cclam0827 / simple_bridge

A simple, standardized interface library to Erlang HTTP Servers.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


SimpleBridge takes the pain out of coding to multiple Erlang HTTP servers by creating a standardized interface. It currently supports Cowboy, Inets, Mochiweb, Webmachine, and Yaws.

SimpleBridge is used as the bridge to webservers for the two most popular Erlang web frameworks: Nitrogen Web Framework and ChicagoBoss

In a sense, it is similar to EWGI, except SimpleBridge has some key improvements/differences:

  • Smaller code base - SimpleBridge is 870 lines, compared to 1,974 lines for EWGI. This is because SimpleBridge uses the underlying HTTP server's built in parsing functions as much as possible.
  • Easily extended - Takes about 150 lines to add support for a new HTTP server, vs. ~350 for EWGI.
  • MultiPart File Uploads - SimpleBridge has better support for HTTP POSTS, including support for multipart file uploads, with size limits and handle-able errors.
  • Static File Support - Support for sending a static file to the browser, using the underlying HTTP server's own methods.
  • Cookies Support - SimpleBridge provides interface functions for getting and setting cookies.
  • No Middleware Components - SimpleBridge does not explicitly support EWGI's concept of "middleware components". (Though you could probably fake it, haven't tried.)
  • SimpleBridge is split into two parts:
    • A Request Bridge is a parameterized module that allows you to see information about the incoming request.
    • A Response Bridge is a parameterized module that allows you to construct a response.

Hello World Example

% SimpleBridge Hello World Example in Mochiweb

start(_, _) ->
    Options = [{ip, ""}, {port, 8000}],
    Loop = fun loop/1,
    mochiweb_http:start([{name, mochiweb_example_app}, {loop, Loop} | Options]).

loop(Req) ->
    Request = simple_bridge:make_request(mochiweb_request_bridge, {Req, "./wwwroot"}),
    HTML = [
        "<h1>Hello, World!</h1>",
        io_lib:format("METHOD: ~p~n<br><br>", [Request:request_method()]),
        io_lib:format("COOKIES: ~p~n<br><br>", [Request:cookies()]),
        io_lib:format("HEADERS: ~p~n<br><br>", [Request:headers()]),
        io_lib:format("QUERY PARAMETERS: ~p~n<br><br>", [Request:query_params()])       

    Response = simple_bridge:make_response(mochiweb_response_bridge, {Req, "./wwwroot"}),       
    Response1 = Response:status_code(200),
    Response2 = Response1:header("Content-Type", "text/html"),
    Response3 = Response2:data(HTML),

Request Bridges

How do I make a request bridge?

To make a request bridge for an incoming request, call the simple_bridge:make_request/2 function, specifying the appropriate bridge module for your HTTP server, and the arguments that it needs. This code would sit in the loop/1 function of a Mochiweb server, or the do/1 function of an Inets server.

Inets example:

    RequestBridge = simple_bridge:make_request(inets_response_bridge, Info)

Mochiweb example:

    RequestBridge = simple_bridge:make_request(mochiweb_response_bridge, [{Req, Docroot}]).

What can I do with the request bridge object?

Once you have created the request bridge object (a parameterized module), it provides you with a standard interface for accessing the request method, path, query parameters, post parameters, headers, and cookies of the request:

Request Bridge Interface

  • Bridge:request_method() - returns 'GET', 'POST', 'HEAD', etc.
  • Bridge:path() - returns the requested path and file.
  • Bridge:peer_ip() - returns the client's IP address in tuple format ( = {74, 125, 67, 100}).
  • Bridge:peer_port() - returns the client's port.
  • Bridge:headers() - returns a proplist of headers, {header1, "Value1"}, {header2, "Value2"}, ...].
  • Bridge:header(Header) - returns the value of a header.
  • Bridge:cookies() - returns a proplist of cookies, [{"Cookie1", "Value1"}, {"Cookie2", "Value2"}, ...].
  • Bridge:query_params() - returns a proplist of query params, [{"Query1", "Value1"}, {"Query2", "Value2"}, ...].
  • Bridge:query_param(Param) - returns value of a query param named Param, undefined if not found.
  • Bridge:query_param_group(Param) - returns values of all query params named Param as list, ["Value1", "Value2", ...], [] if none found.
  • Bridge:post_params() - returns a proplist of post params, [{"Post1", "Value1"}, {"Post2", "Value2"}, ...].
  • Bridge:post_param(Param) - returns value of a post param named Param, undefined if not found
  • Bridge:post_param_group(Param) - returns values of all post params named Param as list, ["Value1", "Value2", ...], [] if none found
  • Bridge:param(Param) - returns value of a query or post param named Param, undefined if not found
  • Bridge:param_group(Param) - returns values of all query and post params named Param as list, ["Value1", "Value2", ...], [] if none fund
  • Bridge:post_files() - returns a list of #sb_uploaded_file records, describing the files uploaded in a multipart post.
  • Bridge:request_body() - returns the request body that has been read so far, as a list.
  • Bridge:error() - returns an Erlang term describing any errors that happened while parsing a multipart post.

Uploaded File Interface

Bridge:post_files() returns a list of #sb_uploaded_file records, but it's inconvenient to have to include the simple_bridge.hrl header in your application's modules. The safer and more portable approach is to use the sb_uploaded_file module provided by Simple Bridge.

sb_uploaded_file exports the following functions:

  • UploadedFile:original_name() - The original name of the file from the user's system
  • UploadedFile:temp_file() - The temporary name for the file as it's stored on the server. Returns undefined if file is kept in memory.
  • UploadedFile:size() - The size of the file in bytes
  • UploadedFile:field_name() - The name of the HTML <input type=file> element from the page.
  • UploadedFile:data() - The entire data of uploaded file. Returns undefined if file is stored as temporary file on disk.

By default uploaded files are always stored in temporary file UploadedFile:temp_file(). If you want to keep the uploaded files in memory (UploadedFile:data()) instead of on disk, set the max memory size for uploaded files by adding the VM runtime argument -simple_bridge_max_file_in_memory_size SizeInMB. Uploaded files larger than SizeInMB are still stored in temporary files.

What modules are involved in a request bridge?

  • request_bridge.erl - The behaviour interface that request bridge modules must implement.
  • request_bridge_wrapper.erl - A parameterized module that wraps a request.
  • cowboy_request_bridge.erl - The request bridge module for Cowboy.
  • inets_request_bridge.erl - The request bridge module for Inets.
  • mochiweb_request_bridge.erl - The request bridge module for Mochiweb.
  • webmachine_request_bridge.erl - The request bridge module for Webmachine.
  • yaws_request_bridge.erl - The request bridge module for Yaws.
  • misultin_request_bridge.erl - The request bridge module for Misultin.
  • ???_request_bridge.erl - Support for more servers on the way.
  • sb_uploaded_file.erl - API to access information about an uploaded file.

To extend the SimpleBridge to work with other HTTP servers (or other versions of Cowboy, Inets, Mochiweb, Webmachine, or Yaws), copy and modify inets_request_bridge.erl or mochiweb_request_bridge.erl.

Response Bridges

How do I make a response bridge?

To make a request bridge for an incoming request, call the simple_bridge:make_response/2 function, specifying the appropriate bridge module for your HTTP server, and the arguments that it needs. This code would sit in the loop/1 function of a Mochiweb server, or the do/1 function of an Inets server.

Inets example:

    ResponseBridge = simple_bridge:make_response(inets_response_bridge, Info)

Mochiweb example:

    ResponseBridge = simple_bridge:make_response(mochiweb_response_bridge, {Req, Docroot})

What can I do with the Response Bridge?

Once you have created the request bridge object (a parameterized module), it provides you with a standard interface for combining headers, cookies, and a response body into a response appropriate for your http server.

Each function below returns a new bridge object, so your will need to chain together requests like this:

    Bridge = simple_bridge:make_response(inets_response_bridge, Info),
    Bridge1 = Bridge:status_code(200),
    Bridge2 = Bridge1:header("Header1", "Value1"),
    Bridge3 = Bridge2:data(HTML),

Response Bridge Interface

  • Bridge:status_code(Code) - set the HTTP status code. (200, 404, etc.)
  • Bridge:header(Name, Value) - set an HTTP header.
  • Bridge:clear_headers() - clear all previously set headers.
  • Bridge:cookie(Name, Value) - set a cookie for path "/" with expiration in 20 minutes.
  • Bridge:cookie(Name, Value, Path, Exp) - Set a cookie. Exp is an integer in minutes.
  • Bridge:clear_cookies() - clear all previously set cookies.
  • Bridge:data(Data) - set the data to return in the response. Usually HTML goes here.
  • Bridge:file(File) - Send a static file to the browser.

Finally, you build the response to send to your HTTP server with the build_response/0 function.

  • Bridge:build_response() - Create a response tuple that you can hand off to your HTTP server.

What modules are involved in a response bridge?

  • response_bridge.erl - The behaviour interface that response bridge modules must implement.
  • response_bridge_wrapper.erl - A parameterized module that wraps a response.
  • inets_response_bridge.erl - The response bridge module for Inets.
  • mochiweb_response_bridge.erl - The response bridge module for Mochiweb.
  • webmachine_response_bridge.erl - The response bridge module for Webmachine.
  • cowboy_response_bridge.erl - The response bridge module for Cowboy.
  • yaws_response_bridge.erl - The response bridge module for Yaws.
  • misultin_response_bridge.erl - The response bridge module for Misultin.
  • ???_response_bridge.erl - Support for more servers on the way.

To extend the SimpleBridge to other HTTP servers (or other versions of Cowboy, Inets, Mochiweb, Webmachine, or Yaws), copy and modify inets_response_bridge.erl or mochiweb_response_bridge.erl.


If you wish to contribute to SimpleBridge's development, check out our contribution guidelines.


A simple, standardized interface library to Erlang HTTP Servers.

License:MIT License