cavacado / spa

front-end-framework week

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project is titled: spa(sexy-personal-algorithm) and it is a small side project utilising various technologies together.

The technologies used in this small project are :

  • vue.js
  • express
  • async operations (axios library)

This is one of our class exercises exploring front-end-frameworks. Our class was tasked two assignments to achieve.

  • create a single page application that queries the class's github handles and information
  • learn enough of the framework of your choice (Vue in my case) to teach the other half of the class who chose the other framwork.

This is the end result of the one week of self-directed collaborative learning.

Getting Started

Provide instructions here about how to get your project running on our local machine. Do we just need to clone and open a certain file or do we need to install anything first.


I would not advise you to run this on your local computer, because of how webpack has bundled the distribution, there isn't a clean way to install and modify the code. Instead I would rather direct you to the hosted version of this application.

and the link is.....

How to Use

Click on various cards to expand for more information

Type into the filter search bar to filter between project 1, 2 and 3

alt text


Nope I did not do any tests for this mini project.

Live Version

Where is this deployed online (github pages, heroku etc), give us the link and any access details we need.

the website is hosted live @ this link :

Built With

What did you use to build it, list the technologies, plugins, gems, packages etc.

  • Vue.js
  • express
  • webpack
  • axios library


Workflow was me learning vue through the official documents and via seth-rogen's awesome vue's course then implementing whatever I had learnt thus far.


Just me

Further Extensions

Further extensions would add a message to broadcast to all users that another user has connected.

Also, clicks could have different effects -> maybe perhaps circles clashing with each other to form a rainbow pattern.

References and Acknowledgments:


front-end-framework week


Language:JavaScript 69.9%Language:Vue 27.4%Language:HTML 2.7%