carlarsmendes / colab-repo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Collaboration & Collaborative Repo


Objective of this repo

This repo was created in order to add practice some collaboration strategies for project 2. It will be a simulation for your real working environment where you will be working with other developers.

How to start with a colab repo?

  • One person from the team should create a new repo
  • On Settings, add the other team members as collaborators
  • You can either git clone or fork the project (clone is more common for smaller projects)
  • Link your local repo to your remote repo and immediately do a succession of add-> commit-> push to see if everything is OK
  • To check your remote repo write git remote -v on your terminal

Some golden rules

  • Write good commit messages!
  • Communicate so that you avoid working on the same files
  • Have a trello board (or similar) to divide your tasks
  • Always have other team member as a reviewer of your Pull Request (PR)
  • Commit often and as soon as an individual feature (or fix) is working
  • Test your code before opening a PR and/or merging
  • Make sure your branches are coming from the master branch
  • Pull the most recent code and fix your conflicts before merging your PR
  • Always make sure you're working with the most recent codebase
  • Delete your branch once you're done with it - Keep your tree clean!
  • Decide on code formatting rules from the start, Eg.: Everyone uses Prettier, or no one uses it
  • Version control DOES NOT replace communication. Keep your team updated on your current work tasks
  • Decide on how to split your tasks. Eg.: User Stories

Useful Git commands

  • git branch See all the created branches
  • git branch first_branch Create a new branch called first_branch
  • git checkout first_branch Start working from the first_branch branch
  • git checkout - myCode Reset directory "myCode" to its original state (undo local changes)
  • git log To see all your commits on the terminal
  • git add . Add your latest changes to your current stream
  • git commit -m "Your commit message here" Commit with a commit message
  • git push --set-upstream origin first_branch First time pushing your changes to your first_branch remote branch
  • git fetch Downloads the new changes from the remote repository but does not change your local repository. Think of it as checking the state of the remote repository.
  • git pull Downloads the new changes from the remote repositories and update your local repository
  • git commit --amend -m "New message" Edits a commit message. This creates a new commit
  • git reset HEAD-2 Undo last 2 commits (locally) and keep changes
  • git reset --hard HEAD-2 Undo last 2 commits (locally) and discard changes
  • git reset filename Remove a file from the staging area
  • echo filename >> .gitignore Adds file to .gitignore file
  • git revert c856893c Revert pushed commit c856893c
  • git remote add upstream connection-url When you fork a repo and need to add the "parent" repo as upstream, use this command
  • git pull upstream master Pull from the upstream repo, master branch
