cavin2012 / Doodle

Doodle is an efficient image loader for Android.

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Doodle is an efficient image loader for Android.


repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.horizon.doodle:doodle:1.0.8'

How to Use?


        .setDiskCacheCapacity(256L shl 20)
        .setMemoryCacheCapacity(128L shl 20)

We hava to notify event to make request cancel when Fragment destroy. It's not necessary to do this for Activity, for Doodle have done this when calling init(context)

public abstract class BaseFragment extends Fragment {
    public void setUserVisibleHint(boolean isVisibleToUser) {
        Doodle.notifyEvent(this, isVisibleToUser ? LifeEvent.SHOW : LifeEvent.HIDE);

    public void onDestroy() {
        Doodle.notifyEvent(this, LifeEvent.DESTROY);
public class BaseDialog extends Dialog {
    public void dismiss() {
        Doodle.notifyEvent(this, LifeEvent.DESTROY);



When make request, if the target is ImageView, Doodle will pick the activity to register host. But if the request happens in a Fragment, or target is not ImageView, it's necessary to call host() to make sure the request cancel when notifyEvent(this, LifeEvent.DESTROY) calling.


Doodle (Entrance)

method Effect
init(Context) : Config Initialization
trimMemory(int) trim memory of LruCache
clearMemory() remove all bitmap from LruCache
load(String): Request get Request by path
load(int): Request get Request by resource id
load(Uri): Request get Request by uri
downloadOnly(String): File? download file(no decoding), don't call this method in UI thread
getSourceCacheFile(url: String): File? get source cache, return null when no cache
cacheBitmap(String,Bitmap,Boolean) cache bitmap to memory cache
getCacheBitmap(String): Bitmap? get bitmap from memory cache
pauseRequest() pause request
resumeRequest() resume request
notifyEvent(Any, int) notify lifecycle event of page(host)

Config (Global Configuration)

method effect
setUserAgent(String) sey User-Agent header
setDiskCachePath(String) set disk cache path
setDiskCacheCapacity(Long) 128M default
setDiskCacheMaxAge(Long) 30 days default
setSourceCacheCapacity(Long) 256M default
setMemoryCacheCapacity(Long) 1/6 of maxMemory() default
setCompressFormat(Bitmap.CompressFormat) PNG default
setDefaultBitmapConfig(Bitmap.Config) ARGB_8888 default
setGifDecoder(GifDecoder) set GifDecoder, Recommend android-gif-drawable

Request (Single Request)

method effect
sourceKey(String) set key of source, replace path, to build the key of request
override(int, int) assigned sizes
scaleType(ImageView.ScaleType) if target is ImageView, Doodle will pick the ScaleType automatically
memoryCacheStrategy(int) LRU default
diskCacheStrategy(int) ALL default
noCache() no caching, include memory or disk
onlyIfCached(boolean) only get source from cache(for http request)
noClip() no clip or sampling, get full bitmap
config(Bitmap.Config) ARGB_8888 default
transform(Transformation) set transformation
priority(int) set priority
keepOriginalDrawable() key original Drawable of ImageView, clear if not calling this
placeholder(int) placeholder
error(int) error drawable
goneIfMiss() set imageView.visibility = View.GONE if get result failed.
animation(int) set animation
fadeIn(int) set fade in animation, default duration is 300ms
crossFate(int) set cross fade animation, default duration is 300ms
alwaysAnimation(Boolean) only do animation if bitmap is not from memory cache in default case, always do it when calling this.
asBitmap() not matter source is gif or other format, just decode bitmap
host(Any) bind host(page) to request, when page destroy, request cancel.
cacheInterceptor(CacheInterceptor) set this to manager cache by yourself
get(get) : Bitmap? get bitmap in current thread (block util get result or failed)
into(SimpleTarget) get bitmap by callback (no block)
into(ImageView, Callback) callback the bitmap in Callback, and return boolean in that method, if return true, Doodle will not setImage again.
into(ImageView?) load bitmap(or drawable) into ImageView


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations.


Doodle is an efficient image loader for Android.



Language:Kotlin 89.3%Language:Java 10.7%