SEN163A Fundamentals of Data Analytics practical - TU Delft
These are the assignments of Fundamentals of Data Analytics. This course is given by Delft University of Technology. Note: Improved version of Assignment 2 is not available. Datasets are missing, available upon request.
- Install git bash
If you have installed git bash open it and subsequently navigate to folder where you want to 'clone' the existing repository in using:
cd path_to_folder
Then clone the repository "DataAnalyticsFundamentals" into your selected folder using
git clone
The repository is now cloned which means that you have a local copy of the repository on your computer. Subsequently, establish a remote by using the command stated below.
git add remote upstream
Note that 'upstream' is just a name which you could change. If you want to update your local repository, i.e. incorporate changes made by others, you need to 'fetch' your remote repo. In other words, you collect the changes made by using the following command:
git fetch upstream
Then it is usefull to check your local repository, if you made any changes that could cause merging conflicts. You do this by
git checkout master
If there are no changes made, you can easily merge the collected changes with your local repository by:
git merge upstream/master
Now your local repository is up to date!
Check which files you modified with the comment:
git status
Then add the desired files that you want to commit, i.e. you want to add to the original repository online, with
git add name_of_file name_of_other_file
Or add all files that you changed
git add .
Then, if all changes that you wanted to add are added, you can commit your changes with
git commit -m "Message what you did"
Note that -m denotes that you are adding a message. The last step you need to take is push your commits with
git push