carlosnakane / monorepo-react-webpack

A Monorepo Modular React App powered by Webpack code splitting and Yarn Workspaces

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A Monorepo Modular React App powered by Webpack code splitting and Yarn Workspaces

This project gives you an option of how to configure a monorepo for a modular React App and use webpack to generate a single chunk for each package and lazy load them.

Feel free to ask and make PR's 👍

Tech Stack

  • React
  • Webpack 4
  • Yarn (and yarn workspaces)
  • Styled Components
  • Typescript 3.4


  • Node 8+
  • Yarn 1.1+
  • Cygwin in case you are running this project on a windows machine


  • app-a, and app-b: These two packages are like business modules. You can dev and run them standalone but in the production they are instantiated by the root-app;
  • box, ui-component-a and ui-component-b: UI Components that can be shared across the entire app. Like buttons, fields and even a more complex business component like a login modal;
  • root-app: The main app. This app provides infrastructure to all modules via React Context API like the . Also, it handles the routing at its first level;
  • theme: It contains the theme and encapsulate the Styled Componentes package;
  • dev-tools: A shared module that provides tooling and general config.


$ yarn install


$ yarn build

If all goes well your browser will open and show you a report of how webpack split the code like this:

terminal result


$ yarn http-server

Open your browser on http://localhost:8080. If you wanna see the lazy loading in action look at the networking

Running App-A and App-B standalone

You can run the business modules standalone in dev mode.

$ cd packages/app-a
$ yarn start

Live reloading is enabled

Keep in mind

  • Yarn Workspaces is the key that makes the development experience better:
    • You can keep the root package.json free of dependencies. Eventually, you can put some global tools there like Lerna but those shared dev dependencies like webpack go inside the dev-tools package.
    • Yarn workspaces will take care about making the dev-tools binaries accessible inside the packages that depend on it;
    • Almost all dependencies will be hosted inside the root node_modules saving a lot of disk space and internet connection.
  • Webpack enables you to do whatever you want with your bundling as we've done here:
    • Generating 1 chunk file per package.
    • The chunks filename remains the same unless its source code changes. So we're taking advantage of the browser's cache. Courtesy of webpack's contenthash feature;
    • You can share common dependencies like react in a vendor bundle keeping your components chunks small and avoiding duplicated code;
    • Webpack's async import() will do the lazy loading job.
    • The vendor package is not splitted because it's just a demo. A good way of split it is making dozens of small chunks in case your http-server is powered by HTTP/2.


  • Generate the externals array automatically. See packages/dev-tools/config/externals
  • Make the webpack config inside each module optional
  • Turn the current theme accessible across the application


A Monorepo Modular React App powered by Webpack code splitting and Yarn Workspaces


Language:JavaScript 48.8%Language:TypeScript 45.4%Language:HTML 4.1%Language:Shell 1.6%