carierx / VoxeLauncher

Probably a great Minecraft launcher in the future

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An WIP Minecraft Launcher based on electron-vue

General RoadMap

Alpha: Cover the basic features that the official launcher have.

  1. Official Login
  2. Basic profile management
  3. Skin Preview/Download/Upload
  4. Show logs during launch
  5. Show crash report after crash

Beta: Cover the basic features related to mods.

  1. Manage mods resources and launch with selected mods.
  2. Be able to install Forge/Fabric on corresponding Minecraft version.
  3. Be able to detect mod version with Forge/Fabric version and Minecraft Version (detect mod compatibility).

Want to know exact features we have? See Feature Design vs Implemenatation


Tech Stack

This project is using nodejs + electron + vue.

File structure:

  • main => main process, the guard process. Store most of the states of launcher. It contains three main part and loaded in following order:
    1. config.js => config boot loader, this will load first
    2. store => directory that contains server store template
    3. windowsManager.js => the basic manager for windows
  • renderer => renderer process, store the single state tree and display UI
  • universal => some universal things across the main/renderer
    • store => the definition of store
  • static => static resources
    • locales => all the localization files

Core minecraft launcher logic is implemented launcher-core. Therefore some bugs might be cased by this.


The launcher is composed by "server/client" or "main/renderer". They communicates with each other by electron's ipc main and ipc renderer.

The main is the "backend" of the launcher. It manages the windows, and all the persistent data/state of the app. It manages the state by vuex. Once the state/data has been modified by a vuex commit, it will broadcast a ipc message containing the mutation info the all the renderer. At the same time, it will trigger the save action of the modified module to write the change on disk.

The renderer is/are just (a) browsers which communicate with main. It maintains a copy of the store. (I can be a full copy, or a partial copy) User's input will trigger an action or commit, and it will be sync to the main. Though, it does't require any extra action for developer. The local commit and action will automatically send to main. The developer can treat the renderer as a normal vue application.

Using Vscode Typescript Intellisense

The project is mainly written by js. Though, by adding tricky typescript definition files (d.ts), we can have useful code snippets even for vue commit/dispatch! That really save my brain and improve the productivity. See the store definition file for more details.


This project is designed to easy to dev... hopefully.

Getting Started

The installation might be the most hard part.

The development environment require 3 things:

  1. Nodejs version >= 10
  2. python 2.7
  3. msbuild (Sindows) , clang (MacOs), gcc (linux desktop)

Windows Env Tip

If you have neither python 2.7 nor msbuild, you should try windows-build-tools. It really simplify the verbose installation process. You can just run npm install --global windows-build-tools and wait it done.

Notice that the visual studio installation process is really slow. Some time the process will FREEZE. You can terminate the installation process and run the installation command again.

Mac Env Tip

Python 2.7 should be built in. You should install XCode in addition.

Linux Env Tip

Never tried. I don't have a linux desktop machine.


打开你的 git bash,在npm i前面加上registry= electron_mirror=""。使用国内阿里提供的npm以及electron的镜像。


registry= electron_mirror="" npm i

General Process

# optional on Windows to install build tools
npm install --global windows-build-tools

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:9080
npm run dev

# build electron application for production, don't run this unless you really want to make a product env.... use npm run dev to dev
npm run build

# run unit tests, whereas no tests yet
npm test

Let Typescript Intellisense to help you

The launcher core is in seperated project written in typescript.

At the same time, the launcher core logic is guard by typescript definition file. Since the project enable the checkJs option in jsconfig.json. The vscode editor will perform type check on the vuex store part, which enable the type intellisense on usage of vuex.

For example, you will get intellisense during you write the vuex module:


Also, the vscode will hint you in .vue files:

You may already notice that, in .vue file, it uses $repo but not $store property to access vuex store. This is just a redirect. $repo is just another reference of $store. It's necessary to let the type system accept my type definitoin.

Each vuex module has a corresponding definitoin file. If you want to add a state/getter/mutation/action to a module, you should firstly add the definition of that state/getter/mutation/action in the definition file.

The project overwrite the some vue/vuex definition. You can check this file to see the implemantion detail.

A better Dev experience with VSCode debugger

The project includes vscode debugger configs. You can add breakpoint on line and debug. Currently, VSCode debugger method only supports debug on main process.

(You can use chrome devtool for renderer process anyway)

We have two options now:

  1. Electron: Main (npm)
  2. Electron: Main (attach)

Please use the attch option since the first one not work now.

With attach option, you should first run npm run dev, and then attach debugger by VSCode debugger UI.

Commit your code

This project follow the conventional commits. In short, the first line of your commit message should be:

commit type: commit description

There are several avaiable commit type: feat, fix, refactor, style, docs, chore, test.

Refer from this gist:

feat: (new feature for the user, not a new feature for build script)

fix: (bug fix for the user, not a fix to a build script)

docs: (changes to the documentation)

style: (formatting, missing semi colons, etc; no production code change)

refactor: (refactoring production code, eg. renaming a variable)

test: (adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change)

chore: (updating grunt tasks etc; no production code change)

Your commit will be rejected if you do not follow these rules.

Feature Design vs Implemenatation

Here we list the features & corresponding files to implement the features.

Feature Core Logic File Related Vuex Actions Who Trigger UI
User Login user.js login User by UI DialogLogin.vue
User Skin Display user.js refreshSkin - UserPage.vue
User Skin Upload user.js uploadSkin User by UI UserPage.vue
User Mojang Identity Validataition user.js checkLocation, getChallenges, submitChallenges Launcher Initialize, User by UI UserPage.vue
User Logout user.js logout User by UI UserPage.vue
Launch Profile Creation profile.js createProfile, createAndSelectProfile User by UI ProfilesPage.vue
Server Profile Creation profile.js createProfile, createAndSelectProfile, createProfileFromServer User by UI ProfilesPage.vue
Edit Basic Profile Setting profile.js editProfile User by UI BaseSettingPage.vue
Edit Launch Setting (Java) profile.js editProfile User by UI AdvancedSettingPage.vue
Select Mods to Launch profile.js editProfile User by UI ModSettingPage.vue
Select Resource Packs to Launch profile.js editProfile User by UI ResourcePackSettingPage.vue
Modify Game Setting profile.js mutation: gamesettings User by UI GameSettingPage.vue
Select Launch Version profile.js editProfile User by UI VersionSettingPage.vue
Ping Server profile.js pingServer User by UI HomePage.vue
Ping All Servers in a Profile profile.js pingServers User by UI HomePage.vue
Import Modpack profile.js importProfile User by UI HomePage.vue
Export Modpack profile.js exportProfile User by UI HomePage.vue
Diagnose Profile (Detect Problems) diagnose.js diagnoseProfile Any Changes by editProfile -
Fix Profile Problems diagnose.js fixProfile User by UI HomePage.vue
Auto Detect Java Location on Disk java.js refreshLocalJava Launcher Initialize -
Install Java java.js installJava User by UI JavaWizard.vue
Fetch Minecraft Versions List version.js refreshMinecraft Launcher Initialize VersionSettingPage.vue
Fetch Forge Versions List version.js refreshForge User by UI, Launcher Initialize VersionSettingPage.vue
Install Minecraft Version version.js installMinecraft User Fix Problems -
Install Forge Version version.js installForge User Fix Problems -
Scan Installed Versions on Disk version.js refreshVersions User Fix Problems -
Install Version Missing Dependencies version.js installDependencies User Fix Problems -
Import Mods resource.js importResource User by UI ModSettingPage.vue
Import Resource Packs resource.js importResource User by UI ResourcePackSettingPage.vue
Display Mod Compatibility universal/utils/versions.js - UI Initialize ModCard.vue
Display Resource Pack Compatibility universal/utils/versions.js - UI Initialize ResourcePackCard.vue




Jin, LG, Phoebe, Sumeng Wang, Luca, Charles Tang

This project was generated with electron-vue using vue-cli. Documentation about the original structure can be found here.


Probably a great Minecraft launcher in the future

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 51.9%Language:Vue 37.9%Language:JavaScript 9.6%Language:CSS 0.5%Language:HTML 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%