Corey Ballou's repositories
Example usage of a number of the PHP SPL classes
A PHP session handler wrapped around MongoDB.
TT.FM Squared is both a Chrome extension as well as a Firefox Greasemonkey script for drastically improving the UI and functionality of Turntable.FM.
SPF30 is a PHP library which utilizes a number of recommended spambot deterrents in an attempt to reduce form submission spam. It does not utilize any form of captcha. In addition to spam prevention methods, SPF30 also handles two-way encryption of form data to prevent your form content from being easily sniffed across the wire over HTTP.
The Laravel Timer bundle can be used as a drop-in alternative to utilizing the built-in profiler for determining execution time of segments of your code. It's like a stopwatch.
php-css-tidy is a Komodo IDE macro and accompanying PHP executable bash script for compressing your CSS files.
A jQuery plugin intended to enhance the readability of your website's blog posts. It gives users the option to remove the "fluff" of your site and simply read the plain text. Proof of concept.
An API wrapper around MTGox API v2 that's slightly more sane than some alternatives.
My personal blog.
Super succinct pub/sub style event emitting with jQuery. Better yet, it supports triggering callbacks subscribed before any events have been triggered.
A fork of KnpLabs PHP GitHub API client that includes a few bonuses, Object Oriented, tested and documented. For 5.3+.
PHP port of resque (Workers and Queueing)
An addon for php-resque that lets you queue jobs for execution some time in the future. Follows resque-scheduler.