cavecafe / gmsa-linux-containers-ecs

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AWS Blog: Using Windows Authentication with gMSA on Linux Containers on Amazon ECS

This repository contains sample code for the AWS Blog Posts Using Windows Authentication with gMSA on Linux Containers on Amazon ECS and Windows authentication with gMSA on Linux containers on Amazon ECS with AWS Fargate.

Sample solution architecture diagram EC2 Sample solution architecture diagram Fargate


Before running this sample, you will need:

Domainless and domain-joined modes

There are two modes in which you can support Windows authentication using gMSA for your applications, non-domain-joined (domainless) mode and domain-joined mode.

In domainless mode, the Amazon ECS container instances doesn’t need to be joined to the target AD domain. This is the recommended mode for most workloads, especially when scaling is needed.

In domain-joined mode, you to have the Amazon ECS container instances joined to the target AD domain prior to deploying tasks on them. Use this mode if you don’t want to manage individual AD user accounts.

Deploy the Infrastructure

  1. Clone this repository and open the terminal.

  2. Copy the following, replace {KEY_PAIR_NAME} with your Amazon EC2 key pair name, set DOMAIN_JOIN_ECS, FARGATE and CREDSPEC_FROM_S3 to 1 accordingly to your use case, and run the script:

    • If you are using Bash:
      export MY_SG_INGRESS_IP=$(curl
      export DOMAIN_JOIN_ECS=0
      export FARGATE=0
      export CREDSPEC_FROM_S3=0
    • If you’re using PowerShell:
      $Env:MY_SG_INGRESS_IP = $(Invoke-WebRequest -URI
      $Env:DOMAIN_JOIN_ECS = 0   
      $Env:FARGATE = 0
      $Env:CREDSPEC_FROM_S3 = 0
  3. Based on your language preference for CDK, perform one of the following tasks:

    • For Typescript: Open a terminal and in the cdk-typescript folder and execute the following command:
      npm install
    • For C#: Open a terminal and in the cdk-dotnet folder and execute the following command:
      dotnet build src
  4. Execute deploy command for cdk project:

    cdk deploy "*" --require-approval "never"

    Note 1: In domain-joined mode (DOMAIN_JOIN_ECS=1), you need to add the Computer principal to the AD security group allowed to retrieve gMSA passwords. You can do this manually or via automation. The script inside the AD management instance on C:\SampleConfig\Add-ECSContainerInstancesToADGroup.ps1 inside the AD management instance, automatically adds all Amazon ECS container instance's principals to the AD security group. You need to pass as argument the name of the Amazon ECS’s ASG, which you will find in the ECSAutoScalingGroupName output of the amazon-ecs-gmsa-linux-infrastructure CloudFormation stack.

    Note 2: If you set FARGATE=1, you cannot use SSM Parameter store for the credentials fetcher's AD identity. You need to set CREDSPEC_FROM_S3=1 also.

  5. Navigate to the AWS Secrets Manager console and copy the value of the amazon-ecs-gmsa-linux/active-directory-administrator-password secret.

This will start the deployment of three AWS CloudFormation stacks that contain the sample solution. The deployment takes around one hour to complete.

Create the Credential Specification

  1. Navigate to the Amazon EC2 console, then select the instance named amazon-ecs-gmsa-linux-bastion/active-directory-management-instance and connect to it using RDP using the following:

    • Username:\admin
    • Password: Use the one you retrieved from Secrets Manager.

    If you can’t log in, the instance is still setting up the database and Active Directory. Wait 10-15 minutes and try again.

  2. In the Remote Desktop session, open a PowerShell window and run C:\SampleConfig\Generate-CredSpec.ps1

    Note: In domain-joined mode, append -DomainlessSecretArn "" to the script command.

Build the .NET application container

  1. Open a terminal in the web-app folder and build the solution running dotnet build web-app.sln

  2. Build the Docker container running docker build .

  3. Navigate to the Amazon ECR console,select the amazon-ecs-gmsa-linux/web-site repository, then select View push commands.

  4. Follow the directions to tag and push your image to the ECR repository.

    If you are building the container in a computer with an ARM processor like a M1/M2 Mac, to build a x86-64 container use: docker build --platform=linux/amd64 -t amazon-ecs-gmsa-linux/web-site .

    Amazon ECR view push commands dialog

Deploy the application to Amazon ECS

  1. Go back to the terminal you used to deploy the infrastructure and run the following commands:

    • If you are using Bash:

      export DEPLOY_APP=1
      cdk deploy "*" --require-approval "never"
    • If you are using PowerShell:

      $Env:DEPLOY_APP = 1
      cdk deploy "*" --require-approval "never"
  2. Once the deployment is complete, go to the CloudFormation console and click on the value of the output named like websiteec2serviceServiceURLXXXXXXXX to navigate to the web app. The web application will run and authenticate to the AD using the gMSA.

Sample Web App working


  1. Run this command in the terminal or PowerShell window::

    cdk destroy "*" --require-approval "never"
  2. Manually delete the amazon-ecs-gmsa-linux-infrastructure-vpcFlowLogCloudWatchLogGroupXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX Amazon CloudWatch log group created by CDK.

Contributing and Security

See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.


License:MIT No Attribution


Language:C# 45.8%Language:TypeScript 28.9%Language:PowerShell 8.6%Language:Shell 6.1%Language:HTML 4.0%Language:JavaScript 3.5%Language:TSQL 1.7%Language:CSS 0.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.7%