cblgh / rotonde-cli

a command line client for rotonde

Home Page:http://wiki.xxiivv.com/rotonde

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


nodejs-based cli for Rotonde


Download these files, make sure you have the latest nodejs version installed, navigate to the folder you unpacked these files and then do

  1. move to the folder you want to install in and do git clone git@github.com:cblgh/rotonde-cli.git
  2. npm install
  3. ./rotonde save /path/to/rotonde.json
  4. ./rotonde write "started using rotonde"
  5. ./rotonde feed

See http://rotonde.cblgh.org/crawl for Rotonde portals to follow.

Usage: rotonde [options] [command]


    follow|f [portal]      follow a rotonde domain
    unfollow|u [portal]    unfollow a rotonde domain
    name|n [name]          set your profile name
    location|l [location]  set your profile location
    color|c [color]        set your profile color
    write|w [entry]        write an entry
      --url|-u         add an url associated with your post
      --media|-m       add media associated with your post
    erase|d [index]        remove an entry
    feed|f [number]        view your feed
    save|p                 save the location of your rotonde.json file
    help [cmd]             display help for [cmd]

Usage examples

rotonde save /srv/http/rotonde/public/rotonde.json
rotonde name "cblgh"
rotonde location "the internet"
rotonde color #865FC5
rotonde follow rotonde.cblgh.org
rotonde write "just updated my tracker" --url https://github.com/cblgh --media https://www.youtube.com/watch\?v=Aj1U974JiIQ


a command line client for rotonde



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