carltonf / markdown-tufte

Tufte style support for Markdown

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markdown-tufte layer

Table of Contents


This layer adds tufte sidenote/marginnote editing support. The syntax of Tufte used is from Immaculate.

  • Make sidenote/marginnote smaller and lighter in grey color (so it works with solarized light theme I am using)
  • Add keybinding for easy sidenote/marginnote block insertion.

WARNING Still this is just a quick hack, like its color theme only works with solairzed light. I do not have many improvement ideas. Maybe the color setting needs to be more dynamic to adapt to more themes. Another idea is to borrow something from tufte-jekyll, which looks a bit more popular.


To use this layer first clone it into your ~/.emacs.d/private directory:

git clone ~/.emacs.d/private/markdown-tufte

Then, add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add markdown-tufte to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.

Key bindings

Key BindingDescription
SPC m x sInsert Sidenote block
SPC m x mInsert Marginnote blcok

Tips & Tricks

Font locking might have troubles dealing with complicated block upon file loading, like the one below:

	{% sidenote sn-big-words [*"Words are

As there is a link within, run “M-o M-o” to font-lock refreshing the highlighting.

Generally I don’t think this is a problem of markdown-tufte, but it might have something to do with the inefficient regexp used for syntax matching.


Tufte style support for Markdown


Language:Emacs Lisp 100.0%