caroline608 / AC-iOS-Unit4FinalAssessment

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Unit 4 Final Assessment


Create an app that animates a Snowman through various transformations. Allow the user to save animation settings and chose which setting they want to animate it with. Implement a pause button that enables the user to pause and resume animationes.





What's inside

The project above contains a small amount of starter code.

  1. You have an AppDelegate that loads a tab bar controller its first View Controller is an AnimationViewController. Its second View Controller is a Navigation Controller with a SettingsViewController as its root.
  2. The first View Controller AnimationViewController has a blank implementation.
  3. The second View Controller SettingsViewController has a TableView with a data source of [[AnimationProperty]]. This table view represents where the user will select the animation settings they want to use.
  4. The Assets folder contains an image of a snowman (Designed by Freepik)

Detailed overview

You app should consist of Two View Controllers


AnimationViewController should contain:

  • A UIImageView of the snowman. This is the view that you will animate
  • A PickerView that contains all of the saved settings the user can select
  • A UIButton that the user can press to start / pause / resume the animation


The SettingsViewController should be comprised of a TableView. Its tableview should use a custom tableViewCell that has:

  • A UILabel with the name of the animation property (e.g "Width Multiplier") and its current value
  • A UIStepper (configured with an AnimationProperty) that the user can increment and decrement to control that setting

The SettingsViewController's top Navigation bar should have a bar button item at the top right. Clicking the BarButtonItem should save the current Setting to File Manager. You will need to create a new custom object to model this Animation Setting.

For full credit you must implement the following dimensions to animate

  • Width
  • Height
  • Horizontal Position
  • Vertical Position
  • Rotating along the X-Axis

Horizontal position and vertical position can be either relative to the center, or relative to the top left of the frame.


No endpoints needed!

A note on pausing Core Animation

You have seen pausing animations with UIViewPropertyAnimator . For Core Animation, the following technique can be used:

func pause(layer: CALayer) {
   let pausedTime = layer.convertTime(CACurrentMediaTime(), from: nil)
   layer.speed = 0
   layer.timeOffset = pausedTime

func resume(layer: CALayer) {
    let pausedTime = layer.timeOffset
    layer.speed = 1
    layer.timeOffset = 0
    layer.beginTime = 0
    let timeSincePause = layer.convertTime(CACurrentMediaTime(), from: nil) - pausedTime
    layer.beginTime = timeSincePause


Criteria Points
App uses AutoLayout correctly for all iPhones in portrait 4 Points
Variable Naming and Readability 4 Points
App uses MVC Design Patterns 4 Points
Settings Table View controller is correctly populated with properties 4 Points
Settings Table View uses a custom table view cell appropriately 4 Points
Settings can be saved from the SettingsViewController to FileManager and the 4 Points
AnimationViewController loads saved settings into a PickerView and updates as you add additional settings 4 Points
Pressing the play button causes the view to perform the appropriate animation 8 Points
The user can pause and resume the animation 4 Points
Extra Credit: Add 2 additional animations dimensions 2 points

A total of 40 points, with 2 points extra credit.



Language:Swift 100.0%