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Praxis New Relic Support

New Relic instrumentation for Praxis, Praxis Blueprints, and Praxis Mapper.

example trace

Getting Started

Add the gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'newrelic-praxis'

Require the gem and start the New Relic agent normally.

For example, you could use a simple initializer like config/initializers/init_newrelic.rb:

require 'newrelic_rpm'
require 'newrelic-praxis'


What Is Instrumented

This gem provides separate instrumentation for Praxis, Praxis Blueprints, and Praxis Mapper. It uses the existing notifications provided by Praxis where available, and injects additional New Relic-specific instrumentation to Praxis Mapper.


With this gem, you'll have three different traces with each request:

  • Praxis::Application#call -- your full Praxis app, starting from the run Praxis::Application.instance in your This will include any Rack middleware you've specified in the application configuration, not any prior to that run.
  • Praxis::Router#call -- request handling inside Praxis. This includes all of the request stages (i.e. param/payload parsing, validation, the action, and etc.), with their before, after, and around filters.
  • ControllerClass#action_method -- traces just the action code in a Controller, without including any filters. This is done by subscribing to the 'praxis.request_stage.execute' event with ActiveSupport::Notifications.


Reports rendering time for all Praxis::MediaType views (and any other Praxis::Blueprint subclasses) as :ClassName/:view_name Template in New Relic, along with any relevant nesting when rendering related objects.

This uses the 'praxis.blueprint.render notification.


Provides three different types of instrumentaiton for Praxis::Mapper:

  • :ModelClass/Load -- includes the full time and SQL statements associated with executing IdentityMap.load(ModelClass) query. This will include any subloads specified by load.
  • PraxisMapper/Finalize-- includes the full time and SQL statements associated with executing IdentityMap#finalize! to retrieve any records staged by queries using track.
  • PraxisMapper :ModelClass select -- Any SQL statements executed (using the Sequel query type) are instrumented as a Datastore in New Relic.

Additionally, any database interaction outside of Praxis::Mapper (i.e. ModelClass.all in Sequel), will use any other instrumentation supported by New Relic.


Simply requiring the gem, as in the init_newrelic.rb example above, is sufficient add all of the instrumentation when the New Relic agent starts.

You can disable specific portions of the instrumentation with the following configuration flags in your New Relic configuration (typically newrelic.yml):

  • disable_praxis_instrumentation -- disables the ControllerClass#action_method tracing. Praxis::Application#call and Praxis::Router#call are provided by New Relic as part of its Rack instrumentation.
  • disable_praxis_blueprints_instrumentation -- disables :ClassName/:view_name Template tracing for Praxis::Blueprint.
  • disable_praxis_mapper_instrumentation -- disables all tracing for Praxis::Mapper.

Note: Disabling Praxis::Mapper instrumentation has no effect any other database instrumentation that may be present (i.e., the Sequel support provided by New Relic). This can be either a feature if you wish to remove the database traces from this gem and use another set, or a bug if you wish to completely disable all query tracing. Consult the New Relic documentation in the latter case for how to disable other instrumentation that may be installed.

Mailing List

Join our Google Groups for discussion, support and announcements.

And follow us on twitter: @praxisapi


Contributions to make this gem better are welcome. Please refer to CONTRIBUTING for further details on what contributions are accepted and how to go about contributing.


Praxis requires Ruby 2.1.0 or greater.


This software is released under the MIT License. Please see LICENSE for further details.

Copyright (c) 2015 RightScale



Language:Ruby 100.0%