carlosvillu / mini-parse

Mini-version of Parse

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Codeship Status for carlosvillu/mini-parse


Mini-version of Parse

The goal of this project was to recreate a mini-version of BaaS using MongoDB and NodeJS.

The project is based on Parse documentation. Only URLS that CRUD an element have been implemented.


  • clone repository
  • inside the newly created folder, execute npm install
  • setting your Mongo URL in your development.json config file
  • execute node index.js


Remember that you provide the base URL

URL Verb Description
/1/classes/:className POST Creating Objects
/1/classes/:className/:objectId GET Retrieving Objects
/1/classes/:className/:objectId PUT Updating Objects
/1/classes/:className GET Queries
/1/classes/:className/:objectId DELETE Deleting Objects

Query, limit, skip

When you ask for a collection there are 3 important GET parameters,

  • where: URL safe enconding of a stringify object, which encapsulates a search in a Mongo collection. For example, encodeURI( JSON.stringify( {key: 'value'} ) )
  • limit: maximum number of results in a search
  • skip: interval of skipped elements

Example of a valid query

Assuming we have already created a to-do collection for a GTD tool, a sample of a typical query would be as follows,

http://localhost:3000/1/classes/todo?where=%7B%22key%22:%22value%22%7D&limit=1&skip=1 :)


Signing up and logging in

URL Verb Description
/1/login GET log in
/1/users POST sign up
  • To create a new user, make a post sending in its body all the data to be associated with the user. There are two mandatory fields: username y password.

    • Correct sign-up leads to a 201 response and a Location header with the url to obtain the recently created user. The body of the response contains the user _idand a token field that includes an instance of a JSON Web Tokens that needs to be used in all authenticated requests to /me.
    • Wrong sign-up leads to a 409 response with the body Conflict, if the username already exists.
  • To log in, make a GET request with username and password as mandatory parameters in the query string http://localhost:3000/1/login?username=pepito&password=123

    • Correct log-in leads to a 201 response with all the information that went through at the moment the user was created, except the password field. Also, a token field is added with a JWT token that should be used in all /me requests.
    • Wrong log-in leads to a 401 response.


The /meresource represents a user who is currently logged in. As the backend does not have a status, it does not save information of the session. This means that, with every petition that involves the user, the JTW that has been obtained during sign-up or log-in needs to be sent to the backend.

This is a sample of a header to be sent,

Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6IjU2YzYxMWRmYzUyOWRhZDIyNTIzMjY1ZCIsImlhdCI6MTQ1NjE2MzgwOH0.U4tmjrOVvxWx5DDmx1WV39S5HURX9q5EZv5guCmdY20

This token includes all necessary information to identify the user on whom an action needs to be performed.

URL Verb Description
/1/me GET Get user info
/1/me PUT Update info
/1/me DELETE Delete user

Under no circumstances should the password field be sent to the client. Thus, a safe way to proceed would be to save the token at LocalStorage from the time they logged in and until they log out.


  • Objects
  • Populate retrives with the include option
  • Embedded objectId
  • Counters
  • Arrays
  • Relations
  • Delete single field
  • Batch Operations
  • Data Types ?
  • Order
  • Keys
  • Count


Mini-version of Parse

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%