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Teaching Kids Programming

I teach my sons (currently they are aged 9 and 10) programming. I upload the video and write the blog.

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The videos and blog are in English. The Teaching Programming Language is Python.

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About Me

I am currently a Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft Research Cambridge. Prior to that I worked as a SDE (Software Development Engineer aka Someone Does Everything) for Amazon Web Service (S3 Object Lambda) and as a Staff Software Engineer for General Electric Smallworld when I added while loop, regex, http library and so much more to the Magik Programming Language.

My profile at Microsoft Research Cambridge - and you can view my latest updates at my person website:

Channels and Blog

Problem ID at Leetcode and BinarySearch

Most of the videos are based on a Leetcode and/or BinarySearch problem, which you could find the Problem ID on the video whiteboard left corner, or alternatively, you can find it at the list i.e. the "Resource Links" column

I used to submit solutions to however it seems the website is down forever.

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Teaching Wife Programming in Chinese

教小白媳妇编程,比教娃有难度. 不定期更新,对应教娃视频。

Data Format 数据格式

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Introduction to XML Data Format XML数据格式简介 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Introduction to XML Data Format 2022-10-01
What is JSON? Simply Explained JSON简介 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 What is JSON? Simply Explained 2022-09-23

Programming Fundamentals 基础知识

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Introduction to Units of Information (Byte, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB) 字节(Byte)等信息单元简介 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Introduction to Units of Information (Byte, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB) 2023-05-31
Remove Trailing Zeros From a String (strip, lstrip, rstrip) 删除字符串尾巴的零(strip, lstrip, rstrip的实现) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Remove Trailing Zeros From a String (strip, lstrip, rstrip) 2023-05-29
URL Simply Explained URL简介 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 URL Simply Explained 2023-03-25
The Find Function/Algorithm for a List/Tuple in Python (Find vs Index) Python 列表/元组的查找索引函数(线性搜索算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 The Find Function/Algorithm for a List/Tuple in Python (Find vs Index) 2023-02-11
The Endless Iterator Cycle (from itertools) in Python Python 中的无限循环迭代器(itertools.cycle) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 The Endless Iterator Cycle (from itertools) in Python 2023-02-02
Pass by Values, References or Object-References in Python Python中传递值、引用或对象引用 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Pass by Values, References or Object-References in Python 2022-03-23
Kadane's Algorithm to Compute Maximum Subarray Sum (Math) Kadane 算法计算最大子数组之和 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Kadane's Algorithm to Compute Maximum Subarray Sum (Math) 2021-10-14
First Number Equal or Larger Than Target using Next Function 用next方法找出数组中大于等于目标的第一个数(Python 入门) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 First Number Equal or Larger Than Target using Next Function 2021-10-08
Introduction to Hashing Function 哈希函数简介 Youtube - B站 Introduction to Hashing Function 2021-10-03
Convert 1-D Array to 2D Matrix (Reshape Algorithm) 把1维数组转换成2维矩阵 Youtube - B站 Convert 1-D Array to 2D Matrix (Reshape Algorithm) 2021-10-02
Final Value of Variable After Performing Operations (via Reduce Function) 变量自增或自减后的值(Reduce函数) Youtube - B站 Final Value of Variable After Performing Operations (via Reduce Function) 2021-09-21
Inplace Algorithms to Remove Elements 原地移除目标元素 Youtube - B站 Inplace Algorithms to Remove Elements 2021-08-07
Implement the Counter in Python Counter方法的实现 Youtube - B站 Implement the Counter in Python 2021-07-28
Implement the String.Find Method in Python 字符串查找字符的线性算法 Youtube - B站 Implement the String.Find Method in Python 2021-07-27
ROT13 String Cipher Algorithm in Python Python 中的 ROT13 字符串密码算法 Youtube - B站 ROT13 String Cipher Algorithm in Python 2021-07-26
Delete Node in a Linked List (No access to Head) 删除链表中的指定节点(无法访问头节点) Youtube - B站 Delete Node in a Linked List (No access to Head) 2021-07-22
Concatenation of Array 数组的串联 Youtube - B站 Concatenation of Array 2021-07-21
Introducing the Chain Function in Python Python中的chain函数 Youtube - B站 Introducing the Chain Function in Python 2021-07-09
Implement the Accumulate Function in Python Python的accumulate函数的实现 Youtube - B站 Implement the Accumulate Function in Python 2021-04-23
Packing Boxes Algorithm using GroupBy GroupBy算法 Youtube - B站 Packing Boxes Algorithm using GroupBy 2021-04-04
Python Function to Check If Valid IPv4 Address IPv4地址字符串验证算法 Youtube - B站 Python Function to Check If Valid IPv4 Address 2021-02-07
Introduction to ASCII ASCII简介 Youtube - B站 Introduction to ASCII 2021-01-30
Re-implement the enumerate in Python using yield in a Generator Python中enumerate方法和实现 Youtube - B站 Re-implement the enumerate in Python using yield in a Generator 2021-01-18
Introduction and Re-implement the zip and zip_longest Function in Python Python中zip和zip_longest的实现 Youtube - B站 Introduction and Re-implement the zip and zip_longest Function in Python 2021-01-17
Algorithm to Transpose a Matrix 矩阵转置的算法 Youtube - B站 Algorithm to Transpose a Matrix 2021-01-13
Logarithm Algorithm to Compute the Power x^n Function 幂函数的Log(N)求解算法 Youtube - B站 Logarithm Algorithm to Compute the Power x^n Function 2021-01-12
Hexadecimal Numbers Conversion 十六进制转换 Youtube - B站 Binary and Decimal Conversion Algorithms 2020-12-26
Binary and Decimal Conversion Algorithms 二进制和十进制数字的转换算法 Youtube - B站 Binary and Decimal Conversion Algorithms 2020-12-24
Introduction to Algorithmic Complexity 算法复杂度初探 Youtube - B站 Introduction to Algorithmic Complexity 2020-12-08
List in Python Python列表(数组)基础知识 List in Python Youtube - B站 List in Python 2020-12-12
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (OOP) 面向对象编程简介 OOP Youtube - B站 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (OOP) 2020-12-16
Merge Two Sorted Lists 合并两个有序的数列 Youtube - B站 Merge Two Sorted Lists 2020-12-09

Permutations and Combinations 排列组合数学

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Three Algorithms to Compute the Combination Number (Recursion, Dynamic Programming, Math) 计算组合数的三种算法(数学, 递归, 动态规划) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Three Algorithms to Compute the Combination Number (Recursion, Dynamic Programming, Math) 2022-09-11
Reordered Power of Two (Rearranging the Digits, Permutation + Math Counting) 重新排序的2次幂(全数字排列+计数) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Reordered Power of Two (Rearranging the Digits, Permutation + Math Counting) 2022-08-28
(!3+3)*!3=10 – Derangement Permutation Algorithms via Dynamic Programming and Recursion with Memoziation (!3+3)*!3=10 动态规划算法求错位排列数(数学, 记忆化递归搜索) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 (!3+3)*!3=10 – Derangement Permutation Algorithms via Dynamic Programming and Recursion with Memoziation 2022-07-13
How Many Solvable Permutations for a 3×3 Rubik’s Cube? (Math, Combinatorics) 3x3魔方的可解排列数(组合数学) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 How Many Solvable Permutations for a 3×3 Rubik's Cube? (Math, Combinatorics) 2022-03-20
Introduction to Permutation and Combination 排列组合算法 Youtube - B站 Introduction to Permutation and Combination 2021-02-20
Recursive Combination Algorithm 递归组合算法 Youtube - B站 Recursive Combination Algorithm 2021-03-17

Math 数学

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Maximum Number of Space Partitions by N Straight Lines (Pizza Cutting Problem, Math, DP, Recursion) N条直线最大空间分割数(披萨问题)/数学/递归/动态规划算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Maximum Number of Space Partitions by N Straight Lines (Pizza Cutting Problem, Math, DP, Recursion) 2023-06-09
Compute the Probability Matrix (Math) of Walking in a Grid (Unique Paths) 计算在网格中行走的(数学)概率矩阵(唯一路径) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Compute the Probability Matrix (Math) of Walking in a Grid (Unique Paths) 2023-05-21
Compute Average of an Array Excluding Max and Min (Math) 计算不包括最大值和最小值的数组的平均值(数学) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Compute Average of an Array Excluding Max and Min (Math) 2023-05-01
Minimum Bit Flips to Convert Number (Hamming Distance, Math) 转换数字的最小位翻转(汉明距离) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Minimum Bit Flips to Convert Number (Hamming Distance, Math) 2023-05-03
Sum the Multiples in a Range using Venn Diagram (Math and Bruteforce Algorithm) 使用维恩图对范围内的倍数求和(数学+穷举搜索) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Sum the Multiples in a Range using Venn Diagram (Math and Bruteforce Algorithm) 2023-04-24
Distinct Prime Factors of Product of Array (Math) 数数组乘积的不同质数因子数(数学) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Distinct Prime Factors of Product of Array (Math) 2023-04-01
Passing Item From One End to Another (Who Has It After N Seconds: Math/Simulation) 将物品从一端传递到另一端(N秒后在谁手上: 数学+仿真算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Passing Item From One End to Another (Who Has It After N Seconds: Math/Simulation) 2023-03-05
Compute the Area of Square in Square (Similar Triangles, Math, Geometry) 计算内部正方形的面积(相似三角形, 数学, 几何) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Compute the Area of Square in Square (Similar Triangles, Math, Geometry) 2023-02-27
Algorithms to Count Surface Area of 3D Shapes (Geometry and Math) 计算3D形状表面积的算法(几何和数学) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Algorithms to Count Surface Area of 3D Shapes (Geometry and Math) 2023-02-26
Geometry of Triangle Area and Side Law (Math) 三角形面积几何与边定理(数学) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Geometry of Triangle Area and Side Law (Math) 2023-02-23
How Many Games are Played in World Cup (Combinatorics and Permutations - Math) 世界杯进行了多少场比赛(组合数学和排列组合) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 How Many Games are Played in World Cup (Combinatorics and Permutations - Math) 2022-12-12
Compound Interests and Euler's number (Math Constant E) 复利和欧拉数(数学常数 E) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Compound Interests and Euler's number (Math Constant E) 2022-11-14
Number of Common Factors (Bruteforce Algorithm + Greatest Common Divisor) 共同因子数(蛮力搜索算法+最大公约数) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Number of Common Factors (Bruteforce Algorithm + Greatest Common Divisor) 2022-10-16
Concatenation of Consecutive Binary Numbers 计算连续二进制数的串联的值 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Concatenation of Consecutive Binary Numbers 2022-09-25
Gray Code by Recursive Mirror Algorithm 格雷码 (Gray Code) 递归镜像算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Gray Code by Recursive Mirror Algorithm 2022-05-07
Valid Square Algorithm by Four Points in Cartesian Coordinate System (Math, Hashmap) 判断平面上四个顶点是否可以组成正方形(笛卡尔坐标系, 数学, 哈希表) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Valid Square Algorithm by Four Points in Cartesian Coordinate System (Math, Hashmap) 2022-07-28
Introduction to Cartesian Product (Math) 笛卡尔积(product函数)简介 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Introduction to Cartesian Product (Math) 2022-07-16
Partition List to Pairs that Are Divisible by K (Hash Map) 划分数组成可被K整除的数对(数学, 哈希表) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Partition List to Pairs that Are Divisible by K (Hash Map) 2022-05-24
Binary Search Algorithm and Exponential Formula (MATH) to Solve Equation x^x=2^2048 通过数学或二分搜索算法求解方程 x^x=2^2048 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Binary Search Algorithm and Exponential Formula (MATH) to Solve Equation x^x=2^2048 2022-04-08
Check if an Array Is Consecutive via Sorting Algorithm 通过排序检查数组是否连续 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Check if an Array Is Consecutive via Sorting Algorithm 2022-04-06
Finding All Subsets by Bitmasking Algorithm 通过位掩码算法查找所有子集 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Finding All Subsets by Bitmasking Algorithm 2022-03-29
Sum of Geometric Progression (Math Proof and Python Function) 等比数列求和公式数学证明及Python实现 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Sum of Geometric Progression (Math Proof and Python Function) 2022-03-11
Probability of Rolling a Dice: Strictly Increasing Order One After Another (Math) 掷骰子得到严格递增序列数字的概率(数学) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Probability of Rolling a Dice: Strictly Increasing Order One After Another (Math) 2022-02-22
Probability of Two Sixes in a Row when Rolling a Dice Three Times One After Another (Math) 掷骰子三次得到两个六的概率 (数学) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Probability of Two Sixes in a Row when Rolling Three Dices (Math) 2022-02-21
Find Three Consecutive Integers That Sum to a Given Number (Math) 找出和为给定数字的三个连续整数(数学) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Find Three Consecutive Integers That Sum to a Given Number (Math) 2022-02-19
Algorithm to Compute the Smallest Value of the Rearranged Number (Math) 重排数字的最小值(数学) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Algorithm to Compute the Smallest Value of the Rearranged Number (Math) 2022-02-12
Math Proof of Logarithm Rules: log(ab)=log(a)+log(b) and log(a/b)=log(a)-log(b) 数学对数公式证明: log(ab)=log(a)+log(b) 和 log(a/b)=log(a)-log(b) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Math Proof of Logarithm Rules: log(ab)=log(a)+log(b) and log(a/b)=log(a)-log(b) 2022-02-10
Math Simplified Fractions where Denominator is Less-than-or-equal-to N 数学简化的分数 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Math Simplified Fractions where Denominator is Less-than-or-equal-to N 2022-02-09
Estimate the Math Continued Fraction Value in Python (Recursion and Iterative Algorithm) 数学连分数的求值算法(递归和迭代) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Estimate the Math Continued Fraction Value in Python (Recursion and Iterative Algorithm) 2022-02-02
Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero (Math, Simulation Algorithm, Binary) 将数字减少为零的最小步骤数 (数学, 仿真, 二进制) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero (Math, Simulation Algorithm, Binary) 2022-01-16
Increasing Triplet Subsequence Algorithm 递增的三元子序列 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Increasing Triplet Subsequence Algorithm 2022-01-11
Check if Every Row/Column Contains 1-N (XOR and Hash Set) 检查矩阵每行和每列是否包含1-N自然数 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Check if Every Row/Column Contains 1-N (XOR and Hash Set) 2022-01-09
Math Proof of Rule: Integer Divisible By 3 整数能被3整除公式的数学证明 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Math Proof of Rule: Integer Divisible By 3 2021-12-25
Day of the Year (Leap Year Algorithm) 一年中的第几天(闰年算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Day of the Year (Leap Year Algorithm) 2021-12-21
Algorithms to Count Numbers with Odd Number of Digits 数奇数个数字的数 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Algorithms to Count Numbers with Odd Number of Digits 2021-11-29
Number of Sublists with Max in Interval 数最大值在区间内的子列表数 (子序列, 数学) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Number of Sublists with Max in Interval 2021-11-28
Python Function to Find the Mode in an Array (Most Frequent Number) 数组中的众数的计算 (Mode, 数学) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Python Function to Find the Mode in an Array (Most Frequent Number) 2021-11-25
Compute the Number of Sublists by Combination in Math 通过组合数学计算子序列总数 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Compute the Number of Sublists by Combination in Math 2021-11-24
Silver Ratio and Pell Numbers (Metal Quadratic Equation) 白银比例和佩尔数列(贵金属分割) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Silver Ratio and Pell Numbers (Metal Quadratic Equation) 2021-11-13
Solving Math Equation n*n+19*n-n!=0 (Factorial Function and Unbounded Bruteforce Algorithm) 求n*n+19n-n!=0的解(阶乘函数) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Solving Math Equation n*n+19*n-n!=0 (Factorial Function and Unbounded Bruteforce Algorithm) 2021-11-12
Linear Equation with Two Unknowns (Chicken and Rabbit Problem) 穷举算法或二元一次方程解鸡兔同笼问题 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Linear Equation with Two Unknowns (Chicken and Rabbit Problem) 2021-11-04
Estimate the Golden Ratio via Fibonacci Numbers in Python 黄金分割点的斐波那契数列估值算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Estimate the Golden Ratio via Fibonacci Numbers in Python 2021-10-30
Estimating the Performance Speedup (Gain) using Amdahls Law (Parallel Computing) 通过 阿姆达尔定律 Amdahl's Law 估计理论并行最大加速 (并行计算) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Estimating the Performance Speedup (Gain) using Amdahls Law (Parallel Computing) 2021-10-24
Area and Circumferences of Circle and Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm of PI 圆的面积和周长和蒙特卡罗估计圆周率算法的简介 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Area and Circumferences of Circle and Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm of PI 2021-10-22
Introduction to Probability and Naive Bayes 概率简介和朴素贝叶斯分类算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Introduction to Probability and Naive Bayes 2021-10-12
Finding Real Roots of a Quadratic Equation 计算一元二次方程的实数根 Youtube - B站 Finding Real Roots of a Quadratic Equation 2021-09-30
Compute the Max Fence Area via Bruteforce Algorithm or Parabola Quadratic Equation 通过蛮力算法或抛物线二次方程计算最大围栏面积 Youtube - B站 Compute the Max Fence Area via Bruteforce Algorithm or Parabola Quadratic Equation 2021-09-28
Matrix Power Algorithm 矩阵的N次方算法 Youtube - B站 Matrix Power Algorithm 2021-09-09
Matrix Add, Subtraction and Multiplication Algorithm 矩阵的加减相乘算法 Youtube - B站 Matrix Add, Subtraction and Multiplication Algorithm 2021-09-06
Compute the Dot Product using Zip Function in Python 在Python中使用Zip函数计算点积 Youtube - B站 Compute the Dot Product using Zip Function in Python 2021-09-05
Island Shape Perimeter 岛形周长算法 Youtube - B站 Island Shape Perimeter 2021-08-16
Arithmetic Sequence Permutation 等差数列排列 Youtube - B站 Arithmetic Sequence Permutation 2021-08-12
Add Two Big Integers in Strings 高精度加法算法 Youtube - B站 Add Two Big Integers in Strings 2021-08-10
Number of Positions in Line of People 计算队列中满足两条件的可能位置数 Youtube - B站 Number of Positions in Line of People 2021-07-24
Max Number of Points on a Line 求一条直线上最多的点数 Youtube - B站 Max Number of Points on a Line 2021-07-03
Number of Changing Directions 改变方向的数字 Youtube - B站 Number of Changing Directions 2021-06-25
Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range 数区间里奇数个数 Youtube - B站 Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range 2021-06-22
Rotate a 2D Matrix/Image 90 Degree AntiClockwise 逆时针旋转矩阵算法 Youtube - B站 Rotate a 2D Matrix/Image 90 Degree AntiClockwise 2021-06-08
Rotate a 2D Matrix/Image 90 Degree Clockwise 顺时针旋转矩阵算法 Youtube - B站 Rotate a 2D Matrix/Image 90 Degree Clockwise 2021-06-07
Permutation of Rooks Do Not Attack Each Other 棋盘上互不攻击的车 Youtube - B站 Permutation of Rooks Do Not Attack Each Other 2021-06-02
Hour and Minute Angle on a Clock 时针和分针的角度计算 Youtube - B站 Hour and Minute Angle on a Clock 2021-04-24
Generate Prime Numbers using Sieve of Eratosthenes Algorithms Eratosthenes质数算法 Youtube - B站 Generate Prime Numbers using Sieve of Eratosthenes Algorithms 2021-04-14
Perfect Number Validation Algorithm 完美数验证算法 Youtube - B站 Perfect Number Validation Algorithm 2021-02-23
Recursive Algorithm to Compute the Square Root 连分数计算开平方算法 Youtube - B站 Recursive Algorithm to Compute the Square Root 2021-02-16
Algorithms of Power of Two 整数是否为2次冪的算法 Youtube - B站 Algorithms of Power of Two 2021-02-02
Algorithms to Check If Integer Power of Three 整数是否是3的N次方的算法 Youtube - B站 Algorithms to Check if Integer Power of Three 2021-02-01
Compute the Number of Trailing Zeros for Factorial N 计算N阶乘尾巴零的个数 Youtube - B站 Compute the Number of Trailing Zeros for Factorial N 2021-01-29
Pascal Triangle Algorithms and Applications 杨辉三角形(Pascal)的求解算法和应用 Youtube - B站 Pascal Triangle Algorithms and Applications 2021-01-10
Pythagorean Theorem and Algorithm to Find Pythagorean Numbers 勾股定理证明和求解算法 Youtube - B站 Pythagorean Theorem and Algorithm to Find Pythagorean Numbers 2021-01-08
Compute the Average and Median 求平均数和中位数 Youtube - B站 Compute the Average and Median 2020-12-04
Introduction to Math Induction Tool (Sum of Integers, Sum of Squares) 数学归纳法简介(数列求和,数列平方和) Youtube - B站 Introduction to Math Induction Tool (Sum of Integers, Sum of Squares) 2020-12-07

Bit 位

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Reverse Bits of a 32-bit Integer 反转32位整数位 Youtube - B站 Reverse Bits of a 32-bit Integer 2021-04-02
Longest Consecutive Run of 1s in Binary 求整数二进制中最大连续1的个数 Youtube - B站 Longest Consecutive Run of 1s in Binary 2021-03-31
Compute the Hamming Distance of Two Integers 计算两整数的汉明距离的算法 Youtube - B站 Compute the Hamming Distance of Two Integers 2021-02-08
Compute the Number of Set Bits in an Integer 整数二进制表示中1的数量 Youtube - B站 Compute the Number of Set Bits in an Integer 2021-02-06

Data Structures 数据结构

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Algorithms to Compute the Minimum String Length After Removing Substrings (Brute Force + Stack) 删除子字符串后的最小字符串长度(穷举暴力+堆栈) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Algorithms to Compute the Minimum String Length After Removing Substrings (Brute Force + Stack) 2023-06-16
Algorithms to Count Equal Row and Column Pairs in a Square Matrix using Hash Map 使用哈希表统计矩阵相等行和列对的算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Algorithms to Count Equal Row and Column Pairs in a Square Matrix using Hash Map 2022-08-18
Find Numbers in At Least Two Arrays Out of Three (Hash Set) 找出至少出现在2个数组的数(哈希集合) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Find Numbers in At Least Two Arrays Out of Three (Hash Set) 2022-06-01
Algorithms to Count Prefixes of a Given String (Trie Data Structure) 计算给定字符串前缀的算法(Trie 数据结构) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Algorithms to Count Prefixes of a Given String (Trie Data Structure) 2022-05-04
Find the Difference of Two Arrays (via Hash Set) 查找两个数组的差异(通过哈希集) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Find the Difference of Two Arrays (via Hash Set) 2022-03-27
Greedy/Simulation Algorithm to Validate Stack Sequences 验证出堆栈序列的贪心/模拟算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Greedy/Simulation Algorithm to Validate Stack Sequences 2022-03-19
Search Engine Algorithm (Word Matching) using Trie (Prefix Tree) and Depth First Search 搜索引擎匹配单词算法+前缀树/字典树(Trie)+深度优先算法(DFS) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Search Engine Algorithm (Word Matching) using Trie (Prefix Tree) and Depth First Search 2022-01-14
Single-Row Keyboard via Hash Table 用哈希表来估计在单行键盘手指移动总时间 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Single-Row Keyboard via Hash Table 2021-11-03
Design a Hash Table 设计一个哈希表 Youtube - B站 Design a Hash Table 2021-10-04
How to Verify a Max Heap? 验证最大堆算法 Youtube - B站 How to Verify a Max Heap? 2021-08-13
Python Implementation of Trie Data Structure (Prefix Tree) 数据结构Trie(前缀树)的Python实现 Youtube - B站 Python Implementation of Trie Data Structure (Prefix Tree) 2021-03-11
Using Double-Ended Queue to Perform a Breadth First Search Algorithm to Compute the Sum of the Nodes in a Binary Tree 双头队列和用广度优先算法来求二叉树节点之和 Youtube - B站 Using Double-Ended Queue to Perform a Breadth First Search Algorithm to Compute the Sum of the Nodes in a Binary Tree 2021-01-09
Introduction to Heap and Priority Queue 数据结构之堆和优先队列 Youtube - B站 Introduction to Heap and Priority Queue 2020-12-30
Introduction to Trees, Binary Trees, Perfect Binary Trees, and BFS 树和广度优先 Youtube - B站 Introduction to Trees, Binary Trees, Perfect Binary Trees, and BFS 2020-11-27
Introduction to Venn Graph and Set in Python (Check Unique String) 集合和维式图 Youtube - B站 Introduction to Queue Data Structure and Examples 2020-11-26
Introduction to Queue Data Structure and Examples 数据结构之队列 Youtube - B站 Introduction to Queue Data Structure and Examples 2020-11-25
Reverse a List using a Stack 数据结构之堆栈 Youtube - B站 Reverse a List using a Stack 2020-11-24

Disjoint Set 并查集

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Tree Detection Algorithm via Union Find + Disjoint Set (Determine a Binary Tree) 二叉树检测算法(并查集) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Tree Detection Algorithm via Union Find + Disjoint Set (Determine a Binary Tree) 2022-04-16
Find Gene Mutation Groups via UnionFind Algorithm Disjoint Set 找出不同的基因组数(并查集+UnionFind-图论算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Find Gene Mutation Groups via UnionFind Algorithm Disjoint Set 2021-12-08
Disjoint Set: Find if Path Exists in Graph via Union Find Algorithm 并查集: 图中两个顶点的连通性 Youtube - B站 Disjoint Set: Find if Path Exists in Graph via Union Find Algorithm 2021-08-26

Linked List 链表

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Algorithms to Check if Linked List Strictly Increasing 检查链表是否严格递增有序的算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Algorithms to Check if Linked List Strictly Increasing 2021-12-04
Insert Into Linked List (Node Insertion Algorithm) 链表节点插入算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Insert Into Linked List (Node Insertion Algorithm) 2021-11-30
Length of a Linked List (Recursion / Iterative Algorithm) 单向双向链接求长度的递归和迭代算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Length of a Linked List (Recursion / Iterative Algorithm) 2021-11-05
Introduction to Linked List Data Structure 数据结构之单向链表 Youtube - B站 Introduction to Linked List Data Structure 2020-12-28

Hash Table 哈希表

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Reduce Array Size to The Half via Counting (Greedy, Hash Table) 通过计数(哈希表, 贪心)将数组大小减少到一半 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Reduce Array Size to The Half via Counting (Greedy, Hash Table) 2022-08-20
Intersection of Multiple Arrays (Set and Counter) 多个数组的交集算法(集合和计数器) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Intersection of Multiple Arrays (Set and Counter) 2022-04-26
Longest Palindrome String From Set of Characters 从给定字符集中构建最长回文字符串 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Longest Palindrome String From Set of Characters 2022-04-23
Words That Can Be Typed using a Single Keyboard Row (Hash Set) 使用单个键盘行敲入的单词(哈希集) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Words That Can Be Typed using a Single Keyboard Row (Hash Set) 2022-03-13
Duplicate Numbers of Max Distance in Array (Sliding Window/Two Pointer Algorithms) 数组中最大距离的重复数(滑动窗口/双指针算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Duplicate Numbers of Max Distance in Array (Sliding Window/Two Pointer Algorithms) 2022-01-19
Finding Largest K Value with its Negative in Array using Hash Table/Set (K and -K) 使用哈希表/集在数组中找到最大的 K 值及其负数(K 和 -K) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Finding Largest K Value with its Negative in Array using Hash Table/Set (K and -K) 2021-12-10
Find First Recurring Character using Hash Table/Set 使用哈希表/集合查找第一个重复出现的字符 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Find First Recurring Character using Hash Table/Set 2021-12-09
Remove Last Duplicate Entries (Hash Table) 去除数组中最后一个重复数字 (哈希表) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Remove Last Duplicate Entries (Hash Table) 2021-11-18
Number of Unique Email Addresses 唯一电子邮件数 Youtube - B站 Number of Unique Email Addresses 2021-09-27
Count Number of Pairs With Absolute Difference K 绝对差值为K的数组对 Youtube - B站 Count Number of Pairs With Absolute Difference K 2021-09-19
Leaderboard Algorithm: Compute the Ranking of Numbers 数组分数排行榜算法 Youtube - B站 Leaderboard Algorithm: Compute the Ranking of Numbers 2021-09-17
Set Matrix Zeroes 矩阵置零算法 Youtube - B站 Set Matrix Zeroes 2021-08-19
Count of Sublists with Same First and Last Values 首尾相同字列表数 Youtube - B站 Count of Sublists with Same First and Last Values 2021-07-25
Maximum Number of Words You Can Type 可以敲的最多单词数 Youtube - B站 Maximum Number of Words You Can Type 2021-07-19
Number of Quadruplets That Sum Target via Hash Table 求目标和四元组数(哈希表) Youtube - B站 Number of Quadruplets That Sum Target via Hash Table 2021-06-30
First Unique Character in a String 字符串中第一个唯一字符 Youtube - B站 First Unique Character in a String 2021-06-28

Algorithms 算法

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Top K Frequent Elements (Heap and Counter) K个出现频率最多的元素(堆和计数器) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Top K Frequent Elements (Heap and Counter) 2022-04-09
Max Subarray Sum by Kadane's Algorithm Kadane算法计算最大绝对值子列表 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Max Subarray Sum by Kadane's Algorithm 2022-04-07
Cascading Algorithm to Find All Subsets 查找所有子集的级联算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Cascading Algorithm to Find All Subsets 2022-03-30
Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree via Recursive Depth First Search (DFS, Recursion) or Breadth First Search (BFS) Algorithms 求多叉树的最大深度(递归式深度优先和广度优先算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree via Recursive Depth First Search (DFS, Recursion) or Breadth First Search (BFS) Algorithms 2021-11-21
Square Root Decomposition to Query Range Sum of Mutable List 可变列表范围求和的平方根分解算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Square Root Decomposition to Query Range Sum of Mutable List 2021-11-10
High Accuracy Multiplication Algorithm (Multiply Strings) 高精度乘法运算(两大数相乘算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 High Accuracy Multiplication Algorithm (Multiply Strings) 2021-11-07
Image Flood Fill via Depth First Search (DFS) and Breadth First Search (BFS) Algorithm 图像填充算法 Flood Fill (深度优先和广度优先) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Image Flood Fill via Depth First Search (DFS) and Breadth First Search (BFS) Algorithm 2021-10-25
Kth Smallest Element in a BST via Iterative Inorder Traversal Algorithm 通过迭代中序遍历算法在二叉搜索树中找的第K个最小元素 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Kth Smallest Element in a BST via Iterative Inorder Traversal Algorithm 2021-10-19
Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation 通过堆栈计算逆波兰表达式(RPN)的算法 Youtube - B站 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation 2021-09-16
Binary Tree Inorder Traversal via Recursion or Iteration 中序遍例二叉树的递归和迭代算法 Youtube - B站 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal via Recursion or Iteration 2021-06-15
N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal Algorithms using Iterations or Recursion 先序遍例N叉树的递归和迭代算法 Youtube - B站 N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal Algorithms using Iterations or Recursion 2021-04-20
Algorithms to Find the Inorder Successor of a Binary Search Tree 在二叉搜索树中查找后继节点的算法 Youtube - B站 Algorithms to Find the Inorder Successor of a Binary Search Tree 2021-04-07
Two Array Intersection Algorithms 两数组相交算法 Youtube - B站 Two Array Intersection Algorithms 2021-03-14
Adding Two Linked Lists 两个单向链表相加的算法(数字倒序) Youtube - B站 Adding Two Linked Lists 2021-01-27
Search in a 2D Sorted Matrix 有序矩阵里搜索算法 Youtube - B站 Search in a 2D Sorted Matrix 2021-01-19
Sorting a Linked List using Merge Sort (Divide and Conquer) 对一个单向链表进行归并排序的算法 Youtube - B站 Sorting a Linked List using Merge Sort (Divide and Conquer) 2021-01-15
Compute the Kth Last Node of a Linked List (and Length of a Linked List) 求单向链表倒数第K个节点(和链表长度算法) Youtube - B站 Compute the Kth Last Node of a Linked List (and Length of a Linked List) 2021-01-11
Algorithms to Remove Nodes from a Linked List 单向链表的删除节点的算法 Youtube - B站 Algorithms to Remove Nodes from a Linked List 2021-01-06
Algorithms to Find the Cycle of a Linked List 单向链表是否有环的算法 Youtube - B站 Algorithms to Find the Cycle of a Linked List 2020-12-30
Fast and Slow Pointer to Obtain the Middle of the Linked List 快慢指针求单向链表中间的算法 Youtube - B站 Fast and Slow Pointer to Obtain the Middle of the Linked List 2020-12-29
Binary Tree Traversal Algorithms 二叉树的遍例算法 Youtube - B站 Binary Tree Traversal Algorithms 2020-12-18
Algorithms to Search in a Binary Search Tree 在二分搜索树里查找算法 Youtube - B站 Algorithms to Search in a Binary Search Tree 2020-12-16
Algorithms of Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiples 求最大公约数和最小公倍数的算法 Youtube - B站 Algorithms of Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiples 2020-12-03

Bruteforce 暴力穷举

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Sum of Number and Its Reverse (Bruteforce Algorithm) 数字和它的逆之和(穷举算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Sum of Number and Its Reverse (Bruteforce Algorithm) 2023-01-12
Largest 3-Same-Digit Number in String (Math, Bruteforce Algorithm) 字符串中最大的3位数字(数学, 穷举暴力) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Largest 3-Same-Digit Number in String (Math, Bruteforce Algorithm) 2022-05-26
Counting the Number of Squares and Rectangles of a Rubik Cube 数N阶魔方正方形和矩形的数量(暴力穷举算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Counting the Number of Squares and Rectangles of a Rubik Cube 2022-03-21

Sorting 排序

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Counting Sort Algorithm in Python 统计排序算法 (Counting Sort) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Counting Sort Algorithm in Python 2021-12-05
Insertion Sorting (Simple Sorting Algorithm) 简单排序之插入排序算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Insertion Sorting (Simple Sorting Algorithm) 2021-12-03
Selection Sorting (Simple Sorting Algorithm) 简单排序之选择排序算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Selection Sorting (Simple Sorting Algorithm) 2021-12-02
Bubble Sorting (Simple Sorting Algorithm) 简单排序之冒泡排序算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Bubble Sorting (Simple Sorting Algorithm) 2021-12-01
QuickSort Algorithm Simply Explained 快排序算法 Youtube - B站 QuickSort Algorithm Simply Explained 2020-12-10
MergeSort Algorithm Simply Explained 归并排序简介 Youtube - B站 MergeSort Algorithm Simply Explained 2020-12-11

Binary Search 二分搜索

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Eat Bananas/Apples in K Hours with Minimal R (Binary Search Algorithm) 在K小时内用最小R吃香蕉/苹果(二分搜索算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Eat Bananas/Apples in K Hours with Minimal R (Binary Search Algorithm) 2022-06-23
Find Insertion Point in Sorted List via bisect_left or bisect_right 用bisect_left或bisect_right二分查找算法在有序列表中找到插入位置 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Find Insertion Point in Sorted List via bisect_left or bisect_right 2021-11-01
Build Progressive Stairs Row by Row via Simulation, Binary Search or Math Algorithm 搭建自然数阶梯的仿真, 二分, 和数学算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Build Progressive Stairs Row by Row via Simulation, Binary Search or Math Algorithm 2021-10-09
Insertion Index in Sorted List (bisect_right) 有序列表中插入索引 (bisect_right) Youtube - B站 Insertion Index in Sorted List (bisect_right) 2021-06-03
K Numbers Greater Than or Equal to K 二分查找确定大于或等于K的K个数 Youtube - B站 K Numbers Greater Than or Equal to K 2021-05-28
Using Binary Search to Find K-th Largest Number in Array 二分查找算法求第K大数组元素 Youtube - B站 Using Binary Search to Find K-th Largest Number in Array 2021-01-16
Binary Search Algorithm to Compute the Square Root 二分搜索算法求根号的值 Youtube - B站 Binary Search Algorithm to Compute the Square Root 2021-01-07
From Linear Search to Binary Search Algorithm 线性搜索到二分查找 Youtube - B站 From Linear Search to Binary Search Algorithm 2020-11-23

Game Theory 博弈游戏论

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Alpha Beta Pruning Algorithm on NegaMax (Game Theory) 博弈游戏论: 基于NegaMax负最大搜索的Alpha Beta剪枝算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Alpha Beta Pruning Algorithm on NegaMax (Game Theory) 2022-01-27
NegaMax Algorithm (Game Theory) 博弈游戏论: NegaMax 负最大搜索算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 NegaMax Algorithm (Game Theory) 2022-01-25
Alpha-Beta Pruning Algorithm (Game Theory) 博弈游戏论: Alpha Beta 剪枝搜索算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Alpha-Beta Pruning Algorithm (Game Theory) 2022-01-24
MinMax Algorithm in Game Tree (Game Theory, Tic Tac Toe) 博弈游戏论: Minmax 搜索算法 (井字格游戏 Tic Tac Toe) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 MinMax Algorithm in Game Tree (Game Theory, Tic Tac Toe) 2022-01-23
Define Tic Tac Toe using Game Theory Terminologies 博弈游戏论: 定义井字格游戏 Tic Tac Toe Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Define Tic Tac Toe using Game Theory Terminologies 2022-01-22
Introduction to Two Players Zero-Sum Game (Number Halving) 博弈简介: 两个玩家零和游戏(数字减半) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Introduction to Two Players Zero-Sum Game (Number Halving) 2022-01-20

Random 随机算法

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
The Fisher–Yates Random Shuffle Algorithm in Python Fisher-Yates 随机洗牌算法 (Python) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 The Fisher–Yates Random Shuffle Algorithm in Python 2021-10-27

Dynamic Programming Algorithms 动态规划算法

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Find Max Number of Uncrossed Lines (Longest Common Subsequence) via Space Optimisation Bottom Up Dynamic Programming Algorithm 空间优化自下而上动态规划算法求最大未交叉线数(最长公共子序列LCS) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Find Max Number of Uncrossed Lines (Longest Common Subsequence) via Space Optimisation Bottom Up Dynamic Programming Algorithm 2023-05-22
Find Max Number of Uncrossed Lines (Longest Common Subsequence) via Bottom Up Dynamic Programming Algorithm 自下而上动态规划算法求最大未交叉线数(最长公共子序列LCS) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Find Max Number of Uncrossed Lines (Longest Common Subsequence) via Bottom Up Dynamic Programming Algorithm 2023-05-14
Find Max Number of Uncrossed Lines (Longest Common Subsequence LCS) via Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm (Recursion + Memoization) 自上而下的动态规划算法(递归+记忆化搜索)最大未交叉线数(最长公共子序列LCS) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Find Max Number of Uncrossed Lines (Longest Common Subsequence LCS) via Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm (Recursion + Memoization) 2023-05-13
Check if There is a Path With Equal Number of 0's And 1's (Maze, Recursion, Memoization, Dynamic Programming) 检查是否存在一条0和1数目相等的路径(迷宫、递归、记忆化、动态规划算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Check if There is a Path With Equal Number of 0's And 1's (Maze, Recursion, Memoization, Dynamic Programming) 2022-12-31
Largest Sum of Non-Adjacent Numbers, Disappearing Coins 2D Version (Dynamic Programming Algorithm) 非相邻数字的最大总和(2D版本-矩阵中消失的硬币-动态规划算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Largest Sum of Non-Adjacent Numbers, Disappearing Coins 2D Version (Dynamic Programming Algorithm) 2022-09-18
Number of Ways to Reach a Position After Exactly k Steps (Combinations + Math + Dynamic Programming Algorithms) 在恰好 k 步后到达位置的方法数(组合 + 数学 + 动态规划算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Number of Ways to Reach a Position After Exactly k Steps (Combinations + Math + Dynamic Programming Algorithms) 2022-09-16
Minmax Dynamic Programming Algorithm (Game of Picking Numbers at Two Ends) Minmax 极大极小动态规划算法(两端取数游戏) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Minmax Dynamic Programming Algorithm (Game of Picking Numbers at Two Ends) 2022-07-26
Dynamic Programming Algorithm to Break a String using Given Words (Word Break) 动态规划算法(由底至上)将字符串分解为单词 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Dynamic Programming Algorithm to Break a String using Given Words (Word Break) 2022-05-31
Break a String into Words (Word Break) via Recursion with Memoziation - Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm 记忆化搜索/递归深度优先将字符串分解为单词-由顶至下的动态规划算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Break a String into Words (Word Break) via Recursion with Memoziation - Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm 2022-05-29
Longest Palindromic Substring (Optimised Bruteforce and Dynamic Programming Algorithm) 最长回文子串(优化的暴力搜索和动态规划算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Longest Palindromic Substring (Optimised Bruteforce and Dynamic Programming Algorithm) 2022-04-24
Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix via Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm 基于自顶向下动态规划算法的矩阵中的最长递增路径 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix via Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm 2022-04-20
Permutation of K out of N Visible Blocks via Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm 通过自顶向下动态规划算法对N个可见块中的K个进行置换 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Permutation of K out of N Visible Blocks via Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm 2022-04-01
Compute the Number of Consecutive Ones Less than K using Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm (Recursion + Memoziation) 自顶向下动态规划算法(递归+记忆)计算小于或等于K次连续的数量 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Compute the Number of Consecutive Ones Less than K using Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm (Recursion + Memoziation) 2022-03-25
0/1 Knapsack Space Optimised Dynamic Programming Algorithm 0/1背包问题(空间优化的动态规划算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 0/1 Knapsack Space Optimised Dynamic Programming Algorithm 2021-12-30
Using Bottom Up Dynamic Programming Algorithm to Solve 0/1 Knapsack 0/1背包问题(由下而上的动态规划算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Using Bottom Up Dynamic Programming Algorithm to Solve 0/1 Knapsack 2021-12-28
0/1 Knapsack Problem via Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm 0/1背包问题(自上而下的动态规划算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 0/1 Knapsack Problem via Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm 2021-12-27
Multiple Strange Coin Flips/Toss Bottom Up Dynamic Programming Algorithm (Knapsack Variant) 背包变种-多个硬币正面概率-由下至上动态规划算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Multiple Strange Coin Flips/Toss Bottom Up Dynamic Programming Algorithm (Knapsack Variant) 2021-12-20
Multiple Strange Coin Flips/Toss Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm (Knapsack Variant) 背包变种-多个硬币正面概率-由上至下动态规划算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Multiple Strange Coin Flips/Toss Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm (Knapsack Variant) 2021-12-19
Max Profit of Rod Cutting (Unbounded Knapsack) via Bottom Up Dynamic Programming Algorithm 由底至上动态规划算法的棒材切割最大利润(无界背包) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Max Profit of Rod Cutting (Unbounded Knapsack) via Bottom Up Dynamic Programming Algorithm 2021-12-17
Max Profit of Rod Cutting (Unbounded Knapsack) via Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm 自顶向下动态规划算法的棒材切割最大利润(无界背包) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Max Profit of Rod Cutting (Unbounded Knapsack) via Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm 2021-12-16
Find Partition Equal Subset Sum (Bottom Up Dynamic Programming Algorithm) 数组分成和相等的两个子序列 (由底向上动态规划算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Find Partition Equal Subset Sum (Bottom Up Dynamic Programming Algorithm) 2021-12-14
Find Partition Equal Subset Sum (Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm) 数组分成和相等的两个子序列 (自顶向下动态规划算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Find Partition Equal Subset Sum (Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm) 2021-12-13
Top Down and Bottom Up Dynamic Programming Algorithm to Type N letters on a 2-keys Keyboard 至顶向下或由下至上的动态规划算法计算用2键键盘敲N个A的最佳方案数 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Top Down and Bottom Up Dynamic Programming Algorithm to Type N letters on a 2-keys Keyboard 2021-10-31
Dynamic Programming Algorithm to Calculate Largest Square Submatrix 计算最大子正方矩阵的动态规划算法 Youtube - B站 Dynamic Programming Algorithm to Calculate Largest Square Submatrix 2021-09-12
Dynamic Programming Algorithms to Count the Number of Unique Binary Search Trees (Catalan Numbers) 计算唯一二叉搜索树数量的动态规划算法(Catalan数) Youtube - B站 Dynamic Programming Algorithms to Count the Number of Unique Binary Search Trees (Catalan Numbers) 2021-08-29
Brick Layout (Unlimited Knapsack) via Bottom Up Dynamic Programming Algorithm 至底向上的动态规划算法求砌砖头数(无限背包变种) Youtube - B站 Brick Layout (Unlimited Knapsack) via Bottom Up Dynamic Programming Algorithm 2021-07-13
Brick Layout (Unlimited Knapsack) via Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm 至顶向下的动态规划算法求砌砖头数(无限背包变种) Youtube - B站 Brick Layout (Unlimited Knapsack) via Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm 2021-07-12
Dynamic Programming Algorithms to Compute the Maximum Non-Adjacent Tree Sum 动态规划算法求二叉树最大非相邻节点之和 Youtube - B站 Dynamic Programming Algorithms to Compute the Maximum Non-Adjacent Tree Sum 2021-06-26
Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm to Compute the Min Number of Knight Moves 动态规划算法求骑士回原点的最少步数 Youtube - B站 Top Down Dynamic Programming Algorithm to Compute the Min Number of Knight Moves 2021-06-09
Dynamic Programming Algorithm to Compute Minimum Number of Coins 最少零钱硬币数之动态规划算法 Youtube - B站 Dynamic Programming Algorithm to Compute Minimum Number of Coins 2021-05-22
Combination Sum Up to Target (Unique Numbers) by Dynamic Programming Algorithms 无限(unbounded)背包问题之动态规划算法 Youtube - B站 Combination Sum Up to Target (Unique Numbers) by Dynamic Programming Algorithms 2021-04-19
Maximum Product by Splitting Integer using Dynamic Programming or Greedy Algorithm 拆分整数得到最大乘积的算法(贪心和动态规划) Youtube - B站 Maximum Product by Splitting Integer using Dynamic Programming or Greedy Algorithm 2021-04-12
Maximum Subarray by Dynamic Programming and Greedy Algorithm 求最大子数组和的三种算法(暴力、贪心和动态规划) Youtube - B站 Maximum Subarray by Dynamic Programming and Greedy Algorithm 2021-04-08
Dynamic Programming Algorithm to Compute the Triangle Minimum Path Sum 动态规划算法求最小路径和 Youtube - B站 Dynamic Programming Algorithm to Compute the Triangle Minimum Path Sum 2021-03-15
Dynamic Programming Algorithms to Count Numbers with Unique Digits 动态规划算法数不重复数字的数 Youtube - B站 Dynamic Programming Algorithms to Count Numbers with Unique Digits 2021-03-12
Using Dynamic Programming to Count the Number of Palindrome Substrings 动态规划算法数回文子字符串 Youtube - B站 Using Dynamic Programming to Count the Number of Palindrome Substrings 2021-03-09
Longest Increasing Subsequence via Dynamic Programming Algorithm 动态规划算法来求最长递增子序列 Youtube - B站 Longest Increasing Subsequence via Dynamic Programming Algorithm 2021-03-07
Dynamic Programming Algorithms to Compute the Least Number of Perfect Squares 动态规划算法来求最少完美数之和 Youtube - B站 Dynamic Programming Algorithms to Compute the Least Number of Perfect Squares 2021-03-06
Dynamic Programming Algorithms to Compute the Number of Derangement Permutations 动态规划算法求错位排列数 Youtube - B站 Dynamic Programming Algorithms to Compute the Number of Derangement Permutations 2021-03-03
Dynamic Programming Algorithm to Count Bits for N Integers 动态规划算法求比特位计数 Youtube - B站 Dynamic Programming Algorithm to Count Bits for N Integers 2021-03-02
Compute the Longest Palindromic Subsequence via Dynamic Programming Algorithm 动态规划算法求解最长回文字符子序列 Youtube - B站 Compute the Longest Palindromic Subsequence via Dynamic Programming Algorithm 2021-03-01
Dynamic Programming Algorithms to Obtain Max Non-Neighbour Values 动态规划算法求解"打家劫舍"问题 Youtube - B站 Dynamic Programming Algorithms to Obtain Max Non-Neighbour Values 2021-02-28
Climbing the Stairs using Dynamic Programming Algorithm 动态规划算法来计算爬楼梯的方法数 Youtube - B站 Climbing the Stairs using Dynamic Programming Algorithm 2021-02-27
Count Number of Ways to Walk in a Grid using Dynamic Programming or Combination 动态规划或组合数学算法来数方格里的走法 Youtube - B站 Count Number of Ways to Walk in a Grid using Dynamic Programming or Combination 2021-02-26
Introduction to Dynamic Programming Algorithm 动态规划算法简介 Youtube - B站 Introduction to Dynamic Programming Algorithm 2021-02-25

Recursion 递归

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Count Nodes Equal to Sum of Descendants (Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm) 二叉树节点等于后代总和数(递归深度优先搜索算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Count Nodes Equal to Sum of Descendants (Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm) 2023-01-21
Recursive Algorithm to Count and Say a Number String 数数字字符串的递归算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Recursive Algorithm to Count and Say a Number String 2022-10-18
Finding Path Sum in Binary Tree via Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 递归深度优先搜索算法查找二叉树路径之和 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Finding Path Sum in Binary Tree via Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 2022-10-05
Recursive Algorithm to Prune a Binary Tree 修剪二叉树的递归算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Recursive Algorithm to Prune a Binary Tree 2022-08-07
Kth Smallest Element in a BST via Recursive Counting Algorithm 通过递归计数算法在二叉搜索树中找第K个最小元素 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Kth Smallest Element in a BST via Recursive Counting Algorithm 2022-04-19
Inorder Traversal Algorithm to Convert Binary Search Tree to Increasing Order Search Tree 中序遍历算法将二叉搜索树转换为升序搜索树 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Inorder Traversal Algorithm to Convert Binary Search Tree to Increasing Order Search Tree 2022-04-17
Is Subsequence Algorithm via Recursion (Greedy) 子序列的递归算法(贪心) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Is Subsequence Algorithm via Recursion (Greedy) 2022-03-04
Top Down and Bottom Up Recursive Algorithms to Determine a Balanced Binary Tree 平衡二叉树的二种递归算法: 自上而下和自下而上 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Top Down and Bottom Up Recursive Algorithms to Determine a Balanced Binary Tree 2022-02-01
Tower of Hanoi via Recursion (Math Induction Proof of Minimal Number of Moves) 汉诺塔的递归算法和数学归纳法证明最少移动步数 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Tower of Hanoi via Recursion (Math Induction Proof of Minimal Number of Moves) 2021-10-16
Linked List Jumps via Recursion 链表跳跃的递归算法 Youtube - B站 Linked List Jumps via Recursion 2021-08-09
Multiples of 3 and 7 3和7的倍数 Youtube - B站 Multiples of 3 and 7 2021-07-07
Algorithms to Check if a Linked List is Palindrome 4种算法判断回文单向链表 Youtube - B站 Algorithms to Check if a Linked List is Palindrome 2021-06-27
Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm to Check If Two Binary Trees are Same 递归深度优先算法判断两二叉树是否相等 Youtube - B站 Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm to Check If Two Binary Trees are Same 2021-06-23
Insert a Node into a Binary Search Tree via Recursion 二叉搜索树插入一个节点的递归算法 Youtube - B站 Insert a Node into a Binary Search Tree via Recursion 2021-05-29
Construct Binary Tree From Pre/Inorder Traversals 递归算法由前序和中序列表来构建二叉树 Youtube - B站 Construct Binary Tree From Pre/Inorder Traversals 2021-04-05
Recursive Algorithm to Find the Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree 递归算法求两节点的共同最低祖先 Youtube - B站 Recursive Algorithm to Find the Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree 2021-03-13
Recursive Permutation Algorithm 递归全排列算法 Youtube - B站 Recursive Permutation Algorithm 2021-03-10
Recursion in Five Minutes 五分钟讲递归 Youtube - B站 Recursion in Five Minutes 2020-11-22

Two Pointer 双指针 Sliding Window 滑动窗口

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length (Sliding Window Algorithm) 给定长度子串中的最大元音数(滑动窗口算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length (Sliding Window Algorithm) 2023-05-06
Maximum Sum of K Numbers from Front and Back of Array (Prefix/Suffix Sum Algorithm) 从数组前后取K个数最大和(前缀后缀和算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Maximum Sum of K Numbers from Front and Back of Array (Prefix/Suffix Sum Algorithm) 2022-06-27
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters – Another Version of Two Pointer / Sliding Window Algorithm 不重复字符的最长子串(双指针/滑动窗口算法) - 另一种解法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters – Another Version of Two Pointer / Sliding Window Algorithm 2022-06-16
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (Two Pointer / Sliding Window Algorithm) 不重复字符的最长子串(双指针/滑动窗口算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (Two Pointer / Sliding Window Algorithm) 2022-06-12
Square of a List using Two Pointer Algorithm 双指针算法计算列表的平方 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Square of a List using Two Pointer Algorithm 2022-04-28
Container With Most Water (Bruteforce, Two Pointer/Greedy Algorithm) 装水最多的容器(暴力穷举和双指针/贪心算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Container With Most Water (Bruteforce, Two Pointer/Greedy Algorithm) 2022-04-22
Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List (Fast and Slow Pointer) 删除链表的中间节点(快指针和慢指针) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List (Fast and Slow Pointer) 2022-03-06
Check if a String is Prefix/Suffix in Python (Two Pointer Algorithm) 前缀/后缀字符串算法(双指针) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Check if a String is Prefix/Suffix in Python (Two Pointer Algorithm) 2022-02-27
Rearrange Array Elements by Sign (Two Pointer Algorithm) 按符号重新排列数组元素(双指针算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Rearrange Array Elements by Sign (Two Pointer Algorithm) 2022-01-29
Two Pointer Algorithm to Capitalize the Title String 标题字符串大写的双指针算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Two Pointer Algorithm to Capitalize the Title String 2022-01-13
Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array via Two Pointer Algorithm 删除有序列表中的重复元素(双指针算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array via Two Pointer Algorithm 2021-11-06
Reverse Only Letters via Two Pointer Algorithm 双指针算法只反转英文字母 Youtube - B站 Reverse Only Letters via Two Pointer Algorithm 2021-09-14
Interval Overlaps via Two Pointer Algorithm 双指针算法求线段的交集 Youtube - B站 Interval Overlaps via Two Pointer Algorithm 2021-05-31
Two Pointer Algorithm to Rescue People in Rocketship 双指针算法求最少火箭数 Youtube - B站 Two Pointer Algorithm to Rescue People in Rocketship 2021-05-21
Lowest Sum of Pair Larger than Target via Two Pointer 双指针算法求大于目标的最小两数和 Youtube - B站 Lowest Sum of Pair Larger than Target via Two Pointer 2021-05-20
Sum of Two Numbers Less Than Target using Two Pointer Algorithm 双指针算法求小于目标的最大两数和 Youtube - B站 Sum of Two Numbers Less Than Target using Two Pointer Algorithm 2021-05-09
Sum of Three Numbers Less than Target 三数小于目标之和 Youtube - B站 Sum of Three Numbers Less than Target 2021-05-03
Three Sum Algorithm 数组三和算法 Youtube - B站 Three Sum Algorithm 2021-03-23
Two Pointer Algorithm to Solve Four Sum Problem 双指针找四数之和 Youtube - B站 Two Pointer Algorithm to Solve Four Sum Problem 2021-05-02
Is Subsequence Algorithm via Two Pointer 通过双指针来检查子串算法 Youtube - B站 Is Subsequence Algorithm via Two Pointer 2021-03-04
Finding Pythagorean Triplets in Array using Two Pointer or Hash Set 在数组中找勾股数的两种算法 Youtube - B站 Finding Pythagorean Triplets in Array using Two Pointer or Hash Set 2021-01-28

Line Sweeping 扫描线

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Line Sweeping Algorithm to Compute the Most Frequent Number in Intervals 通过Line Sweeping算法查找线段区间中出现最频的整数 Youtube - B站 Line Sweeping Algorithm to Compute the Most Frequent Number in Intervals 2021-09-11

Divide and Conquer 分而治之

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Divide and Conquer Algorithm Explained (Max Number, Ruler Marker) 分治算法简介 (求最大数, 尺子刻度标记) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Divide and Conquer Algorithm Explained (Max Number, Ruler Marker) 2021-10-23
Divide and Conquer Algorithm to Find Longest Substring with Character Count of at Least K 分而治之算法查找每个字符至少出现K次的最长子串 Youtube - B站 Divide and Conquer Algorithm to Find Longest Substring with Character Count of at Least K 2021-09-12

Sliding Window 滑动窗口

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Maximum Sum of K Numbers from Front and Back of Array (Sliding Window Algorithm) 从数组前后取K个数最大和(滑动窗口算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Maximum Sum of K Numbers from Front and Back of Array (Sliding Window Algorithm) 2022-06-26
Split String with Same Distinct Counts (Sliding Window) 拆分具有相同不同计数的字符串(滑动窗口) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Split String with Same Distinct Counts (Sliding Window) 2022-01-01
Find Subsequence of Length K With the Largest Sum (Greedy, Sliding Window) 长度为K的最大和子序列(贪心和滑动窗口算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Find Subsequence of Length K With the Largest Sum (Greedy, Sliding Window) 2021-12-11
Repeated K-Length Substrings (Sliding Window) 数重复出现的K长度的子串(滑动窗口算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Repeated K-Length Substrings (Sliding Window) 2021-11-27
Longest Substring with 2 Distinct Characters by Sliding Window Algorithm 通过滑动窗口算法求具有最多2个不同字符的最长子串 Youtube - B站 Longest Substring with 2 Distinct Characters by Sliding Window Algorithm 2021-09-09
Anagram Substrings via Sliding Window 滑动窗口数字谜子串 Youtube - B站 Anagram Substrings via Sliding Window 2021-08-21

Iterative Deepening Search 迭代加深搜索算法

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Minimum Genetic Mutation via Iterative Deepening Search Algorithm 迭代加深搜索算法IDS实现最小遗传变异 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Minimum Genetic Mutation via Iterative Deepening Search Algorithm 2022-11-13
Depth First/Limit Search and Iterative Deepening Search Algorithm on Unweighted Graph 未加权图上的深度优先/极限搜索和迭代深化搜索算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Depth First/Limit Search and Iterative Deepening Search Algorithm on Unweighted Graph 2022-08-05

Depth First Search + Backtracking Algorithms 深度优先搜索算法+回溯

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Maximum Number of Connected Components in a Directed Graph (Detonate the Maximum Bombs) - Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 有向图中连通分量的最大数量(引爆最多炸弹)-递归深度优先搜索算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Maximum Number of Connected Components in a Directed Graph (Detonate the Maximum Bombs) - Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 2023-06-02
Back Tracking Algorithm to Find the The Knight’s Tour Path (Recursive Depth First Search) 寻找骑士旅行路径的回溯算法(递归深度优先搜索) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Back Tracking Algorithm to Find the The Knight’s Tour Path (Recursive Depth First Search) 2023-05-08
Converting Breadth First Search Algorithm to Iterative Preorder Order (Depth First Search) for a Binary Tree 将广度优先搜索算法转换为二叉树的迭代式的先序遍历(深度优先搜索) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Converting Breadth First Search Algorithm to Iterative Preorder Order (Depth First Search) for a Binary Tree 2023-03-11
Minimum Distance Between Binary Search Tree (BST) Nodes (Recursive Depth First Search + In-Order Traversal Algorithm) 二叉搜索树(BST)节点间最小距离(递归深度优先搜索+中序遍历算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Minimum Distance Between Binary Search Tree (BST) Nodes (Recursive Depth First Search + In-Order Traversal Algorithm) 2023-02-17
Finding 3-Digit Even Numbers (Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm) 查找3位偶数的算法(递归深度优先搜索算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Finding 3-Digit Even Numbers (Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm) 2022-12-19
Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze via Iterative Deepening Search Algorithm (IDS) 迭代加深搜索算法(IDS)找迷宫最近的出口 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze via Iterative Deepening Search Algorithm (IDS) 2022-12-03
Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze via Depth First Search Algorithm 深度优先搜索算法找迷宫入口最近的出口 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze via Depth First Search Algorithm 2022-11-28
Minimum Genetic Mutation via Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 递归深度优先搜索算法实现最小遗传突变 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Minimum Genetic Mutation via Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 2022-11-07
Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm to Evaluate the Boolean Binary Tree 递归深度优先搜索算法评估布尔二叉树的值 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm to Evaluate the Boolean Binary Tree 2022-07-14
Count Nodes Equal to Average of Subtree via Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 递归深度优先搜索算法数节点等于子树平均值 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Count Nodes Equal to Average of Subtree via Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 2022-06-22
Backtracking Algorithm to Find Factor Combinations (Math, Recursive Depth First Search) 寻找因子组合的回溯算法(数学,递归深度优先搜索) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Backtracking Algorithm to Find Factor Combinations (Math, Recursive Depth First Search) 2022-06-06
Iterative Depth First Search Algorithm to Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree 迭代式深度优先搜索算法在二叉树的克隆树中找到对应节点 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Iterative Depth First Search Algorithm to Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree 2022-05-19
Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree via Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 递归深度优先搜索算法在二叉树的克隆树中找到对应节点 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree via Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 2022-05-18
Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm to Find the Sum of Deepest Leaves in a Binary Tree 递归深度优先搜索算法在二叉树中找到最深叶子的总和 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm to Find the Sum of Deepest Leaves in a Binary Tree 2022-05-15
Backtracking Algorithm to List the Combination Sum (Recursive Depth First Search) 求组合数列表的回溯算法(递归深度优先算法+剪枝) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Backtracking Algorithm to List the Combination Sum (Recursive Depth First Search) 2022-05-10
Kth Smallest Element in a BST via Recursive Inorder Traversal Algorithm 中序遍历算法求二叉搜索树第K小的元素(递归深度优先搜索) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Kth Smallest Element in a BST via Recursive Inorder Traversal Algorithm 2022-04-18
Tree Detection via Depth First Search Algorithm (Determine a Binary Tree via Recursion) 递归深度优先搜索的树检测算法(确定二叉树) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Tree Detection via Depth First Search Algorithm (Determine a Binary Tree via Recursion) 2022-04-14
Transform Matrix to One Connected Component using Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 使用递归深度优先搜索算法将矩阵转换为一个连通分量 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Transform Matrix to One Connected Component using Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 2022-04-10
Find Leaves of Binary Tree via Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 通过递归深度优先搜索算法找到二叉树的叶子 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Find Leaves of Binary Tree via Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 2022-04-04
Finding All Subsets via Backtracking Algorithm (Recursion / Depth First Search) 通过回溯算法查找所有子集(递归/深度优先搜索) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Finding All Subsets via Backtracking Algorithm (Recursion / Depth First Search) 2022-03-28
Back-tracking Depth First Search Algorithm to Restore IP Addresses 回溯深度优先搜索算法恢复IP地址 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Back-tracking Depth First Search Algorithm to Restore IP Addresses 2022-03-26
Longest Path in Binary Tree via Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 二叉树中的最长路径递归深度优先算法(DFS) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Longest Path in Binary Tree via Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 2022-01-08
Longest Even Value Path in Binary Tree using Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 递归深度优先搜索算法在二叉树中的最长偶值路径 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Longest Even Value Path in Binary Tree using Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 2022-01-05
Split Tree to Maximize Product (Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm) 拆分二叉树的最大和乘积(递归深度优先算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Split Tree to Maximize Product (Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm) 2021-12-15
Find Gene Mutation Groups via Depth First Search Algorithm 找出不同的基因组数(递归深度优先DFS-图论算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Find Gene Mutation Groups via Depth First Search Algorithm 2021-12-06
Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm to Count the Surrounded Islands 递归深度优先搜索算法数内陆数 Youtube - B站 Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm to Count the Surrounded Islands 2021-09-02
Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm to Compute the Max Average of a Binary SubTree 通过递归深度优先搜索算法计算最大平均子二叉树 Youtube - B站 Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm to Compute the Max Average of a Binary SubTree 2021-09-01
Equal Tree Partition via Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 通过递归深度优先搜索算法进行等树划分 Youtube - B站 Equal Tree Partition via Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 2021-08-30
Depth First Search Algorithm to Find the Largest Land 深度优先算法求最大岛屿大小 Youtube - B站 Depth First Search Algorithm to Find the Largest Land 2021-07-01
Sum of Distinct Positive Factorial Numbers via Depth First Search Algorithm 不同正阶乘数之和的递归深度优先解法 Youtube - B站 Sum of Distinct Positive Factorial Numbers via Depth First Search Algorithm 2021-06-20
Depth First Search Algorithm to Compute the Max Width of a Binary Tree 深度优先算法求二叉树的最大宽度 Youtube - B站 Depth First Search Algorithm to Compute the Max Width of a Binary Tree 2021-06-18
Back Tracking Algorithm to Generate Parentheses 回溯算法生成有效括号 Youtube - B站 Back Tracking Algorithm to Generate Parentheses 2021-06-16
Depth First Search Algorithm to Count the Number of Islands 深度优先算法数岛屿数量 Youtube - B站 Depth First Search Algorithm to Count the Number of Islands 2021-06-14
Depth First Search Algorithm to Find Bottom Left Tree Value 深度优先算法求二叉树左下角值 Youtube - B站 Depth First Search Algorithm to Find Bottom Left Tree Value 2021-06-13
Depth First Search Algorithm to Count the Vertical Lines in Binary Tree 深度优先算法数二叉树竖直线 Youtube - B站 Depth First Search Algorithm to Count the Vertical Lines in Binary Tree 2021-06-05
Depth First Search Algorithm to Delete Even Leaves Recursively From Binary Tree 递归深度优先算法删除二叉树的偶树叶节点 Youtube - B站 Depth First Search Algorithm to Delete Even Leaves Recursively From Binary Tree 2021-05-17
Implementation of Cartesian Product in Python via Depth First Search Algorithm 深度优先算法实现笛卡尔积 Youtube - B站 Implementation of Cartesian Product in Python via Depth First Search Algorithm 2021-05-13
Depth First Search Algorithm to Determine Sum Binary Tree 深度优先算法检查是否是Sum二叉树 Youtube - B站 Depth First Search Algorithm to Determine Sum Binary Tree 2021-05-11
Average Level of Binary Tree via Depth First Search Algorithm 深度优先算法计算二叉树每层的平均值 Youtube - B站 Average Level of Binary Tree via Depth First Search Algorithm 2021-05-06
Leaf Similar Trees by Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 深度优先算法判断两二叉树是否树叶相似 Youtube - B站 Leaf Similar Trees by Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 2021-05-04
Sum of Four Numbers using Depth First Search Algorithm 深度优先算法找四数之和 Youtube - B站 Sum of Four Numbers using Depth First Search Algorithm 2021-04-30
Depth First Search Algorithm to Convert to Elephant Binary Tree 深度优先算法转换成大象二叉树 Youtube - B站 Depth First Search Algorithm to Convert to Elephant Binary Tree 2021-04-28
Algorithms to Compute the Range Sum of a Binary Search Tree 二叉搜索树区间求和的算法 Youtube - B站 Algorithms to Compute the Range Sum of a Binary Search Tree 2021-04-26
Subtree with Maximum Value via Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 递归深度优先计算二叉树最大子树节点之和 Youtube - B站 Subtree with Maximum Value via Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 2021-04-17
Depth First Search Algorithm to Determine a Univalue Binary Tree 深度优先算法检查是否是单值二叉树 Youtube - B站 Depth First Search Algorithm to Determine a Univalue Binary Tree 2021-04-03
Depth First Search Algorithm to Find the Only Child in Binary Tree 深度优先算法找单孩子节点 Youtube - B站 Depth First Search Algorithm to Find the Only Child in Binary Tree 2021-03-29
Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree using DFS Algorithm 深度优先算法找层节点和最大的那一层 Youtube - B站 Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree using DFS Algorithm 2021-03-25
Depth First Search Algorithm to Sum Root to Leaf Numbers in Binary Tree 深度优先算法求根节点到叶子数字之和 Youtube - B站 Depth First Search Algorithm to Sum Root to Leaf Numbers in Binary Tree 2021-03-20
Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm to Compare Leaf Equivalent Trees 递归深度优先算法判断两二叉树是否有相同叶子序列 Youtube - B站 Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm to Compare Leaf Equivalent Trees 2021-02-18
Depth First Search Algorithm to Check If Leaves are Same Level in Binary Tree 深度优先算法检查二叉树的叶子节点是否为同一层 Youtube - B站 Depth First Search Algorithm to Check If Leaves are Same Level in Binary Tree 2021-02-04
Programming – Solving the Jump Game by Depth First Search Algorithm 深度优先算法 - Jump Game Youtube - B站 Solving the Jump Game by Depth First Search Algorithm 2020-12-06

Breadth First Search Algorithms 广度优先搜索算法

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Breadth First Search Algorithm to Compute the Maximum Number of Connected Components in a Directed Graph (Detonate the Maximum Bombs) 有向图中连通分量的最大数量(引爆最多炸弹)-广度优先搜索算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Breadth First Search Algorithm to Compute the Maximum Number of Connected Components in a Directed Graph (Detonate the Maximum Bombs) 2023-06-05
Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal (via Breadth First Search Algorithm) 二叉树 Zigzag 层遍历(广度优先搜索算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal (via Breadth First Search Algorithm) 2023-02-19
Check if There is a Path With Equal Number of 0's And 1's (Breadth First Search Algorithm) 检查是否存在一条0和1数目相等的路径(广度优先搜索算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Check if There is a Path With Equal Number of 0's And 1's (Breadth First Search Algorithm) 2023-01-04
Finding 3-Digit Even Numbers (Breadth First Search Algorithm) 查找3位偶数的算法(广度优先搜索算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Finding 3-Digit Even Numbers (Breadth First Search Algorithm) 2022-12-27
Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze via Breadth First Search Algorithm 广度优先搜索算法找迷宫入口最近的出口 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze via Breadth First Search Algorithm 2022-11-21
Minimum Genetic Mutation via Breadth First Search Algorithm 通过广度优先搜索算法实现最小遗传突变 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Minimum Genetic Mutation via Breadth First Search Algorithm 2022-11-06
Finding Path Sum in Binary Tree via Breadth First Search Algorithm (and Iterative DFS) 广度优先搜索算法(和迭代式深度优先搜索)查找二叉树路径之和 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Finding Path Sum in Binary Tree via Breadth First Search Algorithm (and Iterative DFS) 2022-10-09
Breadth First Search Algorithm to Find Factor Combinations 寻找因子组合的广度优先搜索算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Breadth First Search Algorithm to Find Factor Combinations 2022-06-07
Break a String into Words (Word Break) via Breadth First Search Algorithm 广度优先搜索算法将字符串分解为单词 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Break a String into Words (Word Break) via Breadth First Search Algorithm 2022-05-30
Breadth First Search Algorithm to Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree 广度优先搜索算法在二叉树的克隆树中找到对应节点 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Breadth First Search Algorithm to Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree 2022-05-20
Breadth First Search Algorithm to Find the Sum of Deepest Leaves in a Binary Tree 广度优先搜索算法在二叉树中找到最深叶子的总和 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Breadth First Search Algorithm to Find the Sum of Deepest Leaves in a Binary Tree 2022-05-16
Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node (Breadth First Search Algorithm) 二叉树每个节点中填充下一个右指针(广度优先算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node (Breadth First Search Algorithm) 2022-05-13
Find Combination Sum via Breadth First Search Algorithm 求组合数列表的广度优先搜索算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Find Combination Sum via Breadth First Search Algorithm 2022-05-12
Tree Detection Algorithm via Breadth First Search (Determine a Binary Tree) 广度优先搜索的树检测算法(确定二叉树) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Tree Detection Algorithm via Breadth First Search (Determine a Binary Tree) 2022-04-13
Transform Matrix to One Connected Component using Breadth First Search Algorithm 使用广度优先搜索算法将矩阵转换为一个连通分量 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Transform Matrix to One Connected Component using Breadth First Search Algorithm 2022-04-12
Longest Even Value Path in Binary Tree via Graph Breadth First Search Algorithm 二叉树中的最长偶数值路径(图论-图算法-广度优先BFS) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Longest Even Value Path in Binary Tree via Graph Breadth First Search Algorithm 2022-01-06
Find Gene Mutation Groups via Breadth First Search Algorithm 找出不同的基因组数(广度优先搜索BFS-图论算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Find Gene Mutation Groups via Breadth First Search Algorithm 2021-12-07
Multi-source Breadth First Search Algorithm (Minimum Number of Moves to Capture the King) 多源广度优先搜索算法(夺王的最少步数) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Multi-source Breadth First Search Algorithm (Minimum Number of Moves to Capture the King) 2021-11-20
Breadth First Search Algorithm to Check If Two Binary Trees are Same 广度优先算法判断两二叉树是否相等 Youtube - B站 Breadth First Search Algorithm to Check If Two Binary Trees are Same 2021-06-24
Breadth First Search Algorithm to Compute the Max Width of a Binary Tree 广度优先算法求二叉树最大宽度 Youtube - B站 Breadth First Search Algorithm to Compute the Max Width of a Binary Tree 2021-06-17
Breadth First Search Algorithm to Find Bottom Left Tree Value 广度优先算法求二叉树左下角值 Youtube - B站 Breadth First Search Algorithm to Find Bottom Left Tree Value 2021-06-12
Breadth First Search Algorithm to Count the Vertical Lines in Binary Tree 广度优先算法数二叉树竖直线 Youtube - B站 Breadth First Search Algorithm to Count the Vertical Lines in Binary Tree 2021-06-04
Breadth First Search Algorithm to Determine Sum Binary Tree 广度优先算法检查是否是Sum二叉树 Youtube - B站 Breadth First Search Algorithm to Determine Sum Binary Tree 2021-05-10
Breadth First Search Algorithm to Compute Average of Levels in Binary Tree 广度优先计算二叉树每层平均值 Youtube - B站 Breadth First Search Algorithm to Compute Average of Levels in Binary Tree 2021-05-05
Escape Maze by Breadth First Search Algorithm 广度优先算法找迷宫出路 Youtube - B站 Escape Maze by Breadth First Search Algorithm 2021-04-27
Breadth First Search Algorithm to Check the Completeness of a Binary Tree 广度优先算法来判断是否是完整二叉树 Youtube - B站 Breadth First Search Algorithm to Check the Completeness of a Binary Tree 2021-03-30
Breadth First Search Algorithm to Find the Only Child in Binary Tree 广度优先算法找单孩子节点 Youtube - B站 Breadth First Search Algorithm to Find the Only Child in Binary Tree 2021-03-28
Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree using BFS Algorithm 广度优先算法找层节点和最大的那一层 Youtube - B站 Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree using BFS Algorithm 2021-03-24
Breadth First Search Algorithm to Sum Root to Leaf Numbers in Binary Tree 广度优先算法求根节点到叶子数字之和 Youtube - B站 Breadth First Search Algorithm to Sum Root to Leaf Numbers in Binary Tree 2021-03-19
Breadth First Search Algorithm to Determine a Univalue Binary Tree 广度优先算法检查是否是单值二叉树 Youtube - B站 Breadth First Search Algorithm to Determine a Univalue Binary Tree 2021-03-16
The Left Side View of Binary Tree via Breadth First Search Algorithm 广度优先算法计算二叉树左视图 Youtube - B站 The Left Side View of Binary Tree via Breadth First Search Algorithm 2021-02-19
Breadth First Search Algorithm to Check if All Leaves in Same Level of Binary Tree 广度优先算法检查二叉树的叶子节点是否为同一层 Youtube - B站 Breadth First Search Algorithm to Check if All Leaves in Same Level of Binary Tree 2021-02-05
BFS Algorithm to Compute the Maximum Depth of the Binary Tree 广度优先算法求二叉树的最大深度 Youtube - B站 BFS Algorithm to Compute the Maximum Depth of the Binary Tree 2021-02-14
Revisit Breadth First Search Algorithm via Jump Game 广度优先算法 Jump Game Youtube - B站 Revisit Breadth First Search Algorithm via Jump Game 2020-12-05

Graphs 图论

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Distance Between Bus Stops (Floyd Warshall Shortest Path Algorithm in Simple Undirected Weighted Regular Graph) 公共汽车站之间的距离(简单无向加权正则图中的 Floyd Warshall 多源最短路径算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Distance Between Bus Stops (Floyd Warshall Shortest Path Algorithm in Simple Undirected Weighted Regular Graph) 2022-08-06
A Light Talk on Breadth First Search, Uniform Cost Search and Dijkstra Shortest Path Graph Algorithms 浅谈广度优先搜索BFS, 统一成本搜索UCS和 Dijkstra 最短路径算法(图论) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 A Light Talk on Breadth First Search, Uniform Cost Search and Dijkstra Shortest Path Graph Algorithms 2022-08-03
Introduction to Dijkstra Single Source Shortest Path Graph Algorithm Dijkstra 单源最短路径(SSSP图算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Introduction to Dijkstra Single Source Shortest Path Graph Algorithm 2022-08-02
Single Source Shortest Path Algorithm in a Directed Unweighted Graph using Breadth First Search 单源最短路径SSSP广度优先搜索BFS算法(有向未加权图成本总和) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Single Source Shortest Path Algorithm in a Directed Unweighted Graph using Breadth First Search 2022-07-18
Floyd Warshal Multi-source/All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm (Sum of Costs in a Directed Unweighted Graph) Floyd Warshall 多源/所有顶点对最短路径算法(有向未加权图中的成本总和) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Floyd Warshal Multi-source/All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm (Sum of Costs in a Directed Unweighted Graph) 2022-07-17
Count Unreachable Pairs of Nodes in an Undirected Graph (Union Find and Disjoint Set Algorithm) 计算无向图中不可到达的顶点对(并查集Union Find算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Count Unreachable Pairs of Nodes in an Undirected Graph (Union Find and Disjoint Set Algorithm) 2022-07-06
Count Unreachable Pairs of Nodes in an Undirected Graph (Breadth First Search Algorithm) 计算无向图中不可到达的顶点对(广度优先搜索算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Count Unreachable Pairs of Nodes in an Undirected Graph (Breadth First Search Algorithm) 2022-07-03
Count Unreachable Pairs of Nodes in an Undirected Graph (Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm) 计算无向图中不可到达的顶点对(递归深度优先搜索算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Count Unreachable Pairs of Nodes in an Undirected Graph (Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm) 2022-06-30
Recursive Depth First Search Graph Algorithm to Determine a Strongly Connected Component 确定强连通分量的递归深度优先搜索图算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Recursive Depth First Search Graph Algorithm to Determine a Strongly Connected Component 2022-06-18
Closest Leaf in Binary Tree (Breadth/Depth First Search Algorithm in a Graph) 二叉树中的最近叶子节点(图的广度/深度优先搜索算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Closest Leaf in Binary Tree (Breadth/Depth First Search Algorithm in a Graph) 2022-06-09
Reconstruct the Flight Itinerary using Topological Sorting Graph Algorithm (DAG) 使用拓扑排序图论算法 (DAG) 重建飞行路线 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Reconstruct the Flight Itinerary using Topological Sorting Graph Algorithm (DAG) 2022-04-05
Clone (Deep Copy) a Undirected Connected Graph using Breadth First Search Algorithm 广度优先搜索算法(BFS)克隆(深度拷贝)无向联结图 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Clone (Deep Copy) a Undirected Connected Graph using Breadth First Search Algorithm 2022-02-05
Clone (Deep Copy) a Undirected Connected Graph using Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 递归深度优先搜索算法克隆(深度拷贝)无向联结图 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Clone (Deep Copy) a Undirected Connected Graph using Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 2022-02-03
Uniform Cost Search Algorithm to Solve Single-Source Shortest Path in a Graph 权重图中单源最短路径的统一成本搜索算法(UCS) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Uniform Cost Search Algorithm to Solve Single-Source Shortest Path in a Graph 2022-01-19
Longest Path in Binary Tree via Diameter Algorithm (DFS + BFS) 二叉树最长路径(直径算法+DFS+BFS) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Longest Path in Binary Tree via Diameter Algorithm (DFS + BFS) 2022-01-10
Topological Sort Algorithm on Directed Graphs (Course Schedule, BFS) 有向图的拓扑排序算法(课程安排, 广度优先) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Topological Sort Algorithm on Directed Graphs (Course Schedule, BFS) 2021-12-24
Minimum Starting Nodes to Visit Graph (Topological Sort, Indegree) 访问图的最少起始节点(拓扑排序,入度) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Minimum Starting Nodes to Visit Graph (Topological Sort, Indegree) 2021-12-23
Shortest Path Algorithms by Iterative Deepening Search (IDS), Depth First Search (DFS) or Breadth First Search (BFS) on Undirected Graphs 无向图上的迭代深化搜索 (IDS)、深度优先搜索 (DFS) 或广度优先搜索 (BFS) 的最短路径算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Shortest Path Algorithms by Iterative Deepening Search (IDS), Depth First Search (DFS) or Breadth First Search (BFS) on Undirected Graphs 2021-12-18
Graph Traversal Algorithms in DFS or BFS (Unlock Rooms with Keys) 图的深度优先和广度优先算法(用钥匙访问所有房间) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Graph Traversal Algorithms in DFS or BFS (Unlock Rooms with Keys) 2021-11-17
Introduction to Prim's Minimum Spanning Tree (Graph Algorithm) Prim's 最小生成树介绍(图算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Introduction to Prime's Minimum Spanning Tree (Graph Algorithm) 2021-11-15
Introduction to Kruskal's Minimum Spanning Tree (Graph Algorithm) Kruskal 最小生成树介绍(图算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Introduction to Kruskal’s Minimum Spanning Tree (Graph Algorithm) 2021-11-14
Converting Binary Tree to Undirectional Graph via DFS and BFS 把二叉树变成无向图(深度优先和广度优先算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Converting Binary Tree to Undirectional Graph via DFS and BFS 2021-11-11
Three Graph Algorithms: Does Every Vertex Have at least One Edge in Graph? 图中每个顶点是否至少有一条边? (三种算法) Youtube - B站 Three Graph Algorithms: Does Every Vertex Have at least One Edge in Graph? 2021-08-31
Finding the Network Delay Time via Floyd-Warshall Shortest Path Algorithm 通过佛洛依德 Floyd-Warshall 最短路径算法计算网络延迟时间 Youtube - B站 Finding the Network Delay Time via Floyd-Warshall Shortest Path Algorithm 2021-08-28
Finding All Paths from Source to Target in a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) using Breadth First Search Algorithm 图: 通过广度优先搜索算法寻找从源到目地的所有路径 Youtube - B站 Finding All Paths from Source to Target in a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) using Breadth First Search Algorithm 2021-08-25
Finding All Paths from Source to Target in a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) using Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 图: 通过深度优先搜索算法寻找从源到目地的所有路径 Youtube - B站 Finding All Paths from Source to Target in a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) using Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm 2021-08-24
Find if Path Exists in Graph via Depth First Search Algorithm 图: 通过深度优先搜索算法查找两个顶点是否存在路径 Youtube - B站 Find if Path Exists in Graph via Depth First Search Algorithm 2021-08-20
Find if Path Exists in Graph via Breadth First Search Algorithm 图: 通过广度优先搜索算法查找两个顶点是否存在路径 Youtube - B站 Find if Path Exists in Graph via Breadth First Search Algorithm 2021-08-18
Reverse a Graph (Adjacency List) 反转图(邻接列表) Youtube - B站 Reverse a Graph (Adjacency List) 2021-04-16
Algorithms to Find Center of Star Graph 找星型图中心的算法 Youtube - B站 Find Center of Star Graph 2021-03-27
Introduction to Graph Data Structure 数据结构之图的简介 Youtube - B站 Introduction to Graph Data Structure 2021-01-02

Greedy Algorithm 贪心算法

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Largest Perimeter Triangle (Sorting + Greedy Algorithm) 最大周长三角形(排序+贪心算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Largest Perimeter Triangle (Sorting + Greedy Algorithm) 2022-10-31
Minimum Split Into Subarrays With GCD Greater Than One (Greedy Algorithm) 最小分割为GCD大于一的子数组(贪心算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Minimum Split Into Subarrays With GCD Greater Than One (Greedy Algorithm) 2022-10-23
Maximum Ascending Subarray Sum (Greedy Algorithm) 最大升序子数组和(贪心算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Maximum Ascending Subarray Sum (Greedy Algorithm) 2022-10-11
Minimum Moves to Reach Target Score with Constraints (Greedy Algorithm) 限制条件下达到目标数的最小移动次数(贪心算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Minimum Moves to Reach Target Score with Constraints (Greedy Algorithm) 2022-01-17
Greedy Algorithm to Find Longest Increasing Subsequence in O(NLogN) via Binary Search 贪心二分查找算法找出数组中的最长递增子序列 O(NLogN) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Greedy Algorithm to Find Longest Increasing Subsequence in O(NLogN) via Binary Search 2021-11-02
Largest Odd Number in String 字符串中的最大奇数 Youtube - B站 Largest Odd Number in String 2021-07-02
Sum of Distinct Positive Factorial Numbers 不同正阶乘数之和 Youtube - B站 Sum of Distinct Positive Factorial Numbers 2021-06-19
Flip One Digit via Greedy Algorithm 贪心翻转一个数字 Youtube - B站 Flip One Digit via Greedy Algorithm 2021-05-18
Longest Interval Algorithm 最长线段算法 Youtube - B站 Longest Interval Algorithm 2021-05-16
Dynamic Programming or Greedy Algorithm to Compute the Min Change 最少零钱贪心算法 Youtube - B站 Dynamic Programming or Greedy Algorithm to Compute the Min Change 2021-05-01
Greedy Algorithm to Complete Tasks 贪心算法完成任务 Youtube - B站 Greedy Algorithm to Complete Tasks 2021-04-10
Greedy Algorithm of Buying Cars 贪心算法买车 Youtube - B站 Greedy Algorithm of Buying Cars 2020-12-19

Prefix Sum 前缀和

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Index with Equal Left and Right Sums (Prefix and Suffix Sum Algorithm) 左右和相等的索引(前缀和后缀和算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Index with Equal Left and Right Sums (Prefix and Suffix Sum Algorithm) 2022-01-30
Prefix Sum Algorithm to Find the Middle Index in Array 前缀和算法计算数组中间索引 Youtube - B站 Prefix Sum Algorithm to Find the Middle Index in Array 2021-09-04
Longest Zero Sublist Sum via Prefix Sum 前缀和算法计算最长零和子列表 Youtube - B站 Longest Zero Sublist Sum via Prefix Sum 2021-09-03
Matrix Prefix Sum Algorithm 矩阵前缀和算法 Youtube - B站 Matrix Prefix Sum Algorithm 2021-08-22
Prefix Sum Algorithm to Compute the Interval Sums 前缀求线段区间和算法 Prefix Sum Youtube - B站 Prefix Sum Algorithm to Compute the Interval Sums 2020-12-27

Machine Learning 机器学习

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Introduction to KNN Machine Learning Algorithm KNN机器学习算法简介 - KNN的Python实现 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Introduction to KNN Machine Learning Algorithm 2021-10-10

Puzzles 刷题

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Minimum Swaps to Get Semi-Ordered Permutation 获得半有序排列的最小交换算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Minimum Swaps to Get Semi-Ordered Permutation 2023-06-12
Algorithms to Find Two Smallest Numbers (Buy Two Chocolates - Heap - Sorting - Linear Scan) 找出最小两个数字的算法(购买巧克力最优算法-堆/排序/线性查找) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Algorithms to Find Two Smallest Numbers (Buy Two Chocolates - Heap - Sorting - Linear Scan) 2023-05-27
Minimum Amount of Time to Fill Cups (Greedy Simulation Algorithm and Math) 填满杯子的最短时间(贪心模拟算法和数学) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Minimum Amount of Time to Fill Cups (Greedy Simulation Algorithm and Math) 2023-04-22
Find the Width of Columns of a Grid (Zip Function, Matrix Transpose) 网格中列的宽度(zip函数, 矩阵转置) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Find the Width of Columns of a Grid (Zip Function, Matrix Transpose) 2023-04-17
Form Smallest Number From Two Digit Arrays (Set Intersection) 从两位数数组中形成最小数(集合交集) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Form Smallest Number From Two Digit Arrays (Set Intersection) 2023-04-14
Closest Binary Search Tree Value (Iterative and Recursive Inorder Traversal Algorithm) 查找二叉搜索树中最接近的节点(迭代+递归中序遍历) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Closest Binary Search Tree Value (Iterative and Recursive Inorder Traversal Algorithm) 2023-04-10
Closest Binary Search Tree Value (Recursion + Inorder Traversal + Binary Search Algorithm) 查找二叉搜索树中最接近的节点(递归+中序遍历+二分搜索) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Closest Binary Search Tree Value (Recursion + Inorder Traversal + Binary Search Algorithm) 2023-04-09
Find the Longest Balanced Substring of a Binary String 查找二进制字符串的最长平衡子串 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Find the Longest Balanced Substring of a Binary String 2023-04-03
K Items With the Maximum Sum 取K项求最大总和 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 K Items With the Maximum Sum 2023-03-27
Split With Minimum Sum (Heap, Priority Queue) 整数最小总和拆分算法(堆, 优先队列) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Split With Minimum Sum (Heap, Priority Queue) 2023-03-20
Split With Minimum Sum (Bucket Sorting Algorithm) 整数最小总和拆分算法(桶排序) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Split With Minimum Sum (Bucket Sorting Algorithm) 2023-03-18
Split With Minimum Sum (Sort the Digits, Greedy, Math) 整数最小总和拆分(对数字进行排序+贪心算法+数学) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Split With Minimum Sum (Sort the Digits, Greedy, Math) 2023-03-13
Count Distinct Numbers on the Board (Recursion, Simulation, Hash Set, Math) 计算板上的不同数字(数学, 仿真算法, 集合+递归) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Count Distinct Numbers on the Board (Recursion, Simulation, Hash Set, Math) 2023-02-16
Algorithms to Take Max/Min, Square Root, and Compute Sum after K times (Heap, Sort, Index) 获取数组最大值将其变成平方根K次后求和算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Algorithms to Take Max/Min, Square Root, and Compute Sum after K times (Heap, Sort, Index) 2023-02-12
Algorithms to Separate the Digits of a Number Array 分隔数组数字的几种算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Algorithms to Separate the Digits of a Number Array 2023-02-05
Algorithms to Solve a Min Max Binary Tree Game (Queue, Recursion, In-place) 解决最小最大二叉树游戏的算法(队列, 递归, In-place) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Algorithms to Solve a Min Max Binary Tree Game (Queue, Recursion, In-place) 2023-01-30
Algorithms to Compute the Alternating Digit Sum 计算交替数字和的算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Algorithms to Compute the Alternating Digit Sum 2023-01-29
Iterative Algorithm to Check if a Binary Tree is Symmetric 检查二叉树是否对称的迭代算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Iterative Algorithm to Check if a Binary Tree is Symmetric 2023-01-26
Algorithms to Find Minimum Common Value of Two Sorted Arrays (Binary Search, Two Pointer, Brute Force, Hash Set Intersection) 查找两个排序数组的最小公共值的算法(双指针, 穷举, 哈希集合交集, 二分搜索) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Algorithms to Find Minimum Common Value of Two Sorted Arrays (Binary Search, Two Pointer, Brute Force, Hash Set Intersection) 2023-01-22
Maximum Count of Positive Integer and Negative Integer in Sorted Array (Binary Search Algorithm) 排序数组中正整数和负整数的最大计数(二分查找算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Maximum Count of Positive Integer and Negative Integer in Sorted Array (Binary Search Algorithm) 2023-01-08
Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons (Greedy Algorithm) 爆破所有气球所需的最少箭头数(贪心算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons (Greedy Algorithm) 2023-01-07
Count Pairs Of Similar Strings (Bruterforce, Hash Map / Counter and Bit masking) 计算相似字符串对(暴力搜索,哈希表/计数器和位掩码) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Count Pairs Of Similar Strings (Bruterforce, Hash Map / Counter and Bit masking) 2022-12-28
Finding 3-Digit Even Numbers (Permutations, Brute Force) 查找3位数学偶数的算法(排列和穷举) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Finding 3-Digit Even Numbers (Permutations, Brute Force) 2022-12-18
Algorithms to Check a Circular Sentence 检查循环语句的算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Algorithms to Check a Circular Sentence 2022-12-10
Algorithms to Find the Pivot Integer of the First N Natural Numbers (Bruteforce Algorithm, Prefix Sum, Binary Search and Math Proof/Solver) 查找前N个自然数的主元整数的算法(穷举+二分+前缀和+数学) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Algorithms to Find the Pivot Integer of the First N Natural Numbers (Bruteforce Algorithm, Prefix Sum, Binary Search and Math Proof/Solver) 2022-12-05
Minimum Cuts to Divide a Circle (Math, Geometry) 分割圆的最小割数(数学/几何) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Minimum Cuts to Divide a Circle (Math, Geometry) 2022-11-27
Minimum Sum of Four Digit Number After Splitting Digits 拆分数字后四位数字的最小和 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Minimum Sum of Four Digit Number After Splitting Digits 2022-11-20
Determine if Two Events Have Conflict (Intersections of Two Intervals) 判断两个事件是否有冲突(两个区间是否有交集) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Determine if Two Events Have Conflict (Intersections of Two Intervals) 2022-10-30
Number of Valid Clock Times 数有效时间字符串 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Number of Valid Clock Times 2022-10-26
Count Days Spent Together (Intersection of Two Intervals + Line Sweep Algorithm) 计算一起度过的天数(两个区间的交集+线扫描算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Count Days Spent Together (Intersection of Two Intervals + Line Sweep Algorithm) 2022-09-28
Number of Zero-Filled Subarrays (GroupBy Algorithm + Math Counting) 零填充子数组的数量(GroupBy 算法 + 数学计数) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Number of Zero-Filled Subarrays (GroupBy Algorithm + Math Counting) 2022-08-24
Four Algorithms to Validate a Binary Search Tree 判别二叉搜索树的四种算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Four Algorithms to Validate a Binary Search Tree 2022-08-16
Algorithms to Find the Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree (Recursion+Iterative) 查找二叉搜索树的最低共同祖先的算法(递归+迭代) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Algorithms to Find the Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree (Recursion+Iterative) 2022-08-14
Distance Between Bus Stops (Shortest Distance in Simple Undirected Weighted Regular Graph) 公共汽车站之间的距离(简单无向加权正则图中的最短距离) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Distance Between Bus Stops (Shortest Distance in Simple Undirected Weighted Regular Graph) 2022-07-31
Greatest English Letter in Upper and Lower Case 大写和小写都出现的最大英文字母 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Greatest English Letter in Upper and Lower Case 2022-06-21
Minimum Distance of Two Words in a Sentence/String 一个句子中两个单词的最小距离 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Minimum Distance of Two Words in a Sentence/String 2022-06-13
Rearrange Characters to Make Target String (Hash Map) 重新排列字符转换成目标字符串(哈希表) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Rearrange Characters to Make Target String (Hash Map) 2022-06-05
Algorithms to Check Any Intervals Overlapping (Meeting Rooms) 间隔重叠判断算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Algorithms to Check Any Intervals Overlapping (Meeting Rooms) 2022-05-14
Two Algorithms to Group Anagrams 两种 Anagram 字符串分组算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Two Algorithms to Group Anagrams 2022-05-05
Remove Digit From Number to Maximize Result 从数字字符串中删除数字以获得最大值 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Remove Digit From Number to Maximize Result 2022-05-03
All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees (Parallel Iterative Inorder Traversal Algorithm) 两二叉搜索树的所有元素(并行中序遍例算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees (Parallel Iterative Inorder Traversal Algorithm) 2022-05-01
Typing Characters with Backspace (Text Editor Algorithm via Stack) 使用退格键敲入字符(文本编辑器, 堆栈) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Typing Characters with Backspace (Text Editor Algorithm via Stack) 2022-04-30
Index Into an Infinite String (Find Substring) 无限长度字符串找子串算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Index Into an Infinite String (Find Substring) 2022-04-27
Longest Palindromic Substring (Expand Around Center) 最长回文子串(围绕中心展开) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Longest Palindromic Substring (Expand Around Center) 2022-04-25
Largest Unique Number via Hash Table, Bucket Sorting & GroupBy 通过哈希表、桶排序和 GroupBy 算法获得的最大唯一数 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Largest Unique Number via Hash Table, Bucket Sorting & GroupBy 2022-04-03
Left/Right Side View of a Binary Tree using DFS/BFS Algorithm 使用深度/广度优先搜索算法计算二叉树的左/右视图 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Left/Right Side View of a Binary Tree using DFS/BFS Algorithm 2022-03-22
Algorithms to Rotate an Array 旋转数组的算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Algorithms to Rotate an Array 2022-03-17
Remove One Element to Make the Array Strictly Increasing (LIS Algorithms) 删除一个元素使数组严格递增(最长严格递增子序列算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Remove One Element to Make the Array Strictly Increasing (LIS Algorithms) 2022-02-07
Sort Even and Odd Indices Independently (Merge and Sort Algorithm) 对偶数和奇数索引进行独立排序(合并和排序算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Sort Even and Odd Indices Independently (Merge and Sort Algorithm) 2022-02-06
Check if All A's Appears Before All B's (itertools.groupby) 字符串A在B前算法(itertools.groupby分组) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Check if All A's Appears Before All B's (itertools.groupby) 2022-01-03
Compute Minimum Absolute Difference of Two Numbers in an Array 数组中两数最小差和最小差的数对 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Compute Minimum Absolute Difference of Two Numbers in an Array 2021-12-22
Longest Strictly Increasing Then Decreasing Sublist 最长严格递增然后递减子列表 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Longest Strictly Increasing Then Decreasing Sublist 2021-12-12
Algorithm to Truncate Sentence via Split Function 截断句子的拆分算法 (Split) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Algorithm to Truncate Sentence via Split Function 2021-12-05
Counting Maximal Value Roots in Binary Tree (Recursive Post-Order Traversal - DFS Algorithm) 数二叉树中最大值节点(递归后序遍例-深度优先算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Counting Maximal Value Roots in Binary Tree (Recursive Post-Order Traversal - DFS Algorithm) 2021-11-28
Contiguously Increasing Numbers (Depth First Search and Breadth First Search Algorithm) 连续增加的数字(深度优先搜索、广度优先搜索算法) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Contiguously Increasing Numbers (Depth First Search and Breadth First Search Algorithm) 2021-11-22
Run-Length Encoding/Compression Algorithm 行程编码/压缩算法 (Run-Length) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Run-Length Encoding/Compression Algorithm 2021-10-29
Run-Length Decoding/Decompression Algorithm 行程解码/解压缩算法 (Run-Length) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Run-Length Decoding/Decompression Algorithm 2021-10-28
Remove a Node and Subtree using Depth First Search or Breadth First Search Algorithm (Process Kill) 深度优先和广度优先移除子树节点算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Remove a Node and Subtree using Depth First Search or Breadth First Search Algorithm (Process Kill) 2021-10-21
Cousin Nodes in Binary Tree via Breadth First Search & Depth First Search Algorithm 深度优先和广度优先算法判断二叉树中的表亲节点 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Cousin Nodes in Binary Tree via Breadth First Search & Depth First Search Algorithm 2021-10-18
Restore the Word from Rules 从规则来反推单词 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Restore the Word from Rules 2021-10-17
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (Buy and Sell Once - Three Algorithms) 买卖股票的最佳时机(只能买卖各一次)-三种算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (Buy and Sell Once - Three Algorithms) 2021-10-16
One-way Jump Game via Backtracking, DP and Greedy Algorithm 单向跳跃游戏的几种解法: 回溯+两种动态规划+贪心算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 One-way Jump Game via Backtracking, DP and Greedy Algorithm 2021-10-05
Compute the Maximal Perimeter by Forming a Rectangle from N squares 计算把N个小正方形整成大长方形的最大周长 Youtube - B站 Compute the Maximal Perimeter by Forming a Rectangle from N squares 2021-09-29
Remove Consecutive Duplicates 删掉相邻重复字符 Youtube - B站 Remove Consecutive Duplicates 2021-09-25
All Odd Palindrome Substrings 所有奇数回文子串 Youtube - B站 All Odd Palindrome Substrings 2021-09-23
Minimum Difference Between Highest and Lowest of K Scores 从数组中找出K个数,求最高和最低的最小差异 Youtube - B站 Minimum Difference Between Highest and Lowest of K Scores 2021-09-15
Two Sum in Binary Search Tree via Inorder and Two Pointer Algorithm 二叉搜索树的双和算法(中序遍例+双指针) Youtube - B站 Two Sum in Binary Search Tree via Inorder and Two Pointer Algorithm 2021-08-23
Pairwise Linked List Nodes Swap Algorithm 成对链表交换算法 Youtube - B站 Pairwise Linked List Nodes Swap Algorithm 2021-08-08
Algorithm to Determine Three Divisors Numbers 三除数 Youtube - B站 Algorithm to Determine Three Divisors Numbers 2021-08-05
Greatest Common Divisor of Strings 最大公约字符串算法 Youtube - B站 Greatest Common Divisor of Strings 2021-08-04
Square Matrix Diagonal Sum 方形矩阵对角线之和 Youtube - B站 Square Matrix Diagonal Sum 2021-07-23
Find the Difference of Two Almost Same Strings 找出两个几乎相同的字符串的差异 Youtube - B站 Find the Difference of Two Almost Same Strings 2021-07-20
Sum of Unique Elements 唯一元素的总和 Youtube - B站 Sum of Unique Elements 2021-07-18
Length of Longest Balanced Subsequence 最长平衡子序列的长度 Youtube - B站 Length of Longest Balanced Subsequence 2021-07-17
Redistribute Characters to Make All Strings Equal 重新分配字符以使所有字符串相等 Youtube - B站 Redistribute Characters to Make All Strings Equal 2021-07-16
Sort List by Hamming Weight 按哈明码算法排序列表 Youtube - B站 Sort List by Hamming Weight 2021-07-15
Sort List by Reversing Once 反转一次子序列使之排序 Youtube - B站 Sort List by Reversing Once 2021-07-14
Count Square Sum Triples 数勾股定理三元组 Youtube - B站 Count Square Sum Triples 2021-07-11
Build Array from Permutation 从排列构建数组 Youtube - B站 Build Array from Permutation 2021-07-10
Group Integers 数字分组 Youtube - B站 Group Integers 2021-07-08
Flip to Zeros 翻转数字转换为零 Youtube - B站 Flip to Zeros 2021-07-06
Reverse Sublists to Convert to Target 反向子列表转换为目标 Youtube - B站 Reverse Sublists to Convert to Target 2021-07-05
Roman to Integer 罗马数字转换到阿拉伯数 Youtube - B站 Roman to Integer 2021-07-04
Determine a Armstrong Number 阿姆斯壮数算法 Youtube - B站 Determine a Armstrong Number 2021-06-29
Swap Characters to Equalize Strings 交换字符让两字符串相等 Youtube - B站 Swap Characters to Equalize Strings 2021-06-21
Max Product of Two Numbers 数组中最大两数的乘积 Youtube - B站 Max Product of Two Numbers 2021-06-11
Maximum Number by Inserting Five 插入5后的最大数值 Youtube - B站 Maximum Number by Inserting Five 2021-06-10
Sign of the Product of an Array 求数组乘积的符号值 Youtube - B站 Sign of the Product of an Array 2021-06-06
Substrings of Size Three with Distinct Characters 具有不同字符的大小为3的子字符串 Youtube - B站 Substrings of Size Three with Distinct Characters 2021-06-01
Check if Word Equals Summation of Two Words 两单词是否数值相等 Youtube - B站 Check if Word Equals Summation of Two Words 2021-05-30
Remove One Letter to Transform to Another 从一个字符串移除一个字符变成另一个字符串 Youtube - B站 Remove One Letter to Transform to Another 2021-05-27
Check if the Sentence Is Pangram 判别是否是Pangram字符串 Youtube - B站 Check if the Sentence Is Pangram 2021-05-26
Longest Common Prefix Algorithm 最长公共前缀字符串算法 Youtube - B站 Longest Common Prefix Algorithm 2021-05-25
Largest Anagram Group 最大的Anagram组的字符串数 Youtube - B站 Largest Anagram Group 2021-05-24
Minimum Number of Operations to Target Number 最少操作转换到目标数字 Youtube - B站 Minimum Number of Operations to Target Number 2021-05-23
Rotation of Another String 判断两字符串是否是旋转相等 Youtube - B站 Rotation of Another String 2021-05-19
Beer Bottle Exchange Algorithm via Simulation 换酒瓶算法 Youtube - B站 Beer Bottle Exchange Algorithm via Simulation 2021-05-15
Binary Matrix Leftmost One 寻找二进制矩阵中最左边的1 Youtube - B站 Binary Matrix Leftmost One 2021-05-14
Remove One Number to Make Average 去除1个数字凑成平均 Youtube - B站 Remove One Number to Make Average 2021-05-12
Add One To List 加1算法 Youtube - B站 Add One To List 2021-01-31
Three Consecutive Odds 连续三个奇数 Youtube - B站 Three Consecutive Odds 2021-05-08
Using Hash Set to Find Out Almost Same Strings 哈希算法找是否相似字符串 Youtube - B站 Using Hash Set to Find Out Almost Same Strings 2021-05-07
Noisy Palindrome Algorithms 判别嘈杂回文字符串算法 Youtube - B站 Noisy Palindrome Algorithms 2021-04-29
Remove Vowels from a String 删除字符串中的元音字符的算法 Youtube - B站 Remove Vowels from a String 2021-04-25
Using GroupBy Algorithm to Compress String 压缩字符串的GroupBy算法 Youtube - B站 Using GroupBy Algorithm to Compress String 2021-04-22
Find Root of N-Ary Tree using Hash Set 用哈希集合找出N叉树根节点的算法 Youtube - B站 Find Root of N-Ary Tree using Hash Set 2021-04-21
Sudoku Validator/Algorithm using 27 Hash Sets 用27个哈希集合来验证数独是否有效 Youtube - B站 Sudoku Validator/Algorithm using 27 Hash Sets 2021-04-18
Unobstructed Buildings Algorithm via Monotonous Decreasing Stack 单调递减堆栈计算未阻碍建筑物 Youtube - B站 Unobstructed Buildings Algorithm via Monotonous Decreasing Stack 2021-04-15
Converting Spreadsheet Column Titles to Number 表格26进制列字母转换成十进制算法 Youtube - B站 Converting Spreadsheet Column Titles to Number 2021-04-13
Using Heap (Priority Queue) to Generate Nth Ugly Number 生成第N个丑数的堆算法 Youtube - B站 Using Heap (Priority Queue) to Generate Nth Ugly Number 2021-04-11
Set Split Algorithm 集合拆分算法 Youtube - B站 Set Split Algorithm 2021-04-09
Algorithms to Find Lucky Integer in an Array 数组中找幸运数的算法 Youtube - B站 Algorithms to Find Lucky Integer in an Array 2021-04-06
Find N Unique Integers Sum up to Zero 构建零和独有数组的算法 Youtube - B站 Find N Unique Integers Sum up to Zero 2021-04-01
Palindrome Count Algorithm 通过指定字符串构造回文字符串算法 Youtube - B站 Palindrome Count Algorithm 2021-03-26
Two Sum Algorithm when Array is Sorted 有序数组的双和算法 Youtube - B站 Two Sum Algorithm when Array is Sorted 2021-03-22
Sibling Node in a Binary Search Tree 二叉搜索树中寻找兄弟节点 Youtube - B站 Sibling Node in a Binary Search Tree 2021-03-21
Two Sum Algorithm 双和算法 Youtube - B站 Two Sum Algorithm 2021-03-18
Using a Stack to Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String 使用堆栈来移除相邻相同字符的算法 Youtube - B站 Using a Stack to Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String 2021-03-08
Multipy Two Integers Without Multiplication, Division and Bit Shifting 不用乘号除号和比特移位来计算两整数乘法 Youtube - B站 Multipy Two Integers Without Multiplication, Division and Bit Shifting 2021-03-05
Recursive Algorithm to Find the Sum of Two Numbers in BSTs 递归算法寻找两个二叉搜索树中的和 Youtube - B站 Recursive Algorithm to Find the Sum of Two Numbers in BSTs 2021-02-24
Confusing Number Validation Algorithm 令人困惑的数字判断算法 Youtube - B站 Confusing Number Validation Algorithm 2021-02-22
Compute the Max Product of 3 Numbers in the Array 数组中最大三数的乘积 Youtube - B站 Compute the Max Product of 3 Numbers in the Array 2021-02-21
Ugly Number Detection Algorithm 丑数判别算法 Youtube - B站 Ugly Number Detection Algorithm 2021-02-17
Using Hash Set or Hash Table to Count Next Element 使用哈希表来统计下一元素 Youtube - B站 Using Hash Set or Hash Table to Count Next Element 2021-02-15
Recursive Algorithm to Compute the Maximum Depth of the Binary Tree 递归算法求二叉树的最大深度 Youtube - B站 Recursive Algorithm to Compute the Maximum Depth of the Binary Tree 2021-02-13
Algorithm to Reverse Words in a Sentence 反转单词算法 Youtube - B站 Algorithm to Reverse Words in a Sentence 2021-02-12
Algorithms to Determine a Happy Number 快乐数字算法 Youtube - B站 Algorithms to Determine a Happy Number 2021-02-11
Find the Single Number in Array 寻找数组中的单一元素算法 Youtube - B站 Find the Single Number in Array 2021-02-10
Recursive Algorithm to Merge Two Binary Trees 递归算法合并两个二叉树 Youtube - B站 Recursive Algorithm to Merge Two Binary Trees 2021-02-09
Recursive Algorithm to Cut/Trim a Binary Search Tree 裁剪二叉搜索树的递归算法 Youtube - B站 Recursive Algorithm to Cut/Trim a Binary Search Tree 2021-02-03
Algorithm to Check If Array is Monotonic 单调数组的两种算法 Youtube - B站 Algorithm to Check If Array is Monotonic 2021-01-26
Algorithms to Compute the Intersection of Two Linked Lists 求两条单向链表交点的算法 Youtube - B站 Algorithms to Compute the Intersection of Two Linked Lists 2021-01-25
Divide and Conquer Algorithm to Merge K Sorted Linked List 合并K个有序单向链表的算法 Youtube - B站 Divide and Conquer Algorithm to Merge K Sorted Linked List 2021-01-24
Recursive Algorithm to Convert a Sorted List to a Balanced Binary Search Tree 把有序列表转换成平衡二叉树的递归算法 Youtube - B站 Recursive Algorithm to Convert a Sorted List to a Balanced Binary Search Tree 2021-01-23
Revisit the Symmetric Binary Tree by Using Clone and Invert Algorithm 二叉树的复制反转相等对称算法 Youtube - B站 Revisit the Symmetric Binary Tree by Using Clone and Invert Algorithm 2021-01-22
Recursive Algorithm to Determine if a Binary Tree is Symmetric 递归算法检查二叉树是否对称 Youtube - B站 Recursive Algorithm to Determine if a Binary Tree is Symmetric 2021-01-21
Invert a Binary Tree using Recursion 5分钟讲递归算法反转二叉树(谷哥面试题) Youtube - B站 Invert a Binary Tree using Recursion 2021-01-20
Binary Search Algorithm to Find First Bad Version 通过二分搜索来查找第一个坏的版本 Youtube - B站 Binary Search Algorithm to Find First Bad Version 2021-01-14
Reverse a Linked List using Recursion and Iterative Algorithms 通过递归和迭代来对单向链表进行逆序算法 Youtube - B站 Reverse a Linked List using Recursion and Iterative Algorithms 2021-01-05
Binary Search Algorithm to Compute the Logarithm Base Two Function 二分算法求解对数函数y=log2(x) Youtube - B站 Binary Search Algorithm to Compute the Logarithm Base Two Function 2021-01-04
Palindrome Permutation Algorithm 回文数排列算法 Youtube - B站 Palindrome Permutation Algorithm 2021-01-03
Minimum Cost to Connect Sticks (Priority Queue/Min Heap) 贪心算法通过优先队列合并木头求最小代价 Youtube - B站 Minimum Cost to Connect Sticks (Priority Queue/Min Heap) 2021-01-01
Compute the Intersection of the Intervals 求线段区间相交的算法 Youtube - B站 Compute the Intersection of the Intervals 2020-12-25
Minimal Number of Brackets Needed to Make a Valid Parenthese String 修复括号字符串算法 Youtube - B站 Minimal Number of Brackets Needed to Make a Valid Parenthese String 2020-12-13
Enhanced Valid Parenthese String Algorithm using a Stack 改进版的有效括号算法(堆栈) Youtube - B站 Enhanced Valid Parenthese String Algorithm using a Stack 2020-12-14
Check a Valid Parenthese String 有效的括号字符串 Youtube - B站 Check a Valid Parenthese String 2020-12-12
Recursive Algorithm to Validate a Binary Search Tree 二叉搜索树的验证算法 Binary Search Tree Youtube - B站 Recursive Algorithm to Validate a Binary Search Tree 2020-12-17
3 Different Approaches to Solve Two-Sum Problem 使用三种算法来解决Two-Sum问题 Youtube - B站 3 Different Approaches to Solve Two-Sum Problem 2020-11-29
Two Algorithms to Compute Inverse Factorials 求反阶乘的两种算法 Youtube - B站 Two Algorithms to Compute Inverse Factorials 2020-11-30
Compute the Sum of the Digits using Three Methods 求数字之和的三种算法 Youtube - B站 Compute the Sum of the Digits using Three Methods 2020-12-01
How to Check if Two Strings Anagrams? Anagram字符串判断算法 Youtube - B站 How to Check if Two Strings Anagrams? 2020-12-02
Different Approaches to Check if a String is Palindrome 回文数算法 Youtube - B站 Different Approaches to Check if a String is Palindrome 2020-11-28
Computing Fibonacci Numbers using 3 Methods 求斐波那契数列的三种算法 Youtube - B站 Computing Fibonacci Numbers using 3 Methods 2020-11-23
Count the Number of Nodes in Binary Tree using DFS and BFS Algorithm 深度优先和广度优先算法来求二叉树的节点数 Youtube - B站 Count the Number of Nodes in Binary Tree using DFS and BFS Algorithm 2020-12-23
Sum of First N Even Numbers (with Mathematic Induction) 求前N个偶数之和(数学归纳法) Youtube - B站 Sum of First N Even Numbers (with Mathematic Induction) 2020-12-22
Sum of First N Odd Numbers (with Math Induction) 前N个奇数之和(数学归纳法) Youtube - B站 Sum of First N Odd Numbers (with Math Induction) 2020-12-21
Backtracking Algorithm to Solve N-queen Problem N皇后回溯算法求解 Youtube - B站 Backtracking Algorithm to Solve N-queen Problem 2020-12-20


Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Introduction to BASH shell/commands BASH命令简介 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Introduction to BASH shell/commands 2022-02-14

LOGO (Turtle Graphics) 海龟作图

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Draw a Tree in Python using Turtle Graphics (Recursion) 递归画颗树(海龟作图) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Draw a Tree in Python using Turtle Graphics (Recursion) 2022-03-05
How to Draw a Spiral Shape using Python and Turtle Graphics? 画个 Spiral (海龟作图, LOGO语言) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 How to Draw a Spiral Shape using Python and Turtle Graphics? 2022-03-01
How to Draw a Chess Board using Python and Turtle Graphics? 画个国际象棋棋盘(海龟作图, LOGO语言, 实心方块) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 How to Draw a Chess Board using Python and Turtle Graphics? 2022-02-28
How to Draw a Star using Turtle Graphics? (Math, Shapes, Geometry) 用LOGO语言画五角星(数学几何, 海龟作图) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 How to Draw a Star using Turtle Graphics? (Math, Shapes, Geometry) 2022-02-26
Turtle Graphics/Canvas Programming in Python 海龟作图 Turtle in Python Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Turtle Graphics/Canvas Programming in Python 2022-02-13

Microbit Game Programming 游戏编程

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
How to Make Flashing Lights on Microbit? Microbit上闪烁的屏幕灯 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 How to Make Flashing Lights on Microbit? 2022-03-03
Simple AI Algorithm of Decision Rules/Trees in Microbit Apple Catching Game Microbit抓苹果游戏中决策规则/树的简单AI算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Simple AI Algorithm of Decision Rules/Trees in Microbit Apple Catching Game 2022-02-18
Design and Develop an Apple Catching Game on Microbit using Python Microbit 游戏编程之吃苹果 (Python) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Design and Develop an Apple Catching Game on Microbit using Python 2022-02-17
Introduction to Microbit Programming in Python Microbit 编程入门简介(Python) Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Introduction to Microbit Programming in Python 2022-02-15

Database & SQL 数据库

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
Second Highest Distinct Record using SQL and Python SQL/Python找数据库中第二高的记录 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Second Highest Distinct Record using SQL and Python 2023-03-02
What is a Computer Database? A Quick Introduction 计算机数据库是什么?给娃讲啥是数据库? Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 What is a Computer Database? A Quick Introduction 2022-09-01
Introduction to SQL and the SELECT 数据库SQL语言之SELECT选择 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Introduction to SQL and the SELECT 2022-09-04
Most Common SQL keywords (Select, Update, Insert, Delete) 数据库SQL语句: 选择、更新、插入、删除 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 Most Common SQL keywords (Select, Update, Insert, Delete) 2022-09-06

Algorithms Design & 算法设计

Title Title Chinese Video Blog Date
How to Design a Random Sudoku? Algorithm to Design a Random Sudoku 数独随机生成算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 How to Design a Random Sudoku? Algorithm to Design a Random Sudoku 2023-01-16
How to Design a Random Maze? Random Maze Generation Algorithm 迷宫随机生成算法 Youtube - B站 - 西瓜 How to Design a Random Maze? Random Maze Generation Algorithm 2023-01-15


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