cchamikara / OMDB

OMDB programming challange

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

OMDB Movie Search


Latest Version of docker should be on your system

How to run Movie Search app

  1. Clone the repo Navigate to project directory
  2. Rename example.env file to .env and add your OMDB API key to OMDB_API_KEY=<your_key>, I've added mine for your referance
  3. run docker-compose build and then docker-compose up or you can run at once using docker-compose up --build (this will spin up two docker containers for FE and BE)
  4. Now open your browser and visit http://localhost:3000/

How to clear backend cache

In your browser run http://localhost:<BACKEND_PORT>/api/clear for an example http://localhost:8000/api/clear

Solution overview

My interest in headless influanced me to create two separate applications for backend and frontend, backend is responsible for caching and serving responses from OMDB API.

Docker is used to run BE and FE in containers and docker-compose enable to work them together

Backend Solution

Each search result will be cached on the server indefinitely and served from the cache if requested again. If a user searches for the same keyword and filters again within 30 seconds, the request will not go to the server insted serve using HTTP cache.

There is an additional in memory caching mechanism to cache response for a specific search URL (Title + filters) in the BE server, you can flush it by calling below endpoint

GET http://localhost:8000/api/clear

  1. Used ExpressJs Framework as it is a popular tool for creating NodeJs APIs.
  2. Created middleware and service folders to have a good project structure, and it would be easier to navigate through folders
    • Middleware folder contains middlewares that call simple functions or service level
    • Service level is the main level of business logic. It works with the API, makes wrappers for them, etc.
  3. I used a simple caching library instead of storage (like redis), because redis would take longer to install. The disadvantage of this approach: if our server goes down, all cache data will be deleted
  4. I moved all env variables in .env file. Its secure approach to store variables and read them via dotenv.
  5. Set Cache-Control max-age to search response header for achieve HTTP caching

Frontend Solution

search settings

FE is based on CRA, You can customise search behaviour configurations by editing frontend/config/index.js file, sample config will looks like below

  "debounce": 300,
  "minTitleLength": 3,
  "yearRange": {
    "min": 1970,
    "max": 2015
  "backendUrl": "http://localhost:8000/api"
  1. Search won't hit on each key stroke instead it wait till the debounce
  2. User needs to enter at least three characters to fullfill a search
  3. Initial date range is 1970-2015


User can toggle the Watch List button in the header to show/hide watchlist screen. They can view watchlist even in offline mode as I'm saving data to browser's local storage.

User can tap on watchlist button on movie detail screen to add/remove movies from watchlist


OMDB programming challange


Language:JavaScript 75.4%Language:SCSS 16.6%Language:HTML 5.0%Language:Dockerfile 1.5%Language:CSS 1.1%Language:Shell 0.4%