cbp10 / Thermostat

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This app models a simple thermostat

The user stories for this project are

As a user
So that I know how warm it is
I want to be able to see the current temperature

As a user
So that I can be warmer
I would like to be able to increase the temperature

As a user
So that I can be cooler
I would like to be able to decrease the temperature

The thermostat has a minimum and maximum temperature and also has a power saving mode, which limits the maximum temperature.

Using the app

The thermostat can be interacted with by opening the index.html file in the project root.

$ open index.html

Running tests

The tests can be run by opening the SpecRunner.html file in the project root.

$ open SpecRunner.html



Language:JavaScript 99.0%Language:HTML 0.7%Language:CSS 0.2%