carno / plantuml

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PlantUML for Sphinx


Once you enable this extension,

# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions
# coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones.
extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.plantuml']

you may need to specify plantuml command in your

plantuml = 'java -jar /path/to/plantuml.jar'

Instead, you can install a wrapper script in your PATH:

% cat <<EOT > /usr/local/bin/plantuml
#!/bin/sh -e
java -jar /path/to/plantuml.jar "$@"
% chmod +x /usr/local/bin/plantuml

Then, write PlantUML text under .. uml:: directive:

.. uml::

   Alice -> Bob: Hi!
   Alice <- Bob: How are you?

or specify path to external PlantUML file:

.. uml:: external.uml

You can specify height, width, scale and align:

.. uml::
   :scale: 50 %
   :align: center

   Foo <|-- Bar

You can specify a caption:

.. uml::
   :caption: Caption with **bold** and *italic*
   :width: 50mm

   Foo <|-- Bar

For details, please see PlantUML documentation.


Path to plantuml executable. (default: 'plantuml')

Type of output image for HTML renderer. (default: 'png')

png:generate only .png inside </img>
svg:generate .svg inside <object/> with .png inside </img> as a fallback
svg_img:generate only .svg inside <img/> (browser support)
svg_obj:generate only .svg inside <object/> (browser support)
none:do not generate any images (ignore uml directive)

When svg is inside <object/> it will always render full size, possibly bigger than the container. When svg is inside <img/> it will respect container size and scale if necessary.


Type of output image for LaTeX renderer. (default: 'png')

eps:generate .eps (not supported by pdflatex)
pdf:generate .eps and convert it to .pdf (requires epstopdf)
png:generate .png
none:do not generate any images (ignore uml directive)

Because embedded png looks pretty bad, it is recommended to choose pdf for pdflatex or eps for platex.

Path to epstopdf executable. (default: 'epstopdf')



Language:Python 87.8%Language:Makefile 12.2%