carterax / erkle

Smart contract workflow automation

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Erkle πŸ”€

Smart contract workflow automation

A simple CLI application which accelerates the process of deploying, migrating and replacing addresses across your contracts, interface and subgraph.

Why 🧐

Working on a project, i found myself going through multiple folders and files after a new deployment or migration to change the address of contracts and replace ABIS with new versions.

Installation ✨

Erkle requires Node.js v10+ to run.

In your favorite terminal, enter and run the following.

npm install -g @pelicandistress/erkle


🚨 Backup your codebase before usage

Tasks run in this order

  1. Compile
  2. Migrate
  3. Update ABI
  4. Run Subgraph
  5. Extra Tasks e.g Running a next server

An erkle configuration file is required for this to work, here's an example config. After each run, if you ran the replace task, the new string you entered in the CLI will be written to your erkle config file for the next run.

erkle --config="/path-to-erkle-config-file.json"

Config File Options

Property Description
contractPath Path to your truffle or hardhat project
subgraphPath Path to your subgraph
abiUpdate.skip Set to true to skip abi copy transfer
abiUpdate.compiledContracts Path to compiled contract ABI relative to contractPath e.g /build/contracts/Factory.json
abiUpdate.copyABITo Path to where updated ABIs will be transfered to, a folder abis will be created at the end of the path
compile.skip Set to true to skip compilation tasks
compile.tasks Sequence of child tasks
compile.tasks[i].description A short description of what the task entails, will be outputted to the CLI
compile.tasks[i].script Command which will be executed in the CLI
compile.tasks[i].skip Set to true to skip individual task
migration.skip Set to true to skip migration tasks
migration.tasks Sequence of child tasks
migration.tasks[i].description A short description of what the task entails, will be outputted to the CLI
migration.tasks[i].script Command which will be executed in the CLI
migration.tasks[i].skip Set to true to skip individual task
replace.skip Set to true to skip replace tasks
replace.tasks Sequence of child tasks
replace.tasks[index].description A short description of what the task entails, will be outputted to the CLI
replace.tasks[index].path Path to where the replacement task occurs, will be outputted to the CLI
replace.tasks[index].replace Old string to replace
replace.tasks[index].extensions Array of file extensions on which changes will be applied e.g ["*.ts", "*.yaml"]
replace.tasks[index].skip Set to true to skip individual task
subgraph.skip Set to true to skip subgraph tasks
subgraph.tasks Sequence of child tasks
subgraph.tasks[i].description A short description of what the task entails, will be outputted to the CLI
subgraph.tasks[i].script Build script command e.g yarn install
subgraph.tasks[index].skip Set to true to skip individual task
extras.skip Set to true to skip miscellaneous tasks
extras.tasks Sequence of child tasks
extras.tasks[index].description A short description of what the task entails, will be outputted to the CLI
extras.tasks[index].skip Set to true to skip individual task
extras.tasks[index].path Path where task will be executed

CLI flags

Options specified via the CLI overrides options specified in the config file:

Option Description Usage
--config Path to erkle config file --config=<path-to-folder>, --c=<path-to-folder>
--subgraphPath, --sp Path to your subgraph folder --subgraphPath=<path-to-folder>, --sp=<path-to-folder>
--contractPath, --cp Path to your truffle or hardhat contract project --contractPath=<path-to-folder>, --cp=<path-to-folder>
--skipCompile, --sc Skips compilation tasks --skipCompile, --sc
--skipMigration, --sm Skips migration task --skipMigration, --sm
--skipAbiUpdate , --sabi Skips ABI update task --skipAbiUpdate, --sabi
--skipReplace, --sr Skips string search and replace task --skipReplace, --sr
--skipSubgraph, --ss Skips subgraph tasks --skipSubgraph, --ss
--skipExtras, se Skips extra tasks at the end --skipExtras, --se
--skipCompileTask, --sct Skip child compile task(s) by index --skipCompileTask=<comma-separated-indexes>, --sct=<comma-separated-indexes>
--skipMigrationTask, --smt Skip child migration task(s) by index --skipMigrationTask=<comma-separated-indexes>, --smt=<comma-separated-indexes>
--skipSubgraphTask, --sst Skip child subgraph task(s) by index --skipSubgraphTask=<comma-separated-indexes>, --sst=<comma-separated-indexes>
--skipReplaceTask, --srt Skip child replace task(s) by index --skipReplaceTask=<comma-separated-indexes>, --srt=<comma-separated-indexes>
--skipExtrasTask, --sext Skip child extras task(s) by index --skipExtrasTask=<comma-separated-indexes>, --sext=<comma-separated-indexes>


Contributions are welcome!



Free Software, Hell Yeah!


Smart contract workflow automation

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%