ccalbaugh / gif-loader

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Gif Loader

This project contains starter files used to create a way to search for gifs using the Giphy Api using vanilla JavaScript.

This project is used to enforce core concepts. As such, successful completion of this project would mean that you are using the following techniques:

The Task

Given the included stylesheet and html files, write JavaScript so that when a user enters text into the search bar and submits, a request for a gif is made and the image would appear beneath the input, replacing the previous gif.

  • Proper usage of const and let. No usage of var
  • Usage of arrow functions. No usage of function declarations
  • Grabbing the document items without reaching for jQuery
  • Fetching data from the Giphy Api without using a 3rd party library
  • Attaching event listeners
  • Usage of es6 template strings
  • Handling asynchronous code via callback, promises, or async/await


To be completed after the above requirements are met.

As our project stands currently, the paragraph tag doesn't update to reflect the newly added gif.

  • update the paragraph tag

Right now our API fetches a bunch of results when a request is made! Let's just limit that to 5.

  • Limit the amount of gifs coming back to 5.

If you attended one of my class sessions, then in your code, you have the line: searchGiphy(inputText)

After that line, we use .then() to have some code run. What is that code doing? That make that more functional by extracting it out into its own function to updateFields.

  • Remove the logic after the .then() and refactor it into its own function.



Language:HTML 58.3%Language:CSS 41.7%