carolin-m / rR_Analyser

This is a python script for working with resonance Raman spectra. This script allows background correction, normalization and subtraction of single spectra and averaged data from multicolumn data.

Repository from Github https://github.comcarolin-m/rR_AnalyserRepository from Github https://github.comcarolin-m/rR_Analyser


This is a python script for working with resonance Raman spectra. This script allows background correction, normalization and subtraction of single and averaged spectra from multicolumn data.


This script requires the following packages:

  • numpy
  • pandas
  • matplotlib
  • scipy
  • BaselineRemoval

You can install all these packages with: pip install requirements.txt


This is a python script for working with resonance Raman spectra. This script allows background correction, normalization and subtraction of single spectra and averaged data from multicolumn data.


Language:Python 80.8%Language:Jupyter Notebook 19.2%