carvalhomb / AdaptiveLix

An adapted Lix game to expose game data and receive level suggestions based on player's performance. Originally, Lix is an action-puzzle game, single- and networked multiplayer, inspired by Lemmings

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AdaptiveLix is a fork of the game Lix [].

## About AdaptiveLix

This fork is part of a PhD project on Serious Games. You can read more about this and other related work at

## How to run AdaptiveLix

- Download the release
- Edit file data/netevents_config.txt:
    - If you don't know a username and password, use the default.
    - If you want to try the game in offline mode, change the variable "offline_mode" to "true".
- Run the file bin/winlix.exe (in Windows) or binlin/lix (in Linux).

## Useful documentation:

- doc/readme.txt  - the main readme file, usage tips, contact information
- doc/copying.txt - the public domain dedication and fallback license

## Customizing the game:

- doc/files.txt   - file and bitmap format descriptions
- doc/objdef.txt  - how to further customize self-made in-game objects
- doc/oldterr.txt - how to extend the game with Lemmings content
- doc/transl.txt  - how to translate the user interface to your language

## Miscellaneous information:

- doc/history.txt - version history
- doc/lixd.txt    - how to run a dedicated Lix server with lixd
- doc/techfaq.txt - some older troubleshooting tips

## How to build from source
- doc/build/*.txt - how to compile and run the game on Linux or Windows


An adapted Lix game to expose game data and receive level suggestions based on player's performance. Originally, Lix is an action-puzzle game, single- and networked multiplayer, inspired by Lemmings


Language:C++ 97.4%Language:C 1.9%Language:Makefile 0.7%