catmullet / ecs-template

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ECS Template

Getting started


  • Create new repository using the Use this template button.

    Use the kms naming convention

  • Run in the terminal create.envfile

    This will take the env.example.yml file and create a new one for you

  • Run the project from the root.

    You should see that it is running on the port specified in the environment file. Once we have an environment running lets start building.

  • Rename the project by running ./rename-project {{Project Name}}

    This can only be run once so choose wisely.

  • Commit your work so far.

    Remember to keep it clean

Getting to know the template


All applications will have an API Gateway and behind that gateway microservices. These microservices should reflect the businesses needs and should be designed in a way they can be maintained and scaled. Any microservice endpoint that takes longer than a second should be re-thought and refactored to run the quickest possible. Microservices will not be specific to any app and should be designed as if all applications will be accessing them.

Where this will fit in



Language:Go 58.9%Language:Shell 37.6%Language:Dockerfile 2.0%Language:Makefile 1.4%