cbetta / prime

Creates a a multiplication table of the first x primes. Written for a code challenge.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Prime multiplication table printer

Written for a code challenge.

Get ready

  • Requires Ruby 1.9+
  • git clone git://github.com/cbetta/prime.git
  • bundle
  • rspec spec, to see the specs pass
  • ruby prime.rb X, where X is the number of primes


$ ruby prime.rb 10
    |      2	    3	    5	    7	   11	   13	   17	   19	   23	   29
-----	-----	-----	-----	-----	-----	-----	-----	-----	-----	-----
  2 |	    4	    6	   10	   14	   22	   26	   34	   38	   46	   58
  3 |	    6	    9	   15	   21	   33	   39	   51	   57	   69	   87
  5 |	   10	   15	   25	   35	   55	   65	   85	   95	  115	  145
  7 |	   14	   21	   35	   49	   77	   91	  119	  133	  161	  203
 11 |	   22	   33	   55	   77	  121	  143	  187	  209	  253	  319
 13 |	   26	   39	   65	   91	  143	  169	  221	  247	  299	  377
 17 |	   34	   51	   85	  119	  187	  221	  289	  323	  391	  493
 19 |	   38	   57	   95	  133	  209	  247	  323	  361	  437	  551
 23 |	   46	   69	  115	  161	  253	  299	  391	  437	  529	  667
 29 |	   58	   87	  145	  203	  319	  377	  493	  551	  667	  841




Creates a a multiplication table of the first x primes. Written for a code challenge.

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%