfValid string|undefined undefined
helperText string|undefined undefined
placeholder string ""
optional boolean false
value string -
ref HTMLTextAreaElement undefined
rows number 5
disabled boolean false
tooltip string|undefined undefined
autocapitalize string|undefined undefined
autocomplete string|undefined undefined
autocorrect string|undefined undefined
spellcheck string|undefined undefined
minlength number|undefined undefined
maxlength string|undefined undefined
requiredMarker string|undefined undefined
optionalMarker string|undefined undefined
state 'initial'|'valid'|'invalid' "initial"





name type default description
id string generateId()
label string ""
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined
name string|undefined undefined
textIfInvalid string|undefined undefined
textIfValid string|undefined undefined
helperText string|undefined undefined
placeholder string ""
optional boolean false
value string -
ref HTMLInputElement undefined
disabled boolean false
tooltip string|undefined undefined
autocapitalize string|undefined undefined
autocomplete string|undefined undefined
autocorrect string|undefined undefined
spellcheck string|undefined undefined
requiredMarker string|undefined undefined
optionalMarker string|undefined undefined
state 'initial'|'valid'|'invalid' "initial"





name type default description
id string generateId()
label string ""
style string|undefined undefined A string specifying custom style properties for the component
className string|undefined undefined
name string|undefined undefined
textIfInvalid string|undefined undefined
textIfValid string|undefined undefined
helperText string|undefined undefined
placeholder string ""
optional boolean false
value string -
ref HTMLInputElement undefined
disabled boolean false
tooltip string|undefined undefined
autocapitalize string|undefined undefined
autocomplete string|undefined undefined
autocorrect string|undefined undefined
spellcheck string|undefined undefined
requiredMarker string|undefined undefined
optionalMarker string|undefined undefined
state 'initial'|'valid'|'invalid' "initial"


Special Types

 * Compares two values
export type Comparator = (v1: any, v2: any) => number;

 * Returns a Promise that will contain an array of options (label + value) given a query string
export type AsyncAutocompleteDataProvider = (query: string) => Promise<Array<{ label: string, value: any }>>;

 * Returns a Promise that will contain an object describing the result given a query string
export type AsyncDataTableDataProvider =
	(query: string, orderBy: Array<{ key: string, direction: 'asc' | 'desc' }>, recordsPerPage: number, pageIndex: number) => Promise<AsyncDataTableDataProviderResult>;

export interface AsyncDataTableDataProviderResult {
	/** (optional) the number of available records */
	total: number|undefined,
	/** the number of records, filtered by the given query. This is used to create the pagination buttons of the table */
	filtered: number,
	/** the chunk of records to display */
	records: Array<Record<string, any>>

 * Given the column value and its current row object, this function returns a representation of that cell
export type DataTableRenderer = (value: any, row: Record<string, any>) => string | DataTableRenderWithComponent
export interface DataTableRenderWithComponent {
	/** The Svelte component that will render the cell */
	component: SvelteComponent,
	/** Props passed to the Svelte component */
	props: Record<string, any> | undefined,
	/** An "on:click" handler. Note that this handler will stop the propagation of the click event to the entire row */
	onClick: (e) => any,
	/** The text content that will be passed to the default slot of the Svelte component */
	textContent: string | undefined

 * Given the current query, the column value and the entire row that column is part of, returns a boolean indicating
 * whether or not the current row should be displayed
export type DataTableSearchCallback = (query: string, columnValue: any, row: Record<string, any>) => boolean;

 * Once called, returns a Promise. While waiting for the Promise to settle (either by resolving or rejecting) the form will show a loading state
export type FormSubmitCallback = () => Promise<any>;


Unofficial Svelte Component Library for the UIkit framework

License:MIT License


Language:Svelte 91.6%Language:JavaScript 8.4%Language:SCSS 0.0%