Code for the NIPS 2018 paper "Domain Adaptation by Using Causal Inference to Predict Invariant Conditional Distributions"
The code expects a Clingo solver in the folder ASP (point 1) and a few R packages (point 2):
- From and rename it as "clingo"
- To see whether your clingo installation is working, you can try running:
2.1 Install Bioconductor packages
- With R version 3.5 or greater, use BiocManager:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install(version = "3.12") BiocManager::install(c('graph','RBGL','gmp','RcppArmadillo'))
- With R version lesser than 3.5, install:
source('') biocLite(c('graph','RBGL','gmp','RcppArmadillo'))
2.2 Install the remaining packages:
install.packages(c('deal','combinat','hash','bnlearn','foreach','doMC','caTools','expm')) install.packages(c('pcalg'))
Note that:
- Installing 'pcalg' may require you to install also a few other packages (e.g. robustbase, ggm).
- For R version 4.0.4 'pcalg' dependencies are managed automatically.
- Navigate to the R/ directory and run:
source('load.R') loud()
(*) If you want to keep your global environment unchanged, please, consider using the renv package (