catarchive / catarchive

🐱 Open-source, distributed, cat archive platform

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cat Archive


Open-source, distributed, cat archive platform.

Work in progress.

The client

To install, run python3 -m pip install . inside of the repo.

To use, run:

catarchive -e <server:port> -t <token>

If you have trouble installing due to PyTorch, go to and follow their guide to install PyTorch for your specific setup. After installing PyTorch you can rerun the pip command to install the client.

The server stack

The server stack is comprised of four main services:

  • Client control server
  • PostgreSQL database server
  • SeaweedFS master server
  • Web server

This entire stack can be seamlessly deployed and managed with Docker Compose.

Quickstart guide (Linux)

You will need Docker Compose and PostgreSQL (for the psql client) installed.

With most Linux package managers these are called docker-compose and postgresql, respectively.

git clone
cd catarchive/server
cp default.env .env
vim .env # edit the .env file to set some required configuration
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d # all the containers should start (run 'docker ps' to see them)
psql -h localhost -U catarchive <rc.sql # create the schema and table for the database

When running any docker-compose commands you must be root, or in the docker group.


🐱 Open-source, distributed, cat archive platform

License:MIT License


Language:Python 80.5%Language:Go 15.8%Language:Shell 2.0%Language:Dockerfile 0.9%Language:HTML 0.8%Language:CSS 0.1%