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Laravel Enso Official Documentation

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title details
Single Page App
Aims to deliver a robust boilerplate for any complex business application, with superiour performance
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Laravel, Vue, Bulma
The beauty of Bulma combined with the flexibility of Vue powered by a Laravel Back End
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Modular, Extensible
Made up of tens of packages and modules. Easily to extend and customize
MIT Licensed | Copyright © 2018-present Laravel Enso

Try it up

# clone in a new project folder
git clone ./

# install composer dependencies
composer install

# Configure the .env file
# Generate the key
php artisan key:generate

# run the migrations
php artisan migrate

# install node dependencies

# compile
yarn dev / yarn hot

::: tip Login user: / password: password :::

fully working in less than 5 minutes!


Built with ❤️on Laravel 5.6.x, Bulma 0.6.x, Vuejs 2.5.x and:

webpack, Vue Router, Vuex, Axios, Font awesome 5, Animate.css, Bulmaswatch, Bulma-Extensions, Intro.js, Chart.js, Flatpickr, Nprogress.js

Special thanks to Taylor Otwell, Jeffrey Way, Evan You and Jeremy Thomas.


Laravel Enso Official Documentation