caralluma / pippo-logview

Tiny web log view using Pippo and WebSocket

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This project create a tiny web log view using Pippo and WebSocket.
A secondary goal of this project is to test the modularity in Pippo, to see if it's possible to create reusable components.


The code is trivial because it's very easy to add a web socket functionality with Pippo. All important code is available in What is cool is that LogView is a server agnostic component. You can use it with Jetty, Undertow or Tomcat without to change something. You never touch the native WebSocket implementation for a particular server.

public class LogViewApplication extends Application {

    protected void onInit() {
        // add routes for static content

        // add routes (serve an html that contains the javascript -> websocket client)
        GET("/", routeContext -> {
            try {
                String html = getResourceAsString("/index.html");
                // replace "host" placeholder
                html = html.replace("__HOST__", getPippoSettings().getString("", "localhost"));
                // replace "post" placeholder
                html = html.replace("__PORT__", getPippoSettings().getString("server.port", "8338"));

            } catch (IOException e) {

        addWebSocket("/log", new WebSocketHandler() {

            private LogTailer logTailer;

            public void onOpen(WebSocketContext webSocketContext) {
                // check if the log file exists
                File logFile = new File(getPippoSettings().getRequiredString("logview.tailer.file"));
                if (!logFile.exists() || !logFile.isFile()) {
                    log.error("File '{}' not found", logFile);

                // create the log tailer
                logTailer = new LogTailer(logFile, webSocketContext);

                // set some tailer's properties read from pippo settings
                logTailer.setDelayMillis(getPippoSettings().getLong("logview.tailer.delayMillis", 1000));
                logTailer.setEnd(getPippoSettings().getBoolean("logview.tailer.end", false));

                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

            public void onClose(WebSocketContext webSocketContext, int closeCode, String message) {
                if (logTailer != null) {


        // the idea with this route is to write lines in log file
        GET("/test", routeContext -> routeContext.send("Test"));


The boostrap support is added via webjars (I added boostrap to show you how easy is to add static web artifacts).

Related to modularity, my idea is to deliver pippo-logview as a reusable component that is easily integrated into a Pippo application. So, this component (that any web component) contains:

  • some css static resources (logview.css available in resources\css)
  • some javascript static resources (logview.js available in resources\js)
  • some Pippo's routes available in LogViewApplication; here we can come with a (LogView)RouteGroup
  • some json static resources (for example logview-highlight.json that is available in conf - I am not sure that is the correct folder)
  • some properties (embedded in this project directly in from conf )
logview.tailer.file = app.log
#logview.tailer.delayMillis = 1000
#logview.tailer.end = false
#logview.lines = 5000
#logview.noindent = false


Tiny web log view using Pippo and WebSocket


Language:Java 60.1%Language:JavaScript 27.6%Language:HTML 8.8%Language:CSS 3.5%