cb7d / demo_Aspects


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面向切面的程序设计(Aspect-oriented programming,AOP,又译作面向方面的程序设计剖面导向程序设计)是计算机科学中的一种程序设计**,旨在将横切关注点与业务主体进行进一步分离,以提高程序代码的模块化程度。通过在现有代码基础上增加额外的通知(Advice)机制,能够对被声明为“切点(Pointcut)”的代码块进行统一管理与装饰,如“对所有方法名以‘set*’开头的方法添加后台日志”。该**使得开发人员能够将与代码核心业务逻辑关系不那么密切的功能(如日志功能)添加至程序中,同时又不降低业务代码的可读性。面向切面的程序设计**也是面向切面软件开发的基础。

在开发过程中我们总会遇到某种需求,需要对我们业务内部的所有状态进行统一管理,比如对点击事件,用户进入的页面等进行埋点处理,对于这种需求我们一般会想到利用 Runtime 的消息转发功能实现这种需求,对这块不熟悉的同学可以看这篇,下面我们来看下 Aspects 是如何设计的



@interface NSObject (Aspects)

/// Adds a block of code before/instead/after the current `selector` for a specific class.
/// @param block Aspects replicates the type signature of the method being hooked.
/// The first parameter will be `id<AspectInfo>`, followed by all parameters of the method.
/// These parameters are optional and will be filled to match the block signature.
/// You can even use an empty block, or one that simple gets `id<AspectInfo>`.
/// @note Hooking static methods is not supported.
/// @return A token which allows to later deregister the aspect.
+ (id<AspectToken>)aspect_hookSelector:(SEL)selector
                            error:(NSError **)error;

/// Adds a block of code before/instead/after the current `selector` for a specific instance.
- (id<AspectToken>)aspect_hookSelector:(SEL)selector
                            error:(NSError **)error;


注意方法中的注释中特意提到了目前不支持静态方法的hook,方便的一点是 Aspect 需要传入的block是id类型,我们定义block的时候可以声明传递所有需要的参数,也可以什么都不传。


@implementation NSObject (Track)

+ (void)load {
    [UIViewController aspect_hookSelector:@selector(viewWillAppear:) withOptions:AspectPositionAfter usingBlock:^(id<AspectInfo> aspectInfo, BOOL animated) {
        NSLog(@"View Controller %@ will appear animated: %tu", aspectInfo.instance, animated);
    } error:NULL];


上面是返回类型为 void 的方法,需要返回参数的hook方式稍微复杂一点

#import "FKViewController.h"
#import <Aspects/Aspects.h>

@interface FKViewController ()


@implementation FKViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
	// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
    [self aspect_hookSelector:@selector(giveMeFive) withOptions:AspectPositionInstead usingBlock:^(id<AspectInfo> info) {
        // Call original implementation.
        NSNumber *number;
        NSInvocation *invocation = info.originalInvocation;
        [invocation invoke];
        [invocation getReturnValue:&number];
        if (number) {
            number = @(10);
            [invocation setReturnValue:&number];
    } error:NULL];

- (NSNumber *)giveMeFive {
    return @(5);

- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet<UITouch *> *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
    NSLog(@"%@", [self giveMeFive]);



Aspects 定义的结构


typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, AspectOptions) {
    AspectPositionAfter   = 0,            /// 在原方法后调用(默认)
    AspectPositionInstead = 1,            /// 直接替换
    AspectPositionBefore  = 2,            /// 在原方法之前
    AspectOptionAutomaticRemoval = 1 << 3 /// 第一次执行后取消

这里并没有使用枚举,而是使用了 NS_OPTIONS,方便组合选项


@protocol AspectToken <NSObject>

/// Deregisters an aspect.
/// @return YES if deregistration is successful, otherwise NO.
- (BOOL)remove;



@interface FKViewController ()

@property (nonatomic, strong) id<AspectToken> token;


@implementation FKViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
	// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
    __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
    _token = [self aspect_hookSelector:@selector(giveMeFive) withOptions:AspectPositionInstead usingBlock:^(id<AspectInfo> info) {
        // Call original implementation.
        NSNumber *number;
        NSInvocation *invocation = info.originalInvocation;
        [invocation invoke];
        [invocation getReturnValue:&number];
        if (number) {
            number = @(10);
            [invocation setReturnValue:&number];
            [weakSelf.token remove];
    } error:NULL];

- (NSNumber *)giveMeFive {
    return @(5);

- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet<UITouch *> *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
    NSLog(@"%@", [self giveMeFive]);




typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, AspectErrorCode) {
    AspectErrorSelectorBlacklisted,                   /// 无法hook的方法,release, retain等
    AspectErrorDoesNotRespondToSelector,              /// 找不到方法
    AspectErrorSelectorDeallocPosition,               /// hook dealloc方法只能选择在执行该方法前
    AspectErrorSelectorAlreadyHookedInClassHierarchy, /// 在子类中hook的方法已经被hook过
    AspectErrorFailedToAllocateClassPair,             /// objc_allocateClassPair 失败
    AspectErrorMissingBlockSignature,                 /// hook回调的block没有签名
    AspectErrorIncompatibleBlockSignature,            /// 签名不匹配

    AspectErrorRemoveObjectAlreadyDeallocated = 100   /// hook已经被移除


typedef struct _AspectBlock {
	__unused Class isa;
	AspectBlockFlags flags;
	__unused int reserved;
	void (__unused *invoke)(struct _AspectBlock *block, ...);
	struct {
		unsigned long int reserved;
		unsigned long int size;
		// requires AspectBlockFlagsHasCopyDisposeHelpers
		void (*copy)(void *dst, const void *src);
		void (*dispose)(const void *);
		// requires AspectBlockFlagsHasSignature
		const char *signature;
		const char *layout;
	} *descriptor;
	// imported variables
} *AspectBlockRef;


@protocol AspectInfo <NSObject>

/// The instance that is currently hooked.
- (id)instance;

/// The original invocation of the hooked method.
- (NSInvocation *)originalInvocation;

/// All method arguments, boxed. This is lazily evaluated.
- (NSArray *)arguments;


定义用来追踪单个 aspect 的 AspectIdentifier

// Tracks a single aspect.
@interface AspectIdentifier : NSObject
+ (instancetype)identifierWithSelector:(SEL)selector object:(id)object options:(AspectOptions)options block:(id)block error:(NSError **)error;
- (BOOL)invokeWithInfo:(id<AspectInfo>)info;
@property (nonatomic, assign) SEL selector;
@property (nonatomic, strong) id block;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMethodSignature *blockSignature;
@property (nonatomic, weak) id object;
@property (nonatomic, assign) AspectOptions options;


@interface AspectTracker : NSObject
- (id)initWithTrackedClass:(Class)trackedClass parent:(AspectTracker *)parent;
@property (nonatomic, strong) Class trackedClass;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableSet *selectorNames;
@property (nonatomic, weak) AspectTracker *parentEntry;

aspect 的容器

// Tracks all aspects for an object/class.
@interface AspectsContainer : NSObject
- (void)addAspect:(AspectIdentifier *)aspect withOptions:(AspectOptions)injectPosition;
- (BOOL)removeAspect:(id)aspect;
- (BOOL)hasAspects;
@property (atomic, copy) NSArray *beforeAspects;
@property (atomic, copy) NSArray *insteadAspects;
@property (atomic, copy) NSArray *afterAspects;


下面我们一步一步,了解一下 Aspects 完整的运作过程

/// @return A token which allows to later deregister the aspect.
- (id<AspectToken>)aspect_hookSelector:(SEL)selector
                            error:(NSError **)error {
    return aspect_add(self, selector, options, block, error);

类方法也是类似的原理,这里进入了 aspect_add 这个方法

static id aspect_add(id self, SEL selector, AspectOptions options, id block, NSError **error) {
  	// 首先,先对参数内容进行检查,不要小瞧这一步,没个方法调用都对自己的参数进行检查才不容易出错

    __block AspectIdentifier *identifier = nil;
  	// 使用 OSSpinLock自旋锁 加锁 ,虽然 OSSpinLock 效率高一些
        if (aspect_isSelectorAllowedAndTrack(self, selector, options, error)) {
          	// 获取aspect容器
            AspectsContainer *aspectContainer = aspect_getContainerForObject(self, selector);
          	// 生成追踪的对象
            identifier = [AspectIdentifier identifierWithSelector:selector object:self options:options block:block error:error];
            if (identifier) {
                [aspectContainer addAspect:identifier withOptions:options];

                // Modify the class to allow message interception.
                aspect_prepareClassAndHookSelector(self, selector, error);
    return identifier;

这里要注意,虽然自旋锁的效率高一些,但是也有潜在的风险,详情看 不再安全的OSSpinLock


static AspectsContainer *aspect_getContainerForObject(NSObject *self, SEL selector) {
    SEL aliasSelector = aspect_aliasForSelector(selector);
    AspectsContainer *aspectContainer = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, aliasSelector);
    if (!aspectContainer) {
        aspectContainer = [AspectsContainer new];
        objc_setAssociatedObject(self, aliasSelector, aspectContainer, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
    return aspectContainer;


static void aspect_prepareClassAndHookSelector(NSObject *self, SEL selector, NSError **error) {
  	// 获取hook的class,所有的操作都在子类上进行,这样方便我们销毁hook时恢复isa,不造成影响
    Class klass = aspect_hookClass(self, error);
    Method targetMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(klass, selector);
    IMP targetMethodIMP = method_getImplementation(targetMethod);
  	// 判断当前的imp是否为消息转发,如果不是消息转发就进行编码,添加方法并进行方法交换
    if (!aspect_isMsgForwardIMP(targetMethodIMP)) {
        // Make a method alias for the existing method implementation, it not already copied.
        const char *typeEncoding = method_getTypeEncoding(targetMethod);
        SEL aliasSelector = aspect_aliasForSelector(selector);
        if (![klass instancesRespondToSelector:aliasSelector]) {
            __unused BOOL addedAlias = class_addMethod(klass, aliasSelector, method_getImplementation(targetMethod), typeEncoding);
            NSCAssert(addedAlias, @"Original implementation for %@ is already copied to %@ on %@", NSStringFromSelector(selector), NSStringFromSelector(aliasSelector), klass);

        // We use forwardInvocation to hook in.
        class_replaceMethod(klass, selector, aspect_getMsgForwardIMP(self, selector), typeEncoding);
        AspectLog(@"Aspects: Installed hook for -[%@ %@].", klass, NSStringFromSelector(selector));

Hook 的部分告一段落,最后还有销毁 Hook 的收尾工作

static BOOL aspect_remove(AspectIdentifier *aspect, NSError **error) {
  	// assert AspectIdentifier
    NSCAssert([aspect isKindOfClass:AspectIdentifier.class], @"Must have correct type.");

    __block BOOL success = NO;
        id self = aspect.object; // strongify
        if (self) {
          	// 取出容器,从容器中删除 aspect
            AspectsContainer *aspectContainer = aspect_getContainerForObject(self, aspect.selector);
            success = [aspectContainer removeAspect:aspect];
            aspect_cleanupHookedClassAndSelector(self, aspect.selector);
            // destroy token
            aspect.object = nil;
            aspect.block = nil;
            aspect.selector = NULL;
        }else {
          	// 当前对象已经释放
            NSString *errrorDesc = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Unable to deregister hook. Object already deallocated: %@", aspect];
            AspectError(AspectErrorRemoveObjectAlreadyDeallocated, errrorDesc);
    return success;


// Will undo the runtime changes made.
static void aspect_cleanupHookedClassAndSelector(NSObject *self, SEL selector) {
	Class klass = object_getClass(self);
    BOOL isMetaClass = class_isMetaClass(klass);
    if (isMetaClass) {
        klass = (Class)self;
    // 方法交换还原
    Method targetMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(klass, selector);
    IMP targetMethodIMP = method_getImplementation(targetMethod);
    if (aspect_isMsgForwardIMP(targetMethodIMP)) {
        // Restore the original method implementation.
        const char *typeEncoding = method_getTypeEncoding(targetMethod);
        SEL aliasSelector = aspect_aliasForSelector(selector);
        Method originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(klass, aliasSelector);
        IMP originalIMP = method_getImplementation(originalMethod);
        NSCAssert(originalMethod, @"Original implementation for %@ not found %@ on %@", NSStringFromSelector(selector), NSStringFromSelector(aliasSelector), klass);

        class_replaceMethod(klass, selector, originalIMP, typeEncoding);
        AspectLog(@"Aspects: Removed hook for -[%@ %@].", klass, NSStringFromSelector(selector));

    // Deregister global tracked selector
    aspect_deregisterTrackedSelector(self, selector);

    // 检查并清理container
    AspectsContainer *container = aspect_getContainerForObject(self, selector);
    if (!container.hasAspects) {
        // Destroy the container
        aspect_destroyContainerForObject(self, selector);

        // Figure out how the class was modified to undo the changes.
        NSString *className = NSStringFromClass(klass);
        if ([className hasSuffix:AspectsSubclassSuffix]) {
            Class originalClass = NSClassFromString([className stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:AspectsSubclassSuffix withString:@""]);
            NSCAssert(originalClass != nil, @"Original class must exist");
            object_setClass(self, originalClass);
            AspectLog(@"Aspects: %@ has been restored.", NSStringFromClass(originalClass));

            // We can only dispose the class pair if we can ensure that no instances exist using our subclass.
            // Since we don't globally track this, we can't ensure this - but there's also not much overhead in keeping it around.
        }else {
            // Class is most likely swizzled in place. Undo that.
            if (isMetaClass) {


这一套下来比我们随手写的要复杂一些,但是 Aspects 也并不是完美的,同样存在一些坑点,比如当已经使用了其他方法交换的时候再次对该方法使用 Aspects ,所以使用的时候一定要注意,这里只是梳理和总结下代码的结构和逻辑,回头打算补充一张流程图😄



License:MIT License


Language:Objective-C 75.6%Language:Ruby 24.4%