castagna / running-pig

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Running Pig

WARNING: this is a very old and trivial experiment, at the moment it does not
even compile with the new Apache Jena release(s).

It is shared here, just to show how trivial it is to load/store N-Triples or
N-Quads files with Pig.

./bin/pig -help
./bin/pig -version
./bin/pig -x local ./src/main/piglatin/helloworld.pig
./bin/pig -x mapreduce ./src/main/piglatin/helloworld.pig



Once you have installed Maven, you can have fun with the following commands:

  mvn -Declipse.workspace=/opt/workspace eclipse:add-maven-repo
  mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true -DdownloadJavadocs=true
  mvn dependency:resolve
  mvn compile
  mvn test
  mvn package
  mvn site
  mvn install
  mvn deploy



Language:Java 65.9%Language:Shell 34.1%