carolinux / dixit

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Before running the app (locally or otherwise), need to install both backend and frontend dependencies. The instructions are for an Ubuntu machine.


cd dixit-web

We need node version 12 and npm, in order to manage dependencies and run/compile the frontend. Install it with:

sudo apt -y install nodejs


sudo apt -y install npm

and then verify the installed version (should 12.x) by running

node --version

If you're having trouble getting the exact version, use a version manager for Node such as N.

Install frontend dependencies:

npm install

Run it again everytime a dependency is added or changed in package.json


cd dixit-api

We need Docker, Python 3.6 and pipenv in order to manage dependencies and run the backend (Python server and Redis).

Install Docker

sudo snap install docker To be able to run Docker without being superuser:

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
newgrp docker

Install Python 3.10

sudo apt-get install python3.10

If this fails in your distro, do:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3.10
sudo apt install python3.10-distutils

Install pipenv

sudo pip install pipenv

Then can run (from dixit-api directory):

pipenv install

to install the dependencies. Run it again whenever the dependencies change in the Pipfile.

Run app locally

bash -- starts the game at bash --rebuild-react -- to rebuild the react frontend

Have fun playing different players from different browsers.

Run in production

One offs

  • In dixit-api folder, copy .env.example into .env and replace the secret key value.

  • Configure the domain name to point to the IP of the production server

  • Install the SSL certificate on the production server by following the instructions here:

  • To renew the SSL certificate, need to run sudo certbot renew

  • Note: Port 80 needs to also be open in the router settings, so that the temporary certbot http server can go through with the installation and later renewal of the certificate


From the server run sudo bash



Language:JavaScript 54.8%Language:Python 41.5%Language:HTML 1.8%Language:Shell 1.4%Language:CSS 0.5%