casperstorm / gpx-to-strava

Bulk upload GPX files to Strava

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GPX to Strava

This small script helps you upload gpx files in bulk to Strava.


In order for this script to work, you need a access_token with activity:write permissions. Getting it is simple:

1. Create Strava API application

Create an Strava API application by visiting: and fill out the required information.

Once done, copy the following tokens for later use:

  • client_id
  • client_secret

2. Retreive authentication_code

Now we need a authentication_code so we can exchange it for a access_token with write permissions. To get this we call the following URL. Note: be sure to replace [client_id] with the one from above.[client_id]&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http://localhost/exchange_token&approval_prompt=force&scope=activity:write

Once you open the URL you should be able to authorize your API application, and by doing so it should redirect your to a localhost URL. This URL should look something like:


Copy the code (authentication code) from the URL, which in the above example would be 24a8942e64136c.

Request access_token

Now we need to make a POST request to get a access_token. Make sure to replace [client_id], [client_secret] and [authentication_code].

curl -X POST \
    -d client_id=[client_id] \
    -d client_secret=[client_secret] \
    -d code=[authentication_code] \
    -d grant_type=authorization_code

If all goes well you should see a JSON response similar to below with your access_token.

  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "access_token": "987654321234567",
  // ..

Running the script

cargo run -- folder_path access_token

// eg: 
// with a folder called activities
// and access_token from above
// cargo run -- activities 987654321234567

Once a GPX file has been succesfully uploaded it will be moved to ./uploaded folder.


Strava has a limit of 200 requests every 15 minutes, and a maximum of 2000 requests per day.

Getting GPX files

Garmin Connect




Bulk upload GPX files to Strava


Language:Rust 100.0%